@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
ACGTO TAW: Bacala (anti Roman) vs Balladeer (Roman)
Good luck sir!
Test summary from TripleA, engine version:, time: 14:54:28
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - RomanRepublic
5 legionaires and 2 skirmishers moved from Messana to Lilybaeum
1 legionaire moved from Croton to SZ 44
1 bireme and 1 legionaire moved from SZ 44 to SZ 34
1 legionaire moved from SZ 34 to Lilybaeum
1 leader moved from Roma to SZ 28
1 ballista moved from Roma to SZ 28
3 legionaires and 1 skirmisher moved from Arretium to Genua
1 ballista, 3 legionaires and 1 skirmisher moved from Ariminum to Genua
1 skirmisher moved from Roma to SZ 28
3 legionaires moved from Capua to SZ 28
1 legionaire moved from Roma to SZ 28
1 ballista, 1 flagship, 1 leader, 4 legionaires, 1 quadrireme, 1 quinquereme, 1 skirmisher and 1 trireme moved from SZ 28 to SZ 34
1 ballista, 1 leader, 4 legionaires and 1 skirmisher moved from SZ 34 to Lilybaeum
3 legionaires moved from Salapia to Genua
2 cataphracts and 4 legionaires moved from Roma to GenuaPurchase Units - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic buy 2 ballistas, 1 legionaire, 1 quadrireme and 1 skirmisher; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - RomanRepublic
Battle in Genua
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 2 cataphracts, 13 legionaires and 2 skirmishers
AI_Neutral defend with 3 cavalry_neutrals and 3 warrior_neutrals
RomanRepublic win, taking Genua from AI_Neutral with 1 ballista, 2 cataphracts, 13 legionaires and 1 skirmisher remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 skirmisher
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 3 cavalry_neutrals and 3 warrior_neutrals
Battle in Lilybaeum
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 1 leader, 10 legionaires and 3 skirmishers
Carthage defend with 6 hoplites, 2 walls and 1 warelephant
Units damaged: 1 wall owned by the Carthage
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic win, taking Lilybaeum from Carthage with 1 ballista, 1 leader and 9 legionaires remaining. Battle score for attacker is 74
Casualties for Carthage: 6 hoplites, 2 walls and 1 warelephant
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaire and 3 skirmishersNon Combat Move - RomanRepublic
2 legionaires and 1 skirmisher moved from Croton to Capua
1 skirmisher moved from Salapia to SZ 48
1 bireme, 1 skirmisher and 1 trireme moved from SZ 48 to SZ 46
1 skirmisher moved from Tarentum to SZ 46
2 skirmishers moved from SZ 46 to Apollonia
1 legionaire moved from Tarentum to CapuaPlace Units - RomanRepublic
1 quadrireme placed in SZ 28
1 ballista placed in Roma
1 ballista, 1 legionaire and 1 skirmisher placed in ValentiaResearch Technology - RomanRepublic
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to conscription
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to construction
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to economics
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to warCollege
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to supraremes
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to quadriremes
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to triremes
Trigger ROMTechAct: RomanRepublic gains access to biremesTurn Complete - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic collect 53 PUs; end with 53 PUs total
Trigger TechResetRoman: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective ROM 15unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 52 PUs
Objective ROM 5unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -4 PUs; end with 48 PUs
Objective ROM 10unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 46 PUs
city in Roma creates 1 techTokens; RomanRepublic end with 1 techTokens
city in Roma creates 3 PUs; RomanRepublic end with 49 PUs
city in Valentia creates 1 techTokens; RomanRepublic end with 2 techTokens
city in Valentia creates 3 PUs; RomanRepublic end with 52 PUs -
Forgot aleria attack, rolling here if you don’t mind:
Attacking greek hoplite @2
:roll 1d6:Defending Carthagian @1
:roll 1d6:
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - GreekCityStates
1 archer, 2 cavalrys and 6 skirmishers moved from Athens to Larissa
1 archer, 2 hoplites and 2 skirmishers moved from Delphi to Larissa
1 leader moved from Sparta to SZ 67
1 catapult moved from Sparta to SZ 67
2 archers moved from Corinth to SZ 67
2 hoplites moved from Sparta to SZ 67
2 archers, 1 catapult, 1 flagship, 2 hoplites, 1 leader, 2 quadriremes and 1 trireme moved from SZ 67 to SZ 68
2 archers, 1 catapult, 1 flagship, 2 hoplites, 1 leader, 2 quadriremes and 1 trireme moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
2 archers, 1 catapult, 2 hoplites and 1 leader moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
1 trireme moved from SZ 40 to SZ 34Purchase Units - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates buy 3 cavalrys and 4 skirmishers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - GreekCityStates
Battle in Larissa
GreekCityStates attack with 4 archers, 1 catapult, 2 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 8 skirmishers
Macedonia defend with 1 cavalry, 3 phalanxs, 5 skirmishers and 1 warrior
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates win, taking Larissa from Macedonia with 4 archers, 1 catapult, 2 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 skirmishers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 35
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 cavalry, 3 phalanxs, 5 skirmishers and 1 warrior
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 6 skirmishersNon Combat Move - GreekCityStates
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by GreekCityStates from Massilia: 1 hoplite
EDIT: Removing units owned by Carthage from Aleria: 1 cavalry
EDIT: Adding units owned by GreekCityStates to Aleria: 1 hoplite
EDIT: Changing ownership of Aleria from Carthage to GreekCityStates
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
2 hoplites moved from Sparta to Corinth
1 skirmisher moved from Syracuse to Lilybaeum
2 skirmishers moved from Syracuse to Lilybaeum
1 bireme moved from SZ 20 to SZ 21Place Units - GreekCityStates
3 cavalrys and 4 skirmishers placed in SpartaResearch Technology - GreekCityStates
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to conscription
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to construction
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to economics
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to warCollege
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to supraremes
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to quadriremes
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to triremes
Trigger GCCTechAct: GreekCityStates gains access to biremesTurn Complete - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates collect 48 PUs; end with 48 PUs total
Trigger TechResetGreek: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective GCS 10unitMaintenance: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 47 PUs
Objective GCS 5unitMaintenance: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 44 PUs
city in Sparta creates 1 techTokens; GreekCityStates end with 1 techTokens
city in Sparta creates 3 PUs; GreekCityStates end with 47 PUs
city in Apollonia creates 1 techTokens; GreekCityStates end with 2 techTokens
city in Apollonia creates 3 PUs; GreekCityStates end with 50 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Pergamon
Purchase Units - Pergamon
Pergamon buy 1 catapult, 2 skirmishers and 1 spearman; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Non Combat Move - Pergamon
2 spearmen moved from Cydonia to SZ 66
1 flagship, 2 spearmen and 2 triremes moved from SZ 66 to SZ 69
1 leader moved from Sardis to SZ 69
1 leader and 2 spearmen moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
2 cavalrys moved from Halicarnassus to Sardis
2 skirmishers moved from Sardis to Halicarnassus
4 skirmishers and 1 spearman moved from Pergamum to SardisPlace Units - Pergamon
1 catapult, 2 skirmishers and 1 spearman placed in SardisResearch Technology - Pergamon
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to conscription
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to construction
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to economics
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to warCollege
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to supraremes
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to quadriremes
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to triremes
Trigger PERTechAct: Pergamon gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Pergamon
Pergamon collect 22 PUs; end with 22 PUs total
Trigger TechResetPergamon: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective PER 10unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 21 PUs
Objective PER 15unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 20 PUs
Objective PER 5unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 17 PUs
city in Sardis creates 1 techTokens; Pergamon end with 1 techTokens
city in Sardis creates 3 PUs; Pergamon end with 20 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Carthage
2 triremes moved from SZ 29 to SZ 31
1 flagship, 1 quadrireme and 1 trireme moved from SZ 36 to SZ 32
5 cavalrys moved from Carthago to Igilgili
3 hoplites moved from Hippo Regius to Igilgili
1 hoplite moved from Zama to Igilgili
2 hoplites moved from Sabrata to Thenae
1 hoplite moved from Thenae to Thapsus
3 cavalrys moved from Thapsus to Igilgili
2 cavalrys moved from Zama to Igilgili
1 cavalry moved from Hippo Regius to Igilgili
1 leader moved from Carthago to Igilgili
1 warelephant moved from Hippo Regius to Igilgili
1 warelephant moved from Zama to Igilgili
2 hoplites moved from Tingis to SZ 14
2 biremes and 2 hoplites moved from SZ 14 to SZ 15
2 hoplites moved from SZ 15 to Acci
4 cavalrys and 4 phalanxs moved from Gades to AcciPurchase Units - Carthage
Carthage buy 1 bireme, 1 phalanx and 1 suprareme; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Carthage
Battle in Igilgili
Carthage attack with 11 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 warelephants
AI_Neutral defend with 3 cavalry_neutrals
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Carthage
Carthage win, taking Igilgili from AI_Neutral with 11 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 warelephants remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 3 cavalry_neutrals
Battle in Acci
Carthage attack with 4 cavalrys, 2 hoplites and 4 phalanxs
AI_Neutral defend with 2 archer_neutrals
Carthage win, taking Acci from AI_Neutral with 4 cavalrys, 2 hoplites and 4 phalanxs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 2 archer_neutralsNon Combat Move - Carthage
Place Units - Carthage
1 bireme and 1 suprareme placed in SZ 32
1 phalanx placed in GadesResearch Technology - Carthage
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to conscription
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to construction
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to economics
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to warCollege
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to supraremes
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to quadriremes
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to triremes
Trigger CARTechAct: Carthage gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Carthage
Carthage collect 42 PUs; end with 42 PUs total
Trigger TechResetCarthage: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective CAR 10unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 39 PUs
Objective CAR 5unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -4 PUs; end with 35 PUs
Objective CAR 15unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 34 PUs
city in Carthago creates 1 techTokens; Carthage end with 1 techTokens
city in Carthago creates 3 PUs; Carthage end with 37 PUs
city in Gades creates 1 techTokens; Carthage end with 2 techTokens
city in Gades creates 3 PUs; Carthage end with 40 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Macedonia
1 phalanx and 1 skirmisher moved from Dodona to Delphi
1 phalanx and 2 skirmishers moved from Dodona to Apollonia
1 cavalry, 1 phalanx and 3 skirmishers moved from Pella to Apollonia
2 cavalrys and 1 leader moved from Thessalonica to Apollonia
1 cavalry moved from Philippopolis to Apollonia
2 cavalrys moved from Nicopolis to Apollonia
4 phalanxs and 4 skirmishers moved from Philippopolis to Thessalonica
2 phalanxs and 4 skirmishers moved from Odessus to Thessalonica
2 cavalrys, 2 phalanxs, 2 skirmishers and 2 warriors moved from Byzantium to Thessalonica
3 warriors moved from Sardica to PellaPurchase Units - Macedonia
Macedonia buy 4 catapults and 1 trireme; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Macedonia
Battle in Delphi
Macedonia attack with 1 phalanx and 1 skirmisher
GreekCityStates defend with 1 skirmisher
Macedonia win, taking Delphi from GreekCityStates with 1 phalanx and 1 skirmisher remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 skirmisher
Battle in Apollonia
Macedonia attack with 6 cavalrys, 1 leader, 2 phalanxs and 5 skirmishers
RomanRepublic defend with 2 skirmishers; GreekCityStates defend with 1 city, 4 hoplites and 1 wall
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Macedonia
Macedonia win, taking Apollonia from GreekCityStates with 6 cavalrys, 1 leader, 1 phalanx and 1 skirmisher remaining. Battle score for attacker is 31
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 2 skirmishers
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 phalanx and 4 skirmishers
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 4 hoplites and 1 wallNon Combat Move - Macedonia
Place Units - Macedonia
1 trireme placed in SZ 70
4 catapults placed in ThessalonicaResearch Technology - Macedonia
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to conscription
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to construction
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to economics
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to warCollege
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to supraremes
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to quadriremes
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to triremes
Trigger MACTechAct: Macedonia gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Macedonia
Macedonia collect 40 PUs; end with 40 PUs total
Trigger TechResetMacedonia: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective MAC 5unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 38 PUs
Objective MAC 20unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 37 PUs
Objective MAC 15unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 36 PUs
Objective MAC 25unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 35 PUs
Objective MAC 10unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 34 PUs
city in Thessalonica creates 1 techTokens; Macedonia end with 1 techTokens
city in Thessalonica creates 3 PUs; Macedonia end with 37 PUs
city in Apollonia creates 1 techTokens; Macedonia end with 2 techTokens
city in Apollonia creates 3 PUs; Macedonia end with 40 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Bosporus
2 archers and 2 horsearchers moved from Azara to Sinda
2 horsearchers moved from Tanais to Sinda
2 archers moved from Tanais to Azara
2 cataphracts and 2 horsearchers moved from Olbia to Azara
3 horsearchers moved from Tyras to Tanais
3 cataphracts moved from Theodesia to Azara
3 cavalrys moved from Theodesia to Azara
3 hoplites moved from Theodesia to TanaisPurchase Units - Bosporus
Bosporus buy 3 cavalrys and 2 horsearchers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Non Combat Move - Bosporus
1 bireme moved from SZ 74 to SZ 80
1 flagship and 1 quadrireme moved from SZ 81 to SZ 80
3 hoplites and 1 leader moved from Theodesia to SZ 80
3 hoplites and 1 leader moved from SZ 80 to SindaPlace Units - Bosporus
3 cavalrys and 2 horsearchers placed in TheodesiaResearch Technology - Bosporus
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to conscription
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to construction
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to economics
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to warCollege
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to supraremes
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to quadriremes
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to triremes
Trigger BOSTechAct: Bosporus gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Bosporus
Bosporus collect 24 PUs; end with 24 PUs total
Trigger TechResetBosporus: Bosporus met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective BOS 5unitMaintenance: Bosporus met a national objective for an additional -4 PUs; end with 20 PUs
Objective BOS 10unitMaintenance: Bosporus met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 18 PUs
city in Theodesia creates 1 techTokens; Bosporus end with 1 techTokens
city in Theodesia creates 3 PUs; Bosporus end with 21 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Pontus
6 hoplites and 6 skirmishers moved from Heraclea Pontica to Pessinus
1 leader moved from Sinope to Pessinus
6 chariots moved from Sinope to Pessinus
1 catapult, 6 phalanxs and 6 skirmishers moved from Sinope to Tavium
1 bireme, 1 flagship and 2 triremes moved from SZ 76 to SZ 77
1 bireme, 1 flagship and 2 triremes moved from SZ 77 to SZ 78Purchase Units - Pontus
Pontus buy 2 chariots and 1 skirmisher; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat - Pontus
Battle in SZ 78
Pontus attack with 1 bireme, 1 flagship and 2 triremes
Armenia defend with 1 flagship and 2 triremes
Units damaged: 1 flagship owned by the Pontus
Pontus win with 1 flagship and 2 triremes remaining. Battle score for attacker is 18
Casualties for Armenia: 1 flagship and 2 triremes
Casualties for Pontus: 1 bireme
Battle in Tavium
Pontus attack with 1 catapult, 6 phalanxs and 6 skirmishers
AI_Neutral defend with 1 cavalry_neutral and 3 spearman_neutrals
Pontus win, taking Tavium from AI_Neutral with 1 catapult, 6 phalanxs and 5 skirmishers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
Casualties for Pontus: 1 skirmisher
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 1 cavalry_neutral and 3 spearman_neutrals
Battle in Pessinus
Pontus attack with 6 chariots, 6 hoplites, 1 leader and 6 skirmishers
AI_Neutral defend with 2 spearman_neutrals
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Pontus
Pontus win, taking Pessinus from AI_Neutral with 6 chariots, 6 hoplites, 1 leader and 6 skirmishers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 2 spearman_neutralsNon Combat Move - Pontus
Place Units - Pontus
2 chariots and 1 skirmisher placed in SinopeResearch Technology - Pontus
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to conscription
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to construction
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to economics
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to warCollege
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to supraremes
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to quadriremes
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to triremes
Trigger PONTechAct: Pontus gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Pontus
Pontus collect 16 PUs; end with 17 PUs total
Trigger TechResetPontus: Pontus met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective PON 15unitMaintenance: Pontus met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 16 PUs
Objective PON 5unitMaintenance: Pontus met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 14 PUs
Objective PON 10unitMaintenance: Pontus met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 12 PUs
city in Sinope creates 1 techTokens; Pontus end with 1 techTokens
city in Sinope creates 3 PUs; Pontus end with 15 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Seleucid
1 phalanx moved from Vologesia to Seleucia
1 phalanx moved from Euphrates to Seleucia
2 hoplites and 1 phalanx moved from Ninive to Seleucia
2 phalanxs moved from Hatra to Seleucia
3 hoplites and 1 phalanx moved from Bostra to Petra
1 cataphract moved from Damascus to Petra
1 cataphract moved from Palmyra to Petra
3 hoplites and 1 phalanx moved from Damascus to Jerusalem
2 cataphracts moved from Antioch to Jerusalem
1 cataphract moved from Edessa to Sidon
3 hoplites and 1 phalanx moved from Tarsus to SZ 61
1 cataphract, 3 hoplites, 1 leader, 2 phalanxs and 1 warelephant moved from Antioch to Sidon
1 catapult moved from Antioch to SZ 61
1 catapult, 3 hoplites and 1 phalanx moved from SZ 61 to SalamisPurchase Units - Seleucid
Seleucid buy 2 cataphracts, 2 catapults and 3 hoplites; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Seleucid
Battle in Jerusalem
Seleucid attack with 2 cataphracts, 3 hoplites and 1 phalanx
Egypt defend with 1 chariot, 1 phalanx and 1 warelephant
Seleucid win, taking Jerusalem from Egypt with 2 cataphracts, 1 hoplite and 1 phalanx remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11
Casualties for Egypt: 1 chariot, 1 phalanx and 1 warelephant
Casualties for Seleucid: 2 hoplites
Battle in Petra
Seleucid attack with 2 cataphracts, 3 hoplites and 1 phalanx
Egypt defend with 3 archers
Seleucid win, taking Petra from Egypt with 2 cataphracts, 1 hoplite and 1 phalanx remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Egypt: 3 archers
Casualties for Seleucid: 2 hoplites
Battle in Salamis
Seleucid attack with 1 catapult, 3 hoplites and 1 phalanx
Egypt defend with 1 wall and 1 warelephant
Units damaged: 1 wall owned by the Egypt
Seleucid win, taking Salamis from Egypt with 1 catapult, 1 hoplite and 1 phalanx remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16
Casualties for Egypt: 1 wall and 1 warelephant
Casualties for Seleucid: 2 hoplites
Battle in Sidon
Seleucid attack with 2 cataphracts, 3 hoplites, 1 leader, 2 phalanxs and 1 warelephant
Egypt defend with 2 archers, 2 chariots and 1 phalanx
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Seleucid
Seleucid win, taking Sidon from Egypt with 1 cataphract, 1 hoplite, 1 leader, 2 phalanxs and 1 warelephant remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15
Casualties for Egypt: 2 archers, 2 chariots and 1 phalanx
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 cataphract and 2 hoplitesNon Combat Move - Seleucid
3 hoplites moved from Palmyra to Seleucia
1 cataphract moved from Vologesia to Palmyra
4 cataphracts moved from Seleucia to Palmyra
2 cataphracts moved from Hatra to Palmyra
1 warelephant moved from Edessa to Antioch
1 hoplite and 1 phalanx moved from Emesa to Damascus
2 hoplites moved from Edessa to Antioch
1 hoplite and 1 phalanx moved from Edessa to HatraPlace Units - Seleucid
2 catapults and 3 hoplites placed in Seleucia
2 cataphracts placed in AntiochResearch Technology - Seleucid
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to conscription
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to construction
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to economics
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to warCollege
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to supraremes
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to quadriremes
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to triremes
Trigger SELTechAct: Seleucid gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Seleucid
Seleucid collect 74 PUs; end with 74 PUs total
Trigger TechResetSeleucid: Seleucid met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective SEL 5unitMaintenance: Seleucid met a national objective for an additional -4 PUs; end with 70 PUs
Objective SEL 20unitMaintenance: Seleucid met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 69 PUs
Objective SEL 15unitMaintenance: Seleucid met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 68 PUs
Objective SEL 10unitMaintenance: Seleucid met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 67 PUs
city in Antioch creates 1 techTokens; Seleucid end with 1 techTokens
city in Antioch creates 3 PUs; Seleucid end with 70 PUs
city in Seleucia creates 1 techTokens; Seleucid end with 2 techTokens
city in Seleucia creates 3 PUs; Seleucid end with 73 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Egypt
1 chariot moved from Memphis to Jerusalem
1 archer moved from Pharan to Jerusalem
1 phalanx moved from Memphis to SZ 58
1 phalanx and 1 quadrireme moved from SZ 58 to SZ 59
1 phalanx moved from SZ 59 to Jerusalem
1 phalanx moved from Alexandria to SZ 57
1 archer moved from Alexandria to SZ 57
1 archer moved from Alexandria to SZ 57
2 archers, 1 bireme, 1 flagship, 1 phalanx and 2 triremes moved from SZ 57 to SZ 59
2 archers and 1 phalanx moved from SZ 59 to JerusalemPurchase Units - Egypt
Egypt buy 3 chariots and 1 quinquereme; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Egypt
Battle in Jerusalem
Egypt attack with 3 archers, 1 chariot and 2 phalanxs
Seleucid defend with 2 cataphracts, 1 hoplite and 1 phalanx
Egypt win, taking Jerusalem from Seleucid with 2 archers and 2 phalanxs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 18
Casualties for Egypt: 1 archer and 1 chariot
Casualties for Seleucid: 2 cataphracts, 1 hoplite and 1 phalanxNon Combat Move - Egypt
1 archer and 1 warelephant moved from Memphis to Pharan
2 chariots moved from Alexandria to Pharan
1 phalanx and 1 warelephant moved from Alexandria to Memphis
1 leader moved from Alexandria to Pharan
1 warelephant moved from Hermopolis to Memphis
1 warelephant moved from Memphis to Pharan
2 archers and 2 phalanxs moved from Hermopolis to Memphis
1 warelephant moved from Paraetonium to Alexandria
1 phalanx moved from Siwa to Paraetonium
1 phalanx moved from Paliurus to Paraetonium
1 archer moved from Cyrene to PaliurusPlace Units - Egypt
3 chariots placed in Alexandria
1 quinquereme placed in SZ 57Research Technology - Egypt
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to conscription
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to construction
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to economics
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to warCollege
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to supraremes
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to quadriremes
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to triremes
Trigger EGYTechAct: Egypt gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Egypt
Egypt collect 34 PUs; end with 34 PUs total
Trigger TechResetEgypt: Egypt met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective EGY 5unitMaintenance: Egypt met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 32 PUs
city in Alexandria creates 1 techTokens; Egypt end with 1 techTokens
city in Alexandria creates 3 PUs; Egypt end with 35 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Parthia
Purchase Units - Parthia
Parthia buy 3 cataphracts; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Non Combat Move - Parthia
2 archers and 2 horsearchers moved from Ecbatana to Susa
2 archers moved from Cyropolis to Ecbatana
2 horsearchers moved from Cyropolis to Susa
2 archers, 1 leader and 3 warelephants moved from Persepolis to Susa
1 catapult moved from East to SZ 84
1 catapult and 1 trireme moved from SZ 84 to SZ 86
1 catapult moved from SZ 86 to Cyropolis
1 flagship moved from SZ 86 to SZ 84
1 archer moved from East to SZ 83Place Units - Parthia
3 cataphracts placed in PersepolisResearch Technology - Parthia
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to conscription
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to construction
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to economics
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to warCollege
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to supraremes
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to quadriremes
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to triremes
Trigger PARTechAct: Parthia gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Parthia
Parthia collect 28 PUs; end with 28 PUs total
Trigger TechResetParthia: Parthia met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective PAR 20unitMaintenance: Parthia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 27 PUs
Objective PAR 5unitMaintenance: Parthia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 26 PUs
Objective PAR 10unitMaintenance: Parthia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 25 PUs
Objective PAR 15unitMaintenance: Parthia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 24 PUs
city in Persepolis creates 1 techTokens; Parthia end with 1 techTokens
city in Persepolis creates 3 PUs; Parthia end with 27 PUs
city in East creates 1 techTokens; Parthia end with 2 techTokens
city in East creates 3 PUs; Parthia end with 30 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 1
Combat Move - Armenia
2 horsearchers and 2 skirmishers moved from Satala to Trapezus
3 cataphracts and 3 horsearchers moved from Artaxata to Trapezus
1 leader moved from Armavira to Trapezus
4 skirmishers and 4 spearmen moved from Phasis to TrapezusPurchase Units - Armenia
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Armenia from Albana: 5 cataphracts
EDIT: Adding units owned by Armenia to Trapezus: 5 cataphracts
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Armenia buy 1 catapult and 3 skirmishers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Armenia
Battle in Trapezus
Armenia attack with 8 cataphracts, 5 horsearchers, 1 leader, 6 skirmishers and 4 spearmen
AI_Neutral defend with 2 archer_neutrals and 4 spearman_neutrals
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Armenia
Armenia win, taking Trapezus from AI_Neutral with 8 cataphracts, 5 horsearchers, 1 leader, 3 skirmishers and 4 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is -12
Casualties for Armenia: 3 skirmishers
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 2 archer_neutrals and 4 spearman_neutralsNon Combat Move - Armenia
1 catapult and 5 spearmen moved from Albana to Armavira
6 skirmishers and 6 spearmen moved from Armavira to PhasisPlace Units - Armenia
1 catapult and 3 skirmishers placed in ArmaviraResearch Technology - Armenia
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to conscription
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to construction
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to economics
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to tradeRoutes
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to siegeWeapons
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to warCollege
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to navalAcademy
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to supraremes
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to quinqueremes
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to quadriremes
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to triremes
Trigger ARMTechAct: Armenia gains access to biremesTurn Complete - Armenia
Armenia collect 24 PUs; end with 24 PUs total
Trigger TechResetArmenia: Armenia met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective ARM 15unitMaintenance: Armenia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 23 PUs
Objective ARM 20unitMaintenance: Armenia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 22 PUs
Objective ARM 5unitMaintenance: Armenia met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Objective ARM 10unitMaintenance: Armenia met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 16 PUs
city in Albana creates 1 techTokens; Armenia end with 1 techTokens
city in Albana creates 3 PUs; Armenia end with 19 PUs
city in Armavira creates 1 techTokens; Armenia end with 2 techTokens
city in Armavira creates 3 PUs; Armenia end with 22 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 unit repaired.
2 legionaires moved from Tarentum to SZ 46
1 bireme, 2 legionaires and 1 trireme moved from SZ 46 to SZ 45
2 legionaires moved from SZ 45 to DodonaPurchase Units - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic buy 1 quadrireme, 1 skirmisher and 1 suprareme; Remaining resources: 2 techTokens; 3 PUs;Combat - RomanRepublic
Battle in Dodona
RomanRepublic attack with 2 legionaires
Macedonia defend with 1 skirmisher
RomanRepublic win, taking Dodona from Macedonia with 1 legionaire remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaire
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 skirmisherNon Combat Move - RomanRepublic
2 legionaires moved from Capua to Tarentum
1 bireme, 1 flagship, 1 quadrireme, 1 quinquereme and 1 trireme moved from SZ 34 to SZ 28
1 legionaire and 2 skirmishers moved from Capua to Roma
2 cataphracts moved from Genua to Arretium
1 ballista, 13 legionaires and 1 skirmisher moved from Genua to MassiliaPlace Units - RomanRepublic
1 quadrireme and 1 suprareme placed in SZ 28
1 skirmisher placed in ValentiaResearch Technology - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic spend 0 on tech rolls
RomanRepublic removing all Technology Tokens after unsuccessful research.Turn Complete - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic collect 57 PUs; end with 60 PUs total
Trigger TechResetRoman: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective ROM 15unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 59 PUs
Objective ROM 5unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -5 PUs; end with 54 PUs
Objective ROM 10unitMaintenance: RomanRepublic met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 52 PUs
city in Roma creates 1 techTokens; RomanRepublic end with 1 techTokens
city in Roma creates 3 PUs; RomanRepublic end with 55 PUs
city in Valentia creates 1 techTokens; RomanRepublic end with 2 techTokens
city in Valentia creates 3 PUs; RomanRepublic end with 58 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - GreekCityStates
1 unit repaired.
2 cavalrys moved from Larissa to Delphi
1 leader and 1 skirmisher moved from Larissa to Delphi
1 hoplite moved from Larissa to DelphiPurchase Units - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates buy 1 archer and 6 hoplites; Remaining resources: 2 techTokens; 0 PUs;Combat - GreekCityStates
Battle in Delphi
GreekCityStates attack with 2 cavalrys, 1 hoplite, 1 leader and 1 skirmisher
Macedonia defend with 1 phalanx and 1 skirmisher
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates win, taking Delphi from Macedonia with 2 cavalrys, 1 hoplite, 1 leader and 1 skirmisher remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 phalanx and 1 skirmisherNon Combat Move - GreekCityStates
4 archers, 1 catapult and 3 hoplites moved from Larissa to Athens
1 skirmisher moved from Larissa to Athens
1 trireme moved from SZ 69 to SZ 67
1 quadrireme moved from SZ 69 to SZ 67
1 quadrireme moved from SZ 69 to SZ 68
2 hoplites moved from Rhodos to SZ 68
2 hoplites and 1 quadrireme moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
2 hoplites moved from SZ 69 to Athens
2 skirmishers moved from Sparta to SZ 67
1 skirmisher moved from Sparta to SZ 67
3 skirmishers moved from SZ 67 to Athens
3 cavalrys moved from Sparta to Athens
2 hoplites moved from Corinth to Athens
1 skirmisher moved from Sparta to Corinth
2 hoplites moved from Syracuse to Lilybaeum
1 trireme moved from SZ 34 to SZ 28
1 bireme moved from SZ 21 to SZ 28Place Units - GreekCityStates
1 archer and 6 hoplites placed in SpartaResearch Technology - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates spend 0 on tech rolls
GreekCityStates removing all Technology Tokens after unsuccessful research.Turn Complete - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates collect 45 PUs; end with 45 PUs total
Trigger TechResetGreek: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective GCS 10unitMaintenance: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 44 PUs
Objective GCS 15unitMaintenance: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 43 PUs
Objective GCS 5unitMaintenance: GreekCityStates met a national objective for an additional -4 PUs; end with 39 PUs
city in Sparta creates 1 techTokens; GreekCityStates end with 1 techTokens
city in Sparta creates 3 PUs; GreekCityStates end with 42 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - Pergamon
2 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 4 phalanxs, 8 skirmishers and 2 spearmen moved from Sardis to PessinusPurchase Units - Pergamon
Pergamon buy 1 cavalry, 1 skirmisher and 2 spearmen; Remaining resources: 1 techTokens; 0 PUs;Combat - Pergamon
Battle in Pessinus
Pergamon attack with 2 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 4 phalanxs, 8 skirmishers and 2 spearmen
Pontus defend with 6 chariots, 6 hoplites, 1 leader and 6 skirmishers
3 phalanxs owned by the Pergamon retreated to Sardis
Pontus win with 2 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11
Casualties for Pergamon: 2 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 1 phalanx, 8 skirmishers and 2 spearmen
Casualties for Pontus: 6 chariots, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 6 skirmishersNon Combat Move - Pergamon
2 phalanxs, 4 skirmishers and 2 spearmen moved from Halicarnassus to Sardis
1 skirmisher moved from Pergamum to SZ 69
1 skirmisher moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
1 leader moved from Larissa to SZ 69
1 leader moved from SZ 69 to Sardis
1 spearman moved from Pergamum to SZ 69
1 spearman moved from SZ 69 to Athens
2 spearmen moved from Larissa to Athens
1 spearman moved from Pergamum to Sardis
1 skirmisher moved from Pergamum to SardisPlace Units - Pergamon
1 cavalry, 1 skirmisher and 2 spearmen placed in SardisResearch Technology - Pergamon
Pergamon spend 0 on tech rolls
Pergamon removing all Technology Tokens after unsuccessful research.Turn Complete - Pergamon
Pergamon collect 22 PUs; end with 22 PUs total
Trigger TechResetPergamon: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective PER 10unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 21 PUs
Objective PER 15unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 20 PUs
Objective PER 5unitMaintenance: Pergamon met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 19 PUs
city in Sardis creates 1 techTokens; Pergamon end with 1 techTokens
city in Sardis creates 3 PUs; Pergamon end with 22 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - Carthage
1 unit repaired.
11 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 warelephants moved from Igilgili to Cartenna
4 cavalrys, 2 hoplites and 4 phalanxs moved from Acci to Hispatis
2 biremes moved from SZ 15 to SZ 29
1 phalanx moved from Gades to Acci
1 warelephant moved from Carthago to SZ 32
1 hoplite moved from Carthago to SZ 32
1 hoplite, 1 suprareme and 1 warelephant moved from SZ 32 to SZ 34
1 hoplite moved from Carthago to SZ 32
1 bireme and 1 hoplite moved from SZ 32 to SZ 34
1 warelephant moved from Carthago to SZ 32
2 hoplites moved from Carthago to SZ 32
2 hoplites and 1 quadrireme moved from SZ 32 to SZ 34
2 hoplites moved from SZ 34 to Capua
1 quinquereme and 1 warelephant moved from SZ 32 to SZ 34
1 warelephant moved from SZ 34 to Capua
2 hoplites and 1 warelephant moved from SZ 34 to Capua
1 hoplite moved from Carthago to SZ 32
2 hoplites moved from Caralis to SZ 32
1 flagship, 3 hoplites and 3 triremes moved from SZ 32 to SZ 34
3 hoplites moved from SZ 34 to Capua
1 hoplite moved from Thapsus to Carthago
2 triremes moved from SZ 31 to SZ 32
2 hoplites moved from Thenae to ThapsusPurchase Units - Carthage
Carthage buy 2 cavalrys, 1 hoplite and 1 quinquereme; Remaining resources: 2 techTokens; 0 PUs;Combat - Carthage
Battle in Hispatis
Carthage attack with 4 cavalrys, 2 hoplites and 4 phalanxs
AI_Barbarians defend with 1 warrior; AI_Neutral defend with 3 spearman_neutrals
Carthage win, taking Hispatis from AI_Neutral with 3 cavalrys, 2 hoplites and 4 phalanxs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Carthage: 1 cavalry
Casualties for AI_Barbarians: 1 warrior
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 3 spearman_neutrals
Battle in Capua
Carthage attack with 7 hoplites and 2 warelephants
RomanRepublic defend with 1 wall
Units damaged: 1 wall owned by the RomanRepublic
Carthage win, taking Capua from RomanRepublic with 7 hoplites and 1 warelephant remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Carthage: 1 warelephant
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 wall
Battle in Cartenna
Carthage attack with 11 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 warelephants
AI_Neutral defend with 2 cavalry_neutrals
Units damaged: 1 leader owned by the Carthage
Carthage win, taking Cartenna from AI_Neutral with 11 cavalrys, 4 hoplites, 1 leader and 2 warelephants remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for AI_Neutral: 2 cavalry_neutralsNon Combat Move - Carthage
Place Units - Carthage
1 quinquereme placed in SZ 32
2 cavalrys and 1 hoplite placed in GadesResearch Technology - Carthage
Carthage spend 0 on tech rolls
Carthage removing all Technology Tokens after unsuccessful research.Turn Complete - Carthage
Carthage collect 53 PUs; end with 53 PUs total
Trigger TechResetCarthage: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective CAR 10unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 52 PUs
Objective CAR 5unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -5 PUs; end with 47 PUs
Objective CAR 15unitMaintenance: Carthage met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 46 PUs
city in Carthago creates 1 techTokens; Carthage end with 1 techTokens
city in Carthago creates 3 PUs; Carthage end with 49 PUs
city in Gades creates 1 techTokens; Carthage end with 2 techTokens
city in Gades creates 3 PUs; Carthage end with 52 PUs -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total_Ancient_War, version: 1.0
Game History
Round: 2
Combat Move - Macedonia
1 unit repaired.
1 warrior moved from Pella to Sardica
5 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 8 phalanxs, 10 skirmishers and 7 warriors moved from Thessalonica to Larissa
1 skirmisher moved from Apollonia to Dodona
2 warriors moved from Pella to Dodona
1 cavalry moved from Apollonia to DodonaPurchase Units - Macedonia
Macedonia buy 3 cavalrys, 4 skirmishers and 1 warrior; Remaining resources: 2 techTokens; 0 PUs;Combat - Macedonia
Battle in Larissa
Macedonia attack with 5 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 8 phalanxs, 10 skirmishers and 7 warriors
Pergamon defend with 1 skirmisher
Macedonia win, taking Larissa from GreekCityStates with 5 catapults, 2 cavalrys, 8 phalanxs, 10 skirmishers and 7 warriors remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Pergamon: 1 skirmisher
Battle in Dodona
Macedonia attack with 1 cavalry, 1 skirmisher and 2 warriors
RomanRepublic defend with 1 legionaire
Macedonia win, taking Dodona from RomanRepublic with 1 cavalry, 1 skirmisher and 2 warriors remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaireNon Combat Move - Macedonia
5 cavalrys and 1 leader moved from Apollonia to LarissaPlace Units - Macedonia
2 skirmishers placed in Apollonia
3 cavalrys, 2 skirmishers and 1 warrior placed in ThessalonicaResearch Technology - Macedonia
Macedonia spend 0 on tech rolls
Macedonia removing all Technology Tokens after unsuccessful research.Turn Complete - Macedonia
Macedonia collect 41 PUs; end with 41 PUs total
Trigger TechResetMacedonia: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -10 techTokens; end with 0 techTokens
Objective MAC 5unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 39 PUs
Objective MAC 20unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 38 PUs
Objective MAC 15unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 37 PUs
Objective MAC 25unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 36 PUs
Objective MAC 10unitMaintenance: Macedonia met a national objective for an additional -1 PU; end with 35 PUs
city in Thessalonica creates 1 techTokens; Macedonia end with 1 techTokens
city in Thessalonica creates 3 PUs; Macedonia end with 38 PUs
city in Apollonia creates 1 techTokens; Macedonia end with 2 techTokens
city in Apollonia creates 3 PUs; Macedonia end with 41 PUs
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