I have a duplicate of the Hood, Richelue, and the Baltimore.
Posts made by tkroll
RE: Fghtrs vs Cap. Ships
RE: Why are boosters worth it
Boosters are worth it to a point… when you first start collecting it is nice to get extra “common” pieces like certain fighters, destroyers, etc. Once you narrow the set down a bit try to pick up individual pieces on line. Here in Reno I have started ordering the boosters online because I can buy them in bulk while the game stores will order them and sell them to me for twice as much. I don’t mind supporting local folks but I also believe in saving a significant amount of money. (example- got pacific for sixty bucks online and would pay over a hundred at the one store in town that had it).
So I order half a case of boosters when I can (depending on the set this can be 38-55 dollars for six cases). That nets 30 pieces. Out of a paycheck a bit later I can get a second half case for thirty more and then I start thinking about picking up any pieces I really want online. This is my new idea rather than just getting one booster at a time (especially when it is overpriced more often than not 20 bucks for WAS or 1939-1946).
I was wondering if anyone here had tried to come up with some historical battles for WAS. There are a few up on the axisandallies.com website but very few.
It seems to me like it would pretty challenging with some of the battles. For example to recreate something like Midway or the Coral Sea would be particularly challenging because the opposing fleets never saw each other, both battles were primarily in the air. Might need a house rule for something like that.
Even something that is easy to recreate with my stock of mini’s might be tricky. I have enough units to put together the story of the Bismark and refight it but it is still dicey. One real big battleship and a cruiser against two large British Battleships and two cruisers (Norfolk and Suffolk were shadowing Bismark but I don’t think they did much during the actual fight.
Has anyone here tried to recreate a naval scenario? If so tell us about it, what was the most challenging thing about set up, and above all was it fun to play?
RE: Fghtrs vs Cap. Ships
I had to have an Enterprise
Did you chase it around the Antares Maelstorm and Round Perdition’s Flame?- sorry I just had to ask. Kahn is right behind Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn in my list of favorite villians
I still don’t have an Enterprise or even a first line Allied Carrier. I do have the St. Lo which I might use to bring in a fighter for constant anti-air cover. Seems to work ok. I do have a few Jap. Carriars- the Akagi, Shoho, and the Z(sic). I have a ton of planes.
It seems a waste to me to have any aircraft strafe when they can be escorting bombers or torpedo planes, or utilized to shoot down attacking fighters.
RE: The weekend
Saw that one sometime ago and enjoyed it. I like seeing Hackman play a good guy from time to time. He made a good Lex Luther though too.
RE: Haiti-Total disaster!!
Julio Chavez says that type of thing. Typical for him.
aye. Sometimes when you’re a bleepity bleep bleep you gotta make lots of straw men to keep in power. BTW how much help did he send? Or did just mail them a get well card?
RE: TV vs Radio
Never got into DandD though I have friends who have. I was and still am into the old West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game. That is a blast. Unfortunately West End Games went under and our friends at WOTC bought got involved and had to redo the game in their own way. Over all their version was more restrictive and a lot less fun for me. I tried it once…It lasted about as long as the guy who rolled a gungun to play a star wars mission. Said gungun died less than a few minutes into the mission. I hate gunguns.
My closest friends from college still play this game (the same ones who play AanaA) and we try to get together a few times a year to play, camp, fish, hike, and well just have a good time.
RE: TV vs Radio
Rarely watch TV anymore. I sometimes will watch the news but I prefer Radio for that. There are a number of things about tv that irk me. One is there seems to always be more commercials than programming and the commercials are always louder. Another is well there isn’t anything on worth watching. The only reason I pay for cable is the internet.
I still watch movies but less and less of the newer ones. I may be getting senile thinking most everything coming out of Hollywood is overpriced and poorly written. Harrison Ford made a comment that if you wanted to part of a good story you almost had to produce it yourself.
RE: Star Wars Humor…
“Not allowed to share with Europe” ?
What kind of crap is this
I have no idea- One link is a fan film everyone should be able to see it. The other is a link to Robot Chicken’s star wars spoof.
RE: Star Wars Humor…
Heh heh- Nice one Jermo- had me thrown for a loop for a second there.
RE: Best 100pt army
Looked like the USA was gonna win because of the sheer number of armors. Anyone else suggest and unit combos?
Aye I thought that at first but the Sherman Tanks are totally out classed by a tiger. Even the Russian T-34s(think thats the right one) had trouble taking out Tigers. I remember hearing or reading that they finally started crashing their tanks into the Tigers to immobilize them. Tigers biggest problems seem to have been breakdowns and fuel consumption.
Have you seen the stats for the Early Sherman from North Africa? Thing sounds more like a ford pinto……
RE: Craziest rolls you've seen in AAP40?
I watched an invasion get thwarted from a player scoring 7 out of 10 hits with anti-aircraft. Oh that was rich for the reaction of the guy who lost all the planes…
RE: Haiti-Total disaster!!
Heard a news story today- apparently a group of Haitians spoke to some of the US military helping out down there asking us to take over the country, stating if that happened they wouldn’t starve and would be working. I can’t say I blame them for feeling that way. Just a bit I heard on the radio.
RE: Getting a new A&A game
The new 1940 Pacific game is a blast- there are a ton of options though.
For AA-50 you can download the rules and IL’s map and scrounge pieces from other AA games. I hear rumors and rumors of a reprint and hope they are true and also that it is a straight reprint rather than a cookie cutter lets save money one……Then again if you are lucky individual with a tax return coming and will have some left after the bills…
RE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Forum
I heard that a lot of the loose ends are getting tied up.
Oh yeah quite a few. The whole book gives a sense of the end coming- even with some of the side characters.
I would have to say that they’re probably not great. Does anyone else who has read the “Dune” books have a different opinion?
I tend to agree. However his son and Kevin Anderson did a number of books that were quite good. The “House” books in particular. The also did a series that focused on the Butlerian Jihad which was also interesting but it spanned a lot of time. They also wrote two books that conclude the whole series and they weren’t bad.
I tried Paul of Dune and found it ok, not good enough to buy Winds of Dune which came later.I actually like Brian Herbert’s writing much more than his father’s. How much of that is Kevin Anderson (co author) I really don’t know. I wasn’t a fan of Anderson’s forays in the Star Wars novels.
RE: Brains vs beauty
Pretty much the same reason everyone else has listed.
RE: Saving UK Battleship, rule clarification
If Japan attacks UK, Anzac, or Us units when not at war she will have to fight all three. If Japan is already at war with UK/Anzac then she can choose to ignore the US units if not already at war with them.
The state of war commences at the beginning of the combat move so Japan will have to engage the war ship first.
Moving the Battleship can help some but if Japan is really determined to get the UK and Anzac ships she will. It should be possible to combine them all with the US fleet by turn 2 though (move from West Us-Pearl turn 1 and then Pearl to Queensland turn 2. So much depends on what Japan choose to do though. It is a little overwhelming at times.
It is especially overwhelming when public enemy number one is not an opposing player but a three year old convinced he is Loki. :P.
RE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Forum
The book is pretty good and impossible to put down. Sanderson is pretty good but different than Jordan. For the most part I couldn’t tell which parts of the book Jordan wrote and which parts were Sanderson’s. There were a few places I just wanted to shout “No” and more than a few I had to read again just because so much was happening. When you get to it you will enjoy it.
RE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Forum
Brain have you read “The Gathering Storm” yet? I couldn’t put that one down and have been left panting for the next two.
RE: Great game
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Those boxes that everyone didn’t like….Well compared to my revised they are a notch up. The options with Japan are astounding, at least without the soviets parked up North. I will actually be able to fit the global game on my kitchen table but will have to use tv trays for players. The naval and airbases are somewhat new to me and I had remember to use them. I had a lot of fun moving the Japaneese fleets about, stacks and stacks of chips. I might end up using the marshalling cards from revised.
The only complaints I really have are the lack of tacs, no ipcs, and the rule book. I plan to use some AAM pieces with this game.