I,ve never really played with Techs too much, I,m in a FFA game at the moment that is using them, seems to be working. We will be using LHTR 2.0, although I don’t have the copy in front of me at the moment as I am at work, I don’t think it has that ability in there though I could be wrong. Whats it able you to do?

Posts made by Randmacts
RE: FFA Rules and discussion
RE: FFA Rules and discussion
My apologies, when I mentioned Techs I actually meant N/A’s. So every country gets to choose 1 N/A with Russia and Brt getting a further random N/A.
RE: FFA Rules and discussion
Those all look pretty good to me.
Just a question on the conscripts/commandos thing, do you place those guys at the beginning of your turn and can use them to attack? Or are they placed at the end of your turn as reinforcements?
I’m thinking maybe at the end of your turn, and they don’t need to abide by the rules of land values. Example, Russia Buys 8 Inf Places all of them in Mos, you can place the 2 conscripts there as well.
As far as Techs go I think maybe all Powers choose 1, and the second N/A for Russia and Britain is random. Whats the thoughts on that?
FFA Rules and discussion
Here’s just a few ideas of mine plus alot of ideas from other players who have taken an interest in the FFA concept and wish to explore this exciting option of gameplay further.
LHTR 2.0 only
Capitol in exhile
Power has to hold 8 Victory cities for 1 full turn after taking
N/A’s allowed but randomly selected at the start of each powers turn
Russia and Brt both receive 2 N/A’s remainder just 1New start up money for each Power
Russia - 34 Ipc’s ( automatically 10 Ipc’s extra each round up to 40 Ipc’s )
Germany - 40 Ipc’s
Britain - 35 Ipc’s ( automatically 5 Ipc’s extra each round up to a total of 40 Ipc’s )
Japan - 30 Ipc’s
Usa - 42 Ipc’sExtra units for start up
Russia1 Extra Ftr Caus
1 Bom MosBritain
1 IC Saf
The AA Ind gets moved to Saf
BB SZ13 and Dest SZ15 moved to SZ2All other powers as per normal
Victory Cities
Rus- Mos
NovGer- Ger
LibGbr- Gbr
SafJpn- Jpn
SolUsa- Eus
HawNational Advantages
Lend Lease can be swapped withConscripts
Russia player allowed to place 2 Russian Inf in any Russia territory held at the begiining of it’s turnGbr
Joint strike can be replaced byBritish Commandos
British player allowed to place 2 Gbr Inf in any territory held at the beginning of it’s turnMiddle East Oil can be replace by
Jet Fighters
All British Ftrs can now move 5 spaces instead of 4Enigma Decoded and French resistence can be scrapped so they only have to roll out of 4 possible N/A’s
This is how the map could start of the game.
Any Ideas are most welcome, this is by no means a final copy of how we should play it. -
RE: What ended up happening in that proposed free for all late last year
Count me in for that game definatly. I’m in the process of drawing up some rules and ideas that I wouldnt mind put in maybe a permanent thread where people can view them easily and comment on and contribute ideas to fine tune it so to speak. Hey wouldn’t a FFA tournament be interesting if we can some sort of system going :-D
RE: Gaming Online
Just refreshing this thread
I’m big on Strat games
At the moment am playing Age Of Empires 3 again after a layoff of well over a year, forgot how enjoyable that game is
Also play but not so much any more
C&C Generals
Age of Mythology
Dawn of War.Anyone willing to play AoE 3 send me a message.
RE: Axis & Allies World Championship 2008
I’m willing to throw my name into the mix to play in this tournament, although I think I am still learning the game so to speak.
I personally think that A&A.org is definetly the best place to play, the main reason is that its easy to navigate around, find games and the fact that there are alot of really good gamers playing. But I would enjoy playing in this tounament on behalf of A&A.org if the powers to be are happy for me to do so. Also being from Australia, with the only player that I know from Australia being Tekky from this site, it would be good to have a representitive from there.
Rand. -
RE: Sub Question
Yeah but Brt has in SZ5 already 1 BB 4 Trns 1 AC 1 Ftr as well as 1 Russian Sub and 4 Usa Trns when he placed the Sub there.
Sub Question
This has probably been covered before but I can’t find where it’s clarified.
It is the usual Gbr Fleet in SZ5 doing the Transport ferry system from Gbr. Gbr has no Dest present.
Ger on their turn builds a Sub placing it in SZ5.
Can Gbr still ferry Inf from Gbr to Len in that Sea Zone? -
RE: Submerged submarines and opening fire questions
Righto so the attack began with 1 Sub attacking an AC with 2 Ftrs on it, I assume they would be classed as cargo until that Sub misses, and then the AC and 2 Ftrs get a defence shot correct?
RE: Submerged submarines and opening fire questions
This probably sounds like a stupid question, and has probably been covered before and I think I know the ruling as I have just performed such a feat. If a lone Sub shoots at an AC with 2 Ftrs on it and hits, does the AC sink with the Ftrs on it or do the Ftrs survive to land on a nearby Island?
RE: The UK and Industrial Centers
I once played a player who used an India IC effectively. He built there on Britains second turn after the attack on China in my Japans 1 go wen;t South in a really bad way. He doubled that up with a USA IC in Sin.
He managed to hold these 2 IC’s for several rounds,( relying on reinforcements from Russia ) thus restricting Japan’s push into Asia. He also had a Trnsport system going from Africa to help the cause with the Usa.
I eventually took both these IC’s in later rounds but not before he had built enough defences in which he later dual attacked me with USA and Russia.
I tried using a similar strategy in a game before this one but it failed miserably, but that by no means that it can’t be done.
I by no means class my self a good player ( I myself am still learning the game somewhat )
but it might give you a little food for thought. -
RE: Quick Question
Yes the Arm and Inf do get to shoot back, the only Unit that can’t shoot at Ftrs in the game is submarines ( or Bombers for that matter. )
RE: Find Opponents Here!
Hey Switch, I’m keen for a game, I’ll send a PM with my email addy and we can get started, should you choose to play me of course.
Saburi Sakai is his name wrong spelling just going off memory.
Yeah I was told earlier on when I first started playing I had to sign up with DAAK but have yet to use it I think. I think I downloaded abattlemap from there and that was it. Frood supplies everything we need I think plus the inhouse dicey is very convenient.
I noticed Saburi Sabiko is holding a touney in January as well. It would be good if we could somehow join the 2 or persuade him and the other gamers on that site to join our Tourney and League for that matter to bolster our already growing numbers even more. -
Yeah I got it the other day, very impressed with the single player gameplay, haven’t tried it online yet but.
RE: Global War(Free Map) + Rules
I don’t mean to be picky, but being a proud Australian was there any reason why Victoria was left off the South Eastern tip of Australia
( And the island State of Tasmania for that matter. ) -
RE: Global War(Free Map) + Rules
Well done Death for finishing this project, now to only find someone to play it with……
Shame you couldn’t play it using a program such as abattlemap.
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