Hello everyone. I had introduced myself before, but had to redo my account, and it got deleted I guess.
I am from Missouri. I have been playing Axis and Allies for a few years now. I only recently started trying to get better at strategy. I usually play with my brother, but sometimes with a friend too. I have only played A&A 1942, but just got the 1940 global and am excited to play that. I haven’t done much with customizations or house rules, but would like to eventually.

Best posts made by J.o.C.
RE: 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)
RE: What are you reading
Currently I am reading a book called Seizing the Enigma: The Race to Break the German U-boat Codes. So far it has been pretty interesting.
RE: Attack on the neutrals by allies
The one time I tried it, it just resulted in a stalemate at Spain. All we did was trade unit for unit essentially. I had more income, but had to ferry all my troops over, so couldnt make a breakthrough. I couldn’t make any headway in France, and he couldn’t take Spain over. Eventually we had to end the game because it was taking to long. Of note though, I didn’t know you could build factories in nuetral countries.
RE: Attack on the neutrals by allies
@oysteilo Yeah, just figured that out a few days ago.
RE: British Economy/Middle East Questions
@Saber25 It doesn’t matter what side of the board the units start on. Obviously, they will get mixed up as the game goes on, and it could be hard to remember them all. When playing global, all territories on the Europe map, except Western India, or whatever it is called, go towards Britain’s Europe economy. This includes territories captured or neutrals taken over. It is the same way on the Pacific map except Western Canadas ipcs go to the Europe economy. Western Indias ipcs go toward Pacific economy.
RE: Is Artillery Useful?
I have wondered the same thing, and until recently, in the games my brother and I have played artillery was never really purchased. However, I am beginning to think it’s more valuable than what I thought. For example, say you purchase eight infantry. They will cost 24 ipcs. If you are attacking with them, you only have a roll value of one and it’s not likely you will get many hits, if any. But say you buy four infantry and four artillery. That will cost 28 ipcs. But now, all eight units will have an attack roll value of two, for only four more ipcs. To me that seems to be worth it. But obviously, artillery are only good for supporting infantry while attacking. Infantry are a better value for defense since they cost less but roll the same as artillery would.
RE: Clear the Browser Cache (was: Bug regarding user picture)
I am having the same problem too. Whenever I try to change the background picture, it won’t stay changed. It let’s me take it off, but when I upload a new picture it changes back to the old one.
RE: Overpurchasing and undermobilizing
I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that you are not supposed to intentionally purchase more than you can place. That rule is just there in case you make a mistake. I could be wrong though.
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
@Jofes From what I’ve read and the games I’ve played, the axis initially have the advantage at the beginning, at least in terms of manpower and the setup of the board. If they can capitalize on that, they have a very good chance of winning. But they also can not afford to have very many bad dice rolls, especially in key battles. I have had the same problems in Russia. The allies start with more income, so if they can hold of the axis long enough, and make wise purchases, the advantage goes to them.
RE: Does anyone have a strategy to defeat Germany as fast possible? / 1941
@Iisded I have never played 1941, so I can’t give you a strategy, but I know there is some strategy advice for this version in the Axis & Allies 1941 category on this website. Just look around.
RE: Clear the Browser Cache (was: Bug regarding user picture)
Thanks @Panther. Clearing the browser cache worked.
RE: What is the most unusual/annoying/strange allied bid
Ah. I have never done bids, so I don’t know the rules.
RE: Enemy capital taken
@shake118118 I haven’t played 1941, but in the versions I have, if your capital is taken, you cannot produce units, even if you capture or already captured an enemy capital. That should be the case in 1941 as well.
RE: On this day during W.W. 2
76 years ago today, the weather was terrible around the English Channel. Maybe it was all for the best though. The Providence of God was very evident through all the planning and events leading up to D-Day, as well as the day of and the aftermath.
RE: My Global 40 Cold War Edition
Very interesting. Good work! Any idea what you could use for units if you don’t have A&A WW1?
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