@nebnworb What are your winning conditions if you don’t use victory cities? Just control the enemies capitals?

Posts made by J.o.C.
RE: 1940 Global Alpha 2: US Navy maneuvers in Pacific while neutral
RE: On this day during W.W. 2
76 years ago today, the weather was terrible around the English Channel. Maybe it was all for the best though. The Providence of God was very evident through all the planning and events leading up to D-Day, as well as the day of and the aftermath.
RE: Overpurchasing and undermobilizing
I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that you are not supposed to intentionally purchase more than you can place. That rule is just there in case you make a mistake. I could be wrong though.
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
If I am the allies, I usually try to keep equal pressure on both sides, so neither can get out of control. Unless one side is doing especially good or something. Or if one side is doing worse, I focus on the other more.
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
@Dimitri Do you have Germany try to take India usually? If not, what is your usual third victory city?
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
@Jofes Usually the three cities I go for are Leningrad, Moscow, and Calcutta (India). If you’re having a hard time in India or Russia, Honolulu is another option, but I find it hard to hold. I’ve never really tried to take London, but if you can take it early, that’s definitely a game winner. Sometimes India can be hard to take, especially the longer it takes. Maybe try the Thailand factory first, as long as you can hold it. Another option could be an island, like the Philippines, Borneo, and East Indies. You just have to have transports and a large enough navy to keep the enemy fleets at bay. A Manchurian factory is nice because you can get three units instead of two, but it takes two turns to get there by sea, and just tanks going by land take three turns to attack. When you attack India, no matter what you do, some units will definitely have to come by sea. But they can come from Japan in the same time it takes from Manchuria via boats, so Thailand factory first might be your best option.
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
@Jofes From what I’ve read and the games I’ve played, the axis initially have the advantage at the beginning, at least in terms of manpower and the setup of the board. If they can capitalize on that, they have a very good chance of winning. But they also can not afford to have very many bad dice rolls, especially in key battles. I have had the same problems in Russia. The allies start with more income, so if they can hold of the axis long enough, and make wise purchases, the advantage goes to them.
RE: WW2 Path to Victory - Rules Discussion
@regularkid Thanks for the reply.
RE: WW2 Path to Victory - Rules Discussion
Is this specifically for TripleA, or for the board game G40?
RE: What is the most unusual/annoying/strange allied bid
Ah. I have never done bids, so I don’t know the rules.
RE: What is the most unusual/annoying/strange allied bid
Six French infantry in France?
RE: Enemy capital taken
@shake118118 I haven’t played 1941, but in the versions I have, if your capital is taken, you cannot produce units, even if you capture or already captured an enemy capital. That should be the case in 1941 as well.
RE: Does anyone have a strategy to defeat Germany as fast possible? / 1941
@Iisded I have never played 1941, so I can’t give you a strategy, but I know there is some strategy advice for this version in the Axis & Allies 1941 category on this website. Just look around.
RE: Clear the Browser Cache (was: Bug regarding user picture)
Thanks @Panther. Clearing the browser cache worked.
RE: Clear the Browser Cache (was: Bug regarding user picture)
I am having the same problem too. Whenever I try to change the background picture, it won’t stay changed. It let’s me take it off, but when I upload a new picture it changes back to the old one.
RE: Warfare Principles of Axis & Allies (By AndrewAAGamer)
@AndrewAAGamer Would you ever consider using an infantry to block a potential blitz? That would mean Germany would not be using artillery or regular infantry for the attack, which may not be a good idea on their part. I guess it would depend on the situation.