I have only played the 6.1 version but I have to say for the axis, I like the German Paratroopers and the panzer grenediers. Too me they are woth the extra. As for the Italian special units, I do not see a huge advantage for the price. I have not played the allies yet so I can’t respond to US marines or British Comando units.
Posts made by Dafyd
RE: Special units
RE: Victory conditions
We are using 6.1. We will begin round 14 on our next excursion into battle. The Axis is pretty secure in Europe, South America, Africa, and has captured all of the Soviet victory cities. Novosibirsk (the eastern most factory) is still in soviet hands and producing about three infintry a turn but they will not make it back to Moscow or Stalingrad in time to even challenge the Germans. The east is the real concern for the axis. This next turn will determine the victor I believe. Three victory cities are in play and can go either way.
Victory conditions
I need some clarification. I am playing my second Global 39 game. My question is about the victory cities. AS the Axis, I have had twelve of the cities and am poised to take back my twelth city once again. We are going to begin round 12 tonight. If the axis takes twelve cities in round twelve or thirteen, is that a victory or does the axis player now hold the cities until round fifteen is complete? Either way is fine, I just want to make sure we do it right. Thanks.
RE: How do you play the US?
It seems that each time that I have played the US, I have had the same Japanesse opponent. He has spent alot of his attention in China and looking for a confrontation with a major us fleet but tends to ignore little fleets much to the dismay of his axis partners. You are quite right “axisandalliesplayer” it won’t work with most players. I do tend to play Europe side heavy I think because I have played the Soviets more often than anything and felt that if I am the US player than I need to live up to what I have expected them to do.
I have tried to stay balanced but as you can see by my first post, I will take soem chances and pay a higher price if I think I can get the players that I am facing to eventually make the moves that I need them to in order for my nation’s victory.
With that said, I know that I have a lot to learn. Please keep the suggestions and strategies coming. -
RE: How do you play the US?
I am fairly new to the game but I have played the US a couple of times now. I have found that in the erly rounds when the US is Neutral, I like to send fighters and tachs to the Pacific air bases and the Hawiian fleet heads to the Philipenes. It lets the Japanese player know that I won’t surrender territory and the aircraft on the airbases has helped with some sea battles. They are also easy to move into position whereever I need to react to the Japanese player. I try to encourage the ANZAC and UK players to grab the DEI as early as they can. It may cost them some transports but they will soon be making enough to offset the early losses. I also encourage the ANZACs to evetually mount an assault on the Carolines. The extra naval base and air base helps move the fleets back and forth with more quickly. I also plant a minor I/C and a naval base in Alaska. I also garrison the Allucean Islands (cursed spelling) to prevent a break in the US bonuses. Hawii is reinforced with the early west coast fleet. I buy DDs, subs, and fighter/tachs to begin with. About 25IPC but I have the blockers, the harasment from the subs and the punch of aircraft. I’ll keep this up for about six rounds and then move to more capital ships ending up with 3 carrier groups. I don’t use but one or two battleships. Cruisers and destroyers with the air power usually works in picking the Japanese fleets apart. Round eight, I start invsting in loaded transports (inf. & art.) until I can move on liberating Siberia or moving on Japan itself. I try to keep the Japanese player dancing to my tune.
The European side is similar in that I build a fighter a round for the east side as well as a loaded transport (inf & tank) and build this fleet up to move to Morraco. I then reinforce Gibraltor if in Allied hands or land in Morroco and then build an air base there. Drives the axis players crazy. Once I help liberate Gibraltor if needed, I free up North Africa. Every turn buying fully loaded transports. Eventually I can start faerying troops back and forth from Washington to Morraco. The point is to be able to hit Normandy, Italy, Southern France, or Greece. Keep the axis players guessing and wait for the opening. If the Soviet player can hang on for about ten rounds, the US and the UK can do a one two punch with teh US taking Denmark and the UK swinging through the channel to hit Germany. If the Soiviet player can hold on and suck the Germans and Italians into a protracted fight, the US should be able to eat up enough Axis territory that it will be faerying troops from one end of the Med. to Gibraltor to Washington and back again without any breaks. A hand full of DDs and three or four cruisers with the Fighter/Tachs that have been sent to Morroco and eventually Greece (air base there as well once truly secured) is all you need to support the invasions. You have to hit the axis as soon as you can. You may lose a small fleet or a landing force but you have to set the tune for the dance. Make the axis move troops where you want them to go and them hit them hard where they least expect. With the US you have to plan wher you eventually want to go several moves in advance and make the conditions occur that will best help you get there. It can be expensive and even ugly but I have only lost once as the US and IThat was when I was the noobie and the US was my first chance to play. -
RE: How many rounds to finish a game?
I have been learning to play 40 Global with a friend that has been playing for nearly ten years. He has played with a number of groups and I like that I have had the opportunity to learn this way. We just finished a game that started with five players and ended up with just the two of us. I was the Allies and Larrie was the axis. We had twenty-five to thirty rounds. I wasn’t exactly sure by this point. The Soviets held out to round twenty-two. I left an avenue for the Germans to blitz between two stacks of infantry and attack Moscow with tanks and aircraft. There were enough Soviet troops to retake Leningrad and hold the Germans from moving out of Moscow after this. The US and UK had liberated western Europe. Italy was surrounded and the allies controlled the middle east, Africa , and the Balkans. Japan was in the hands of the ANZACs. My friend wanted to play it to the bitter end but it finally ended because the others that we play with wanted to start another game. This was not a game filled with mistakes and bad play but two guys that kept generaling in such away as to find the opening that would finally lead to the victory. I had a blast to have the padawaun learner defeat the master. :wink: