Next British & Italian Empires versus German & Ottoman Empires.
Round One: Germany builds fighter, 2 transports, sub., &, C. Needs naval dominance in order to invade British Home Islands, that would help the Ottomans more, than trying to link up navies/land troops in Africa/Mid-East.
The Ottoman Empire is caught between British Colonial forces & Italy, they have only a few rounds before the Allies overrun them. For Germany it is really a naval game, the bulk of her land forces will just gather dust, for this game.
Moves fleet to Sea Zone #4 off Scotland, except two subs. that go from Sea Zone #7 to off Canada. Fighter flies from capital to Kiel. This will force in the future, the Brits. to attack the new builds, through two minefields, or, the fleet off Scotland. Just beyond Scotland is undefended Ireland, where two of its three sea spaces have no mine protection.
Two troopers from W. Africa take over undefended Brit. colonies of Gold Coast & Nigeria. Off Canada 2 subs. versus Canadian C & transport. Losses all but one submarine.
British Empire builds fighter, BB, sub., &, transport. Moves troopers & gun to help protect coastline of Home Island. Sudan & East Africa trooper head for Egypt. Trooper from Rhodesia invades GE. East Africa(defended by trooper), &, trooper & gun from South Africa invades GE. S. Africa(defended by gun & trooper). Losses all Axis, &, Allies a gun, both colonies fall!
Garrison in Egypt invade Jordan, with BB & transport(2 troopers), from India, arriving off Jordan. BB shelling & Turkish defending gun eliminate a trooper each. Seven troopers & 2 guns versus Turkish trooper & gun. Losses Axis all, Jordan has fallen!
Egyptian transport heads for India, &, C from India arrives off Egypt
Ottoman build 2 troopers, gun, &, fighter. Moves forces from Syrian & Smyrna(one trooper sent to Mesopotamia as reinforcement) go into Jordan. Meanwhile capital garrison moves to Smyrna.
In Jordan 7 troopers & gun, versus, British 8 troopers & 2 guns. Losses all Axis but one trooper, &, Allies 5 troopers.
Italy builds transport & fighter. Land 2 troopers in contested Jordan, takes out Axis trooper for no lost, Jordan is uncontested! Forces in Africa head for Jordan.
BB & C enter Turkish Home waters(BB suffers mine damage), versus, Axis 2 C & fighter. Losses all Allies, &, Axis 2C. Turks have no naval forces to protect capital.
Round Two: Germany builds fighter, 2 transports, BB, & C. Fighter flies to Kiel, remaining 2 troopers in Africa, go to Togoland to hunker down. Sub. joins transport at Sea Zone #4 for an impending attack on Ireland.
Combat 3 BBs(one damaged by mines), 3 subs.(one lost to mines), 3 C, transport(with troopers), &, fighter, versus Britain Home fleet of fighter(lost in air duel), 2 BBs, 2 C, sub., &, 2 transports. Losses only damaged Brit. BB survived.
British built BB, transport, &, 2 fighters. Two transports & BB in Red Sea moves to India. Two troopers heading to Egypt from East Africa, and, another trooper arrives in Jordan(from Egypt). Cruiser off Egypt heads for British Home Islands. While damaged BB off London, goes to Sea Zone#4, &, sinks GE. sub. & transport(2 troopers).
Combat BB scores a hit, &, defending gun scores also. Trooper & 2 guns, versus, Ottoman 2 troopers & gun. Losses Allies a trooper & Axis a trooper & gun, Mesopotamia is contested!
Turkey builds sub. & 3 troopers. Moves Smyrna garrison & 2 troopers from Syria, into Jordan. From capital 2 troopers & gun head for Mesopotamia. Eight troopers & 2 guns & fighter from capital, versus, British 3 troopers & 2 guns, and, It. 2 troopers. Losses Axis 5 troopers & all Allies. Jordan is retaken!
Italy builds BB & Trooper. Moves 2 transports to off Egypt & lands 4 troopers, &, fighter flies in from Rome.
Round Three: GE. builds BB, 2 transports, &, fighter. Invasion of Ireland, still in the works, another fighter flies to Kiel from Berlin. For now off Scotland, Sea Zone #4, BB & C & 2 transports(2 troopers & 2 guns), along with fighter(lost in air duel with Brit. fighter from London). BB & defending gun each take out a infantry. Landed trooper & 2 guns, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & gun. Losses Axis 2 guns & Allies trooper & gun. Scotland is contested!
Brits. build BB, 2 transports, for Home islands, and, 3 troopers & gun for India. Reinforcements into Scotland, 3 troopers & gun, versus, GE. trooper. Losses all Axis & Scotland uncontested. Transport drops 2 troopers off Wales, &, C from Med. Sea joins to protect it.
Moves two transports with 3 troopers land in Mesopotamia, with fighter flying in from India. BB shelling takes out defending Turkish trooper, Mesopotamia falls.
C off Egypt enter Ottoman Home Waters, no mine lost, &, takes out defending submarine. Naval losses are heavy but land forces are needed for India for Ottoman invasion. Local control of seas allows transports to be used.
Ottoman build a BB, moves forces to take back Mesopotamia(another 2 troopers are on the way). In a attempt to at least contest Mesopotamia, in air duel with Brit. fighter, the Turkish fighter is lost. Two troopers & gun, versus, Brits. 4 troopers, fighter, & gun. Losses Axis trooper & gun, &, Allies 3 troopers. The province is contested.
Italy builds fighter, sub., &, trooper. Moves forces from Egypt into Jordan, 5 troopers & gun & fighter, versus, Ottoman 3 troopers & gun. Losses Allies trooper & Axis 2 troopers, Jordan is contested.
BB & 2 transports enter Ottoman Home Waters(no mine lost), versus, Ottoman BB. Losses both BBs. Landed 2 troopers & 2 guns & fighter(flies in), versus, Ottoman 2 troopers & gun(defending gun scored no hits against forces trying to land). Losses Allies a trooper & Axis all. Axis capital falls!
Allies win by default, end of round Ottoman capital still taken, if another round played, maybe the Turks might have taken it back(with 4 troopers, gun, & fighter). Of course GE. might have invaded Scotland(or London) again, with 4 transports, fighter, 2 BBs, & C, versus, defending Brits. had only 2 BBs & fighter.
Naval losses heavy, but, primary land forces losses in Mid-East only. For last round I replayed it, where the Turks got only a submarine & 2 extra troopers(instead of a BB). When Italy invaded Ottoman Home Waters, the BB survived(destroyed sub. but was damaged), &, took out a trooper shelling, &, capital was still taken by landed forces.
GE. gives up another colony to get the Allies out of Turkey, &, promises never to enter Brit. Home Waters, or, invade Scotland again. Also Allies get control of lower quarter of Jordan & Mesopotamia.
IPCs lost Axis Trooper 29 & 19 Allies, guns both seven, fighter 2 & 1, transport 1 & 3, sub. 5 &1, C both three, BB 1 & 3.