The rationelle is that the defenders of Mongolia don’t defend the country, but their own territory only
Mongolia was a full contry, not a bunch of isolated hordes. Still, any army will attack a declared enemy if has the chance and it gives advantage, no wonder if they enemy is beyond your frontiers
In how many games can China attack a territory it can’t right now?
See the map attached. I had more games where Japan taken advantage of this rule, even in AAP40
Since it is a VOLUNTEER unit, it is controlled by China; otherwise the US would be at war with Japan
The FTs can be China controled but they are still USA’s citizens. You can bet your pants that the real FTs would bomb lone trannies and escape to home if needed in the real war, Chinese civil war or not
No, they destroy IC’s since they can never use them
Well, they should use ICs, even if purchases are limited to inf and art. The current dinamic leads to some wacky situations. Anyway, there is not real world reason why China can destroy ICs and, say, soviets cannot do the same as a scorched land strat. Or all, or nobody
Greece and Spain were industrialized nations
More reasons to ban the ACME wall from neutral powers :wink:
In history, did any Chinese forces attack the Japanese anywhere outside China besides Burma?
In history, wich army in any epoch would not attack a enemy power for the only reason that the enemy units are outside their frontiers? In real war, China attacked Burma because they had a reason and because they had the chance, and you can guess that they would do the same if Korea or FIC were in the same situation. Why limit chinese options then (that should not be done any case) and at the same time refuse to do a non-agression treaty jap-USSR? The chinese civil war is already represented by the fact that the chinese army is smaller than the real combined armies of KMT, CCP and warlords (China should have more units in game, but is OK that they have a smaller army because half of them are fighting the civil war. I don’t have complaints about the chinese army size in AAP40, maybe about the size of the japanese army, but that’s another matter)