Hey @vodot , first of all: amazing work you have done there!! I am a big fan of having many of your changes in Anniversary.
I took the liberty to change some of these things so that it still feels pretty much like the base game but hopefully better. In my opinion, giving Italy 7 more IPCs is a bit too much and almost doubles their IPC count.
I will upload my map for everyone that is interested, but these are the changes I implemented:
The Sea Zone surrounding Japan is split (to avoid easy attacks from Carriers near the US West Coast and Japan, similiar to the change in 1942 2nd Ed.)
Australia is split BUT it only yields 2 IPCs in total (as was the case in the OOB edition)
Malaya is a new territory now BUT only yields 1 IPC
The Money Islands have been split so that there are 4 of them and they all have their own Sea Zone BUT they are all worth only 2 IPCs except from Borneo, which is worth 3 IPCs (since it provided more benefit for Japan resource-wise in WW2 than the other islands). Other yields would have given Japan way too much income IMO.
Italian East Africa is now Italian
The line between Sea Zone 65 and 56 has been redrawn. Before that, you could shuffle fighters from the sea Zone bordering Morocco Algeria to the US West Coast which was almost half the map. That was a bit too much so I changed this.
I have also made new National Objectives and some setup changes regarding China. You can find these in House Rules and I will probably also do some more to cater for the changes on this map. Overall, it should be pretty balanced. Yes, the Axis get a slight IPC advantage now (by conquering Malaya, having Italian East Africa and the Money Islands yielding 9 IPCs), but Japan also has to send more transports to the Money Islands now and they are harder to defend since there is more space now.
I hope you enjoy!
Here is a link where you can download my map… since it is 390 MB, it is too big to upload it here:
EDIT: Please check my newer post for a new link that contains a better adjustment of the map.