Hmm. Nice. Would you want a simple air base piece as well? I have one that I designed for Seelowe, though Seelowe has been postponed. I would like to see it go to use though.
Latest posts made by sp111kg
RE: NEW UNIT….SHAPEWAYS Naval Shipyard for HBG's "Global Warfare 1939" game
German Japanese Meet Up
I was wondering what has been your tactic for this.
By turn 3 Japan was losing in Mainland Asia, while Germany (Me) was winning in Europe and Russia. I was actually able to blitz move to India from Russia.
I forget which game it was Though I think it was 90s one (If there is one)My tactic was to send a small force of tanks and infantry, while doing bombing runs from Occupied Russian Airbases (yes, I get into Axis and Allies) and landing in Occupied China, then RTB to Germany via the same route bombing as well. Even hit the Allied Factory in India a few times. By turn 4 My forces were advancing into India to help retake what Japan had lost.
My question though is, in addition to what you would do, how do you treat Liberated Zones. Would I as Germany keep them, or return them to Japan?
Air War Europe Idea (feed back)
Wasn’t sure where to put this, but I decided to get some input from the community. IL gave me the idea after the discussion on operation SEELOWE, which is still slowly building up for the expected invasion this August.
Any ways, ill post the rules I have here, which are reinterpreted Luftwaffe rules with some optional add ons. ANy feed back is appreciated.
Plans are
Cold War scenario
What If game play (bit of it is already in place.)
More in-depth rules.Thanks again for any feed back.
Version 1.1
Spelling Corrections
Rule Changes
YB40 now has a penalty to use.
Aircraft now have Targets
Hybrid Bomber added (includes penalty)Planned In Next Update
How to Attack Allied forces.
Ground units expanded?
AA Battalions may be modified (May add to)
Allied Units Cost
German Units Cost-Objectives
German Luftwaffe
Don’t allow 9+ cities to be bombed.
Allied Air forces
Bomb 12 or more cities
10/11 cities bombed-Parts List
Aircraft Markers
See Aircraft ListAA Battalion Markers
See Aircraft ListFuel Markers 60
Bomb Markers 60Fuel Dumps
Damage Markers 60*No suicide missions can be launched
As in launching fighters on missions that will take them farther than they can go as indicated.-Turn Limit
Turns consist of two parts
German Missions launched
Allied Missions launchedFollowing Subject to change
All aircraft of the same type must be aloft at once. This is due to keep tracking easier, all 109s are aloft and time tracked at the same time. This avoids having to track 5 or 6 aircraft types at once, then multiply that by 10+ per plane launched at different times.
Alternative. Numbers assigned to each plane. Then there would be a fuel token for that plane with a matching number.
Me109 Number 1
Me109 Fuel Count 1
And so on and forth for each plane.-Bombers
They do not have a fuel counter, as the bombers head directly to targets. They launch and get to targets on the same turn.
Each defender they go across fires at them. Any suriving bomber ends its turn with the bombing run.
On the next turn (the players turn who launched the mission) The bomber then returns to base (or regress line) with the defender firing when possible.-Aircraft Types
Equipped with fuel tanks. Attack on a 4 or less.
Heavy Fighters
Attack on a 3 or less
Bomb on a 3 or less, defend on a 2 or less.
Intruders are used in secret missions (Explained later)
Intruders attack on 4 or less. They can be used to attack refueling aircraft (at airbases) or other targets. They can be intercepted and defend on a 2.-Target Types
Fuel Depots
German fuel depots are used to store fuel. The fuel is then distributed to surrounding airbases. Attacking this will hammper German air missions to defend the Fartherland.
These are vital to the effort. attacking them keep down mission launch capabilities and refuel. They also reapir aircraft (current wip)
Cities are the main objective. They contain the factories that feed the German Luftwaffe. Weather your bombing the Me109 ball bearing plant, or the Messerschmidt plant, they are your tagets. At a later time, they will have a larger impact other than victory points. Ideas currently include loss of reinforcements, fuel.
Also, cities defend on a 2 (AA guns. Airbases and other targets have this capability. Expansion to this will include AA battalions that can be positioned at certain locations.
At the moment, the game is very Allied favored, though this will be offset with German technology advancements. I plan on two modes, historical (units are used depending on the time frame.) The next version is Alternative Timelines.
In this mode, both players will gain tech points to spend. There will be a research tree, to avoid players going into Jet ages (of thats what you want.) This mode will have a extended time limit to 40 turns to allow full tech up.-Reinforcements
At the moment repairs to targets are made using fuel tokens (representing trucks carrying material to repair. This can be used to restart the production of the German forces.-Combat
AA guns can fire at all aircraft. They attack on a 2.
They can target units at will. They can chose to attack anything they wish.
Fighters can attack all aircraft, but not targets.
Fighters have two fuel tokens.
They have a base fuel (no tanks) and tank fuel.
At any time they can drop fuel tanks to attack at a normal attack. With fuel tanks they attack on a -1 die. (Example. With fuel tanks, instead of attacking on 4, they attack on a 3.)
Heavy Fighters
They attack normal fighters at a -1 die (represents less agility) but attack bombers on a higher die roll.
Attack any targets at any time. Can pick to attack fuel reserves, landed aircraft or returning aircraft.
AA battalions
Available only to the defender at the moment
They start off in cites with factories. They can be used in conjunction with AA fortifications (They add a die to defending AA.) Alternative they can be used alone, moving at 2 hexes a time. They use one fuel for each 2 turns. They can be attacked by certain aircraft which will be listed later.
-Aircraft included
T- Tank Movement
M- Base Movement
TRG- Targets-Allied Aircraft List
TRG All AircraftP-39
TRG All AircraftSpitfire
TRG All AircraftHurricane
TRG All Aircraft and GroundHeavy Fighters
TRG All AircraftMosquito
TRG Aircraft and Airbases, Ground UnitsBeaufighter
TRG AircraftBombers
All Defend against aircraft
TRG All GroundB-24
TRG All GroundB-25
TRG All GroundA-26
TRG All Ground, ShippingLancaster
TRG All GroundHalifax
TRG All Ground-Luftwaffa
TRG All AircraftMe-163
TRG All AircraftMe-262
TRG All AircraftFw-190
*TRG All AircraftHeavy Fighters
TRG All AircraftMe-210
TRG All AircraftAr-234
TRG All AircraftBombers
TBAAA Battalions
TRG All Aircraft- Special Aircraft
The YB40 gunship can be added as a escort for bombers. Doing this makes it so that bombers have fighter die rolls all the way to the target. At the moment there is no way to simulate the 40s short comings (reduced speed due to weapons and ammo) However, the bomber that is converted to this role can no longer bomb.
Targets All Aircraft
Acts as a normal bomber, but only able to be intercepted by SAMS and certain aircraft. Uses Fuel when Allied Fuel is implimented.
Is limited to 4 aircraft at a time.
Targets Aircraft able to reach itB17/24 Hybrid
The Hybrid is a B24 with a B17 nose. This allows you to have B17 pilots covnert to the new aircraft easier. Defends and attacks as a B24. Penalty On your reinforcement phase, you lose a B17 and B24 to gain the Hybrid. However, it costs less to upgrade a Existing B17 unit to this aircraft.German
The Germans had experimental SAMS. In this version they became operation before the war ended. The sams attack one hex around them, but are only mobile at one hex at a time. In addition they use a fuel token to launch. Be wise, as a attack on a SAM before launch can cost you the token as well as the SAM.
Limited to 3 Battalions
Targets BombersTribefugel
Acts as a heavy fighter
Moves has a range of 5. May land anywhere but must be fueled before each use.
Targets All Aircraft-WIP
The Current list is work in progress
At the moment Im playing with a map of Europe, using 1 inch to determine movements.
Targets are at the moment player determined (Solo play will be implemented with target cards-Example
For Allies
Allied-Target Berlin Aircraft Factory
German Defense 4 Me-109s and AA
Ignore and draw another card if target is destroyed (Applies to factories only)For Germans
Allied- Target Berlin
Allied Force 4 B-17s and 2 P-51s
Germans Any available forces to defend.-Mission Types
Bomber mission
Simple. Bomb target you have selected or told. Targets damaged by missions receive one bomb marker. 4 Markers render target useless. At the moment there is no production loss unless its bombed 4 times.
Intruder missions
The Attacking player selects a target. at the start of the German turn, the allied player informs that a intruder mission will be done. At the start of the allied turn, the intruder mission is launched. (WIP)
Intercept Mission
Missions are launched depending on the situation. Allied missions cards determine the German intercept missions (Solo Allied)
The same goes for solo German play (Allied attack Missions).-Future Expansions.
Im still incorporating the Luftwaffe game rules into this.
The Idea is to create a free version that you need to incorporate other things into the game. At some point in time I may do Units that will be free to print.
If you like this idea, I recommend you look for Luftwaffe, as it will undoubtedly be better play tested than this.
This work is free to use and distribute freely. At no time may this be sold for profit.
By sp111kgRecommended Parts
AnA parts
Pico Armor
Field Marshal Games
Anything in 1/600 scale for fighters.
Any parts you can scavenge.
Hand Drawn chips - Special Aircraft
RE: Warcraft III A&A Europe!
There is a modded map with ww2 era units that is fun to play.
Has alot of nations as well.
Ill link it. Thinks its world in flames or somthing along that lines. Really fun though i have no one to play with, so i just invade the other nations.
You start off with units and a few factories, oil drills and defenses.
Also has a nice year counter that opens up new unit production. Think there are a few super weapons (germany has V2 installation. Cant recall the others. Check it out and maby we can play some time. -
RE: WIP Seelowe
Im still working on this, just slowly as real life has taken hold.
I shifted my priority from Seelowe, to a European air war, with a possible expansion to the air war on the east.
One thing Im working on is air base cards.
The reason behind this is that Im not using chips and counters, but rather HBG and picoarmor air units.
Thus, in order to reduce the clutter, I decided to use air base cards.
As of right now, the air bases are generic runway and hanger pictures. Though I hope to create more detailed cards of individual airbases.The map. Having trouble making the map. I been using AnA Europe as my map.
Just thought to give a small update on the progress.
Once I get the airbase cards done, Ill upload them so you guys and gals can download them.Till the next update, Ill be testing when I can.
Thanks for reading this. -
WIP Displaying HBG minis. (The "Living Boards."
Im working on a display for my HBG Minis.
But I decided to make a small table.But i picked a different way of making it. Instead of picking out where to place tanks and etc… I played a small war game on it. Hence “Living boards” as each bored is determined by the outcome of a battle.
Allied-3 M4 Sherman/ 1 F-86 Sabre
OPFOR-4 T-34/ No airRules
Rear- Die roll of 2
Sides -4
To defeat a shot you have to out roll the die.
Air support is a single sweep of 3 die. Air is called in rolling 4 die and getting 12 and up.Turns
First 3 turns were moving. Turn 3 had the first M4 fire at a T34.
At the end of turn 3, 1 Sherman had been lost.
Turn 4 saw the loss of one T34
Turn 5 saw the loss of another M4
Turn 6 saw the loss of another T34 and a filed Allied air support call in.
Turn 7 saw no losses despite the Successful role for a Sabre air support.
Turn 8 saw the lose of the Last M4.Result.
The Bridge leading out of town (Occupied by OPFOR) is blocked with the remains of the M4s.
The ORBAT forces lost half their strength, and must await engineers to clear the bridge.
The Bridge is still intact, but may have some damages due to the exploding tanks.
Allied forces failed to establish a front line on the other side of the bridge.
Is they dont show up, right click and view image. Ill work on fixing them ASAP.
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 8
Out Come
OPFOR can push towards a Allied Airbase, where hopefully the Allies can hold to keep Air Support close (12 or Higher. If lost, the die role becomes 18 or higher.)
4 Allied Tanks
1 Allied Air
6 Opfor Tanks
1 Opfor Air
Any comments on how im making my displays? Also hope this is a proper area to post this customization, or would it fall in minis. -
RE: WIP Seelowe
I have been working out some background story.
Since the war turned from where it was in 42, to something completely different such as
Russia is on the brink of losing, Moscow having fallen, Kursk taking place earlier than expected, resulting in a Russian defeat. Japan has landed in parts in Russia. Stalin launched a failed attack to take moscow, resulting in even greater losses.German and Italy, have been planning the invasion since 1940 instead of the spontaneous suggestion. Japan, has sent advisers “via uboat” to help plan the invasion.
This lead to captured french ships being put to use as cargo ships or troop carriers.
Dedicated landing ships are built in Germany using Italian materials.
The Luftwaffe invest in gliders that can carry light tanks. Hitler, despite his desire to do so, is persuaded to not switch from attacking the RAF to attacking civilians.Thus, Germany should have the following objectives.
Control X amounts of supply centers.
The UK, would be the same.I might have to abandon France from the game, as it just added unnecessary fluff. The UK is the main focus of attention, as is Ireland. This would allow me to make a larger map.
With this being said, I am trying to make two games, a new version of Luftwaffe, and another of AnA variant. -
RE: WIP Seelowe
Update. Been doing play test missions own my own using luftwaffe.
Turn Play EX4 B17
2 Spits
Target Uboat PinsDefenders
4 Me 109s (110s were destroyed a bit earlier in a mission into London on a “randomn mission” card i made.
Some things added
Radar roll. Germany can roll a radar check to see if they can scramble aircraft before the Allies get in range. This failed.
The 109s were on low fuel rations, thanks to a earlier bomber raid. This meant that they could only do 1 attack sweep,The Spits went in first, engaging the 109s
1 109 was downed, while the other 3 continued to the b17s.
1 b17 was damaged, forcing it to return home, in which it was not pursued.
The spits turned and engaged the 109s, who were on thier last round of combat. the second b17 was untouched.
The spits chased the 109s down, damaging one, other 2 safely returning.
The damaged 109 was out of the fight until supplies could reach its air base.Still dont have a good map yet. using a drawn one.
Still working on implementing the rules from Luft. Real life takes time away from the seelowe plans unfortunately.
Just though id give a little update on the status, to show its not dead and gone.
Still working on the land, but that might have to wait till a later time, as the air war seems a bit easier and funner. -
RE: Need help identifying Classic ed 1939 variant
I have a copy of that game, complete with everything. First board game I played after the original shogun.
Ill see if i can help out. Im assuming you really need the deployment part, correct? -
RE: WIP Seelowe
Thanks alot IL, this will go a long way in solving alot of things. I really like the wide range of possiblities with missions and the small tactics (basing aircraft farther from air raids) that can affect the out come.
In this case, I think Ill switch the role of Germany and America, Germany being the attacker, and America (Now the UK for Seelowe) being the defender.
Thankfully, I know of a place to get the extra missing aircraft in the same scale as AnA and HBG. And at a good price too.
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