This is for Global 1940 but I’m sure at least half of the details here apply to Europe 1940 (lots of options):
The Hitler Options
The leaders could give a boast of defense when their territory is under attack :-)
LOL, a Hitler leader piece should give a +5 to all die rolls to German troops when defending a territory. He was an awful tactician. Remember Berlin?
I think the game should have leaders like in the War game. Wouldn’t it be cool to get a Hitler piece in the game.
LOL I bet you played that Star Wars empire video game where the Emperor and Darth Vader could be shipped around to various planets to influence Rebel/Empire standings… So is the Hitler piece going to be a last ditch piece on which if he dies, the Empire falls?
Mabey their could be a Hitler peice that could go to Neturals a make their standing better towards Germany (eg True Netural to Pro-Axis).
And mabey he could cause agacent territories to have 3 inf to defend on 3 or something.
If he dies, they loose that advantage, and Russia, UK and US claim a 1 time NO of 10 IPCs or something.
If AH falls the REICH would PROSPER ;)
The leaders could give a boast of defense when their territory is under attack :-)
LOL, a Hitler leader piece should give a +5 to all die rolls to German troops when defending a territory. He was an awful tactician. Remember Berlin?
And no retreats on the Attack!!! :evil:
Yeah we need a Hitler and Rommel piece.
We could have democratic peices (Hitler, Roservelt, Churchill) that affect neturals and give factory bosts (increased production, cheeper damage repaires) and militery peices (MacCarther, Nimitz, Rommel) that help with war things (defense). Hitler could be both. He was supreme commander of Russia.
We could have democratic peices (Hitler, Roservelt, Churchill) that affect neturals and give factory bosts (increased production, cheeper damage repaires) and militery peices (MacCarther, Nimitz, Rommel) that help with war things (defense). Hitler could be both. He was supreme commander of Russia.
ROFLOL :-o :-D 8-)
Well he was voted into office…. :|
Yes, or even better, he could adversally affect neturals on which he is next to. EG pro-axis to true. And he could also cause tanks to defend on 2 or something because of what a mess he made of everything.
We could have democratic peices (Hitler, Roservelt, Churchill) that affect neturals and give factory bosts (increased production, cheeper damage repaires) and militery peices (MacCarther, Nimitz, Rommel) that help with war things (defense). Hitler could be both. He was supreme commander of Russia.
I agree with the concept, but I disagree that Hitler could do both.
I know, that was a joke.
But the general idea of democratic leaders and militery leaders I still like.
For the Pacific game, America would have Nimtiz (Mid-Pacifc) and MacCarther (South Pacific). Mabey we could have a Brittish Militery leader (don’t know one) but the ANZCACs might have 1 as well.
The Japenese might have 2 admirals and 1 general. Don’t know which. You probly don’t need democratic peices in this because their are not neturals to affect, and not Prime Minsters anyway.
Yeah I like this idea a lot, Maybe someone could come up with a good concise list of which leaders should be represented in the game.
Another consideration here is the deployment of Soviet units.
On June 21 1941 these were deployed on mass on the front line, because Soviet doctrine determined that wars should be fought aggressively; they would attack the Germans before being attacked. This is why so much material was lost early on, particularly aircraft, which no sensible A&A player would ever leave on the front line.
This means that either the Red army will be grossly under represented, thus preventing the USSR player deploying defence in depth; or that the Germans will have a much harder time breaking through than they did historically.
Also, if the silly land movement rules remain the same it will take several turns to shift German units into attack formation on the eastern front after the French war, time in which the Soviets can build up considerable strength. My fear is that the Axis will have to use Japan to wear away at Russian strength in order to give Germany/Italy time to redeploy, whereas sensible rail movement would have avoided this problem.
limit russia’s ammount of noncombat moves allowed per turn when not at war
….let germany set up/re arrange some ammount of russian units before germany attacks
Hey! Japan gets kamakazes! Germany deserves some neat-o rule
If Germany were to get a neat rule, it would be subs or uber blitzkrieg.
Solution. Limit Russia’s income until they are attacked.
Another consideration here is the deployment of Soviet units….
And thus the thread becomes “Stalin Options”
So how much ahistorical deadzoning should be permitted?
Should the rules - like an eagle-eyed kommissar - prevent you from NCM’ing away from the enemy? -
thats actuallly a REALLY good idea the whole limiting russias income thing
thats actuallly a REALLY good idea the whole limiting russias income thing
I think it is the only solution.