• @Praetorian:

    Not a fan of the idea.  Bottom line, Canada as an independent power will make the UK less interesting to play.  There is already a profusion of new powers to keep the Allies schizophrenic, an indy Canada doesn’t bring anything new to the table.

    I’d have to disagree the UK already have to send troops to France enforce Egypt and Maybe Greece and then protect Britain after France falls. Before Barborossa and before american troops get to Europe the UK is fighting the Allies war. Besides since Canada is probably under UK control I think this would make the UK more interesting.

  • Go ahead and make canada its own power. try it in pacific. See how far that gets you

  • Customizer


    Go ahead and make canada its own power. try it in pacific. See how far that gets you

    I agree… Making Canada its own power wouldn’t work in my opinion:

    It would have all the disadvantages of the US transport problem without the advantages of enormous production, pre-existing forces, and supported factions elsewhere (IE Hawaii/Philippines/etc). While yes, this is a defensive advantage to a degree, it wouldn’t be a “fun” turn (some people that I introduce to A&A say that the US is a boring task force) and would seem more of an “ok let’s get Canada’s turn over with” part of the game. While historically they may have played a big role in the war and probably deserve being added, it isn’t very fitting of the game play and might muddle up the turn base. It would also take away from the UK’s already dwindling productivity, and they need it much more being in the brunt of the battle (that’s why France and Italy fit - immediate involvement).

    Having Canada as its own force would be more of a house-rule or something more geared for AAA or the War Game: WWII. I think it’d be more of a novelty than an actual functional and progressive addition to the mid-level simplicity of the 1940’s game versions.

  • I don’t think Canada will be a separate power for the reasons previously stated, but I do think that Canada will be represented in Europe 1940 and the global game as the other half of the UK’s split income we’ve been told about.  My post in the other Canada-related thread explains in detail.


    One of the things that Larry seems to have been doing with the game recently is expanding from the initial simplified setup of combining the whole English commonwealth into the UK, lumping China in with the US, and packaging Italy into Germany that we had with all the versions so far except AA50.  Now we know we already have a separate Italy, China, ANZAC, and all the neutral countries actually being represented on the board; so the other obvious sovereign nation that should receive separate representation is Canada (hence the “do you want canada as a power?” thread)/  India and South Africa were still more or less colonies of the UK at the time, but Australia, New Zealand, and Canada were independent nations, so it makes some sense that colonies would still provide income to the Mother Country, but independent nations wouldn’t provide income directly, even with trade and such (which isn’t represented in A&A anyway).  Separating Australia/New Zealand from the UK as ANZAC works for gameplay by putting more into the Pacific theater, but separating Canada from the UK wouldn’t serve much purpose historically or gameplay-wise as they worked so closely together and there are already enough European-focused Allied countries.

    If you combine this “expansion” idea with the information we know about Canada having different roundels on its territories and the hint about UK (presumably) having a split income, I think I’ve come up with another scenario that Larry could be doing with Europe and the Global game: UK/Canada as a combo “power”!  Canada has its own separate income from its own territories that it spends at its own IC (indicative of an independent country), but Canada and the UK fight together with conglomerate troops (indicative of their military cooperation).  No messy “joint-strike” rules.  The UK/Canada team can build its navy in Canada safely away from any German planes and could defend Canada better in case of a KAF attack by the Japanese.  There won’t be any cardboard roundels for Canada because any new territories captured would go to the UK, as is more accurate historically.  This would be waaay less messy than trying to figure out whether a captured territories’ income goes to India or Great Britain and would fit with a power’s income not being forced to go specifically to one theater or the other.

    I don’t think Larry is ready to go to the level of complexity necessary to account for transportation of income across oceans, I think he’s leaving it the same it has always been except for adding convoys, and this explanation accounts for Canada being the other “semi-major” power of the UK commonwealth along with ANZAC, the Canadian roundels, and the split income hint: everything!

  • While its still speculation, I’d like to say that I want to build a Canadian AC :P

    That said, I think I can agree with SilverAngelSurfer. I doubt Canada will get any unique troops though :O
    If the box for AAE40 is as big as AA40P, we will have room for 5 “major” countries


    Unique French infantries? (I remember reading this somewhere)

    Maybe unique Canadian infantries if Canada gets some separate stuff. Otherwise, I don’t see how Canada would get its own units.

  • @Omega:

    While its still speculation, I’d like to say that I want to build a Canadian AC :P

    That said, I think I can agree with SilverAngelSurfer. I doubt Canada will get any unique troops though :O
    If the box for AAE40 is as big as AA40P, we will have room for 5 “major” countries


    Unique French infantries? (I remember reading this somewhere)

    Maybe unique Canadian infantries if Canada gets some separate stuff. Otherwise, I don’t see how Canada would get its own units.

    Anzac didn’t get unique infantry or any other piece they just got a lighter shade of grey.
    So I don’t think Canada will get any unique pieces.

  • Seeing as I am Canadian and how even more importantly we had quite the impact on WW2 It would be nice to finally see our efforts recognized. That being said my only wory is that it would have to be done really well so as to not water down the U.K. player too much!

  • '10

    Per Larry Harris

    ANZAC gets there own Income, why not Canada? Canada… Oh Canada… All the Canadian Provinces are represented . It has its own national control markers. Totally controlled by the British player, however. ANZAC forcers, in AAP40 have a different status due to its relative power and influence in the region. Canada would probably prove to be too small a power and there really is no need to have another Allied player represented in the Europe game

  • Well, we’ll see what happens, but I still think the UK split income being Canada/UK makes the most Larry-Harris-sense, and since Canada would be completely controlled by the British player it doesn’t contradict what he says there.

  • @johnnymarr:

    Per Larry Harris

    ANZAC gets there own Income, why not Canada? Canada… Oh Canada… All the Canadian Provinces are represented . It has its own national control markers. Totally controlled by the British player, however. ANZAC forcers, in AAP40 have a different status due to its relative power and influence in the region. Canada would probably prove to be too small a power and there really is no need to have another Allied player represented in the Europe game

    Well there you have it. For better or worse, it ain’t gonna happen.

  • I think they may get a national advantge for their skating prowess. Quasi-mechanized
    infantry in all territories north of the Arctic circle.

  • Canadian skating infantry :

    Has 2 movement during uneven turn :) (snow!)

  • hahaha very funny i think it would be:
    canadian hockey players

    cost 3 ipcs
    1abilitys skating every seconded turn they move to (ice)
    2auto win when ever canadian hockey players attack axis infantry they chalange them to a hockey match and win :wink: so the axis inf are destroyed.

  • @Omega:

    Canadian skating infantry :

    Has 2 movement during uneven turn :) (snow!)

    What happens when they go on the power play?

  • @Brain:


    Canadian skating infantry :

    Has 2 movement during uneven turn :) (snow!)

    What happens when they go on the power play?

    We beat the Americans for Gold!  As the Canadian troops in Afghanistan put it: “Brothers in arms, but not on the ice!”

  • Customizer

    Hockey inf can get an assist from tanks for a hat trick.

  • @allworkandnoclay:

    As long as we’re on sports, here’s a list:

    • Canada gets Hockey: Goalie Inf get an attack of 2 when a combat movement involves an area Canada lost during the last full game phase.

    • America gets Football: Linebacker Inf can declare two combat movements in one turn (both attacks must be declared before first combat is resolved, only survivors continue through to next one).

    • Japan gets Judo: Judoka Inf get +1 attack if opposing force is composed of only enemy Infantry.

    • Germany gets Soccer: Attacking Midfielder Infantry get +1 attack if they were involved in a defensive battle during the last game phase.

    • France gets Cycling: Cyclist Inf may retreat to an adjacent French region after any full round of defensive combat (heh sorry France - a hit below the belt).

    • UK gets Cricket: Batsmen Inf get +1 defense if the attacking force contains an air force unit (1 Infantry per each attacking air unit).

    • Russia gets Gymnastics: Gymnast Inf get +1 movement if Russia successfully won a combat movement involving ground forces this turn.

    • Italy gets Rowing: Watermen Inf may participate in a defensive Naval battle when aboard a transport (but are reduced to 1 defense).

    • China gets Ping Pong: After winning a combat movement, Rally Inf can be moved back to the area they came from if desired.

    • ANZAC gets Rugby: Forward Inf get +1 attack and defense when grouped as exactly 8 infantry (Scrum time!).

    absolutely love them, the Italians would have to be my favourite

  • @finnman:

    absolutely love them, the Italians would have to be my favourite

    I like the french one the best.

  • On a more serious note, Canada is out–I repeat, out–as the most likely candidate for the second UK economy. That honour goes to India.

    Canada can only be played as a separate power via house rules, as per LH. Read all about it:


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