Thanks for your detailed response. However I must contest your historic ratings:
Napoleonic Empire, considered to have the “best” military in the world at the time, plus a major political and economic power in Europe (which is still true today, but beside the point)
Historic “individuality” points - 3
Contrary to that hype, crashed and burned into a non-entity faster than most child actors.
Historic “individuality” points - 1
Ancient Roman Empire, also a big economic and political player in Europe(though not as much as France, UK, or Germany): enough to be considered one of the “big 3” Axis nations
Historic “individuality” points - 2
At the operational level never met an enemy that they couldn’t surrender fast enough to, another non-entity.
Historic “individuality” points - 1
Colony of UK and part of Commonwealth (major influence by UK), coordinated mostly with UK’s “Europe first” strategy, but still contributed greatly to war effort
Historic “individuality” points – 0.75
The vital Mid-Atlantic convoy routes fell under the command of a Canadian Admiral and the RCN proved very effective at ASW. In addition, Canada ran the Commonwealth Air Training Program and had sufficient manpower and influence to have their own beach on D-Day.
Historic “individuality” points - 1.5
Now, I’m not suggesting for gameplay purposes that Canada should be a separate player but in terms of history of WW2, I don’t think you can claim France and Italy were Major Powers and Canada was not… unless you’re working from Hollywood’s Big Book of American Miracles, in which case America won the war singlehandedly and despite British Snobbery & Blundering… Canada Who?
My “historic points” have to do with reasons they should be individual powers, not anything to do with their overall strength, but I grant that Canada probably deserves more historic points. :mrgreen: As stated in the post, my points system is arbitrary, and flawed besides; I should give ANZAC more gameplay points for one because the inclusion of ANZAC has EVERYTHING to do with adding more playability to the Pacific.
I’m not saying Canada had nothing to do with the war or even very little. I know Canada made major contributions, and long before the US got off its collective rear end. This isn’t a US vs. Canada post. The US probably watched most of the world go to pot before they did anything if Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl and ticked everyone off. :roll:
*Edit: I adjusted my points system slightly in the previous post if anyone really cares… :-P *