What will be wrong with AAAE: 1940?

  • Which game doesn’t have an errata? Classic (2nd edition) had an additional printed booklet to explain many of the rules (no internet back then), Revised also had a FAQ and I’d be surprised if any of the other A&A games didn’t had their own FAQ/Errata as well.
    This is characteristic of many games because either you have a large testing external team that can play thousands of games and detect all the possible interpretations for the rules and how the game will develop (not likely in any game). I remember having huge discussions playing Risk about some basic issues: you simply had to agree with the persons you were playing with about some supposedly basic rules that weren’t well clarified on the rulebook.

    Another completely different thing to me are typos and/or lack of pieces. That is simply lack of work/judgement and unexcusable, unlike not being able to predict every possible outcome/interpretation.

  • The original rules were very clear. FAQ were from people who just didn’t bother learning the rules. The 2nd Edition was to fix the game because it was broken just like all the other Game Master Series games were.


  • @Hobbes:

    I remember having huge discussions playing Risk about some basic issues: you simply had to agree with the persons you were playing with about some supposedly basic rules that weren’t well clarified on the rulebook.

    Please - what are these basic issues that are not clear in the rulebook?  I can’t imagine a single Risk rule not being clear.

  • @gamerman01:


    I remember having huge discussions playing Risk about some basic issues: you simply had to agree with the persons you were playing with about some supposedly basic rules that weren’t well clarified on the rulebook.

    Please - what are these basic issues that are not clear in the rulebook?  I can’t imagine a single Risk rule not being clear.

    Good catch Gamerman01, Risk rules were clearly written also (like original A&A rules), and I suspect that if one struggles with Risk rules, then A&A rules may be a little too complex for them.

  • ok,
    after having a good look at the aap40 map, how the hell can they possibly mate a europe map with this one and not sacrifice the scale. if they plan to use the same size board 32x 35, i believe, how much area is left to represent the atlantic ocean? they areonly going to be able to include north africa if they want to even get close to representing the mediterainian sea properly. looks like china would be to big compaired to europe. what about the indian ocean?
    does anyone else see this as a problem?

  • Europe should definitely be oversized. Atlantic doesn’t necessarily need to be big- it just has to have adequate amount of spaces between Europe and USA.

  • i agree,
    but what is considered adaquite amount of spaces for atlantic?
    look where the left side of aap40 map cuts off. you have alot of area ( india and the middle east at the bottom and a HUGE chunk of russia before you even get to eastern europe. than the mediterain sea. see what i mean,

  • its almost like you will need a additional map to sandwich inbetween these 2 maps

  • @lnmajor:

    i agree,
    but what is considered adaquite amount of spaces for atlantic?
    look where the left side of aap40 map cuts off. you have alot of area ( india and the middle east at the bottom and a HUGE chunk of russia before you even get to eastern europe. than the mediterain sea. see what i mean,

    How many turns should it take to sail from US to UK?

  • morethan 1, 3 is too long. 2 turns i think, thats with ships moving 2 spaces per turn. that leaves at least one turn with ships vunerable to u-boat attacks. Also take in to consideration fighters and bombers should not be able to fly from eastern USA to England in one turn without stopping off at Iceland or the Azores, with out refueling, at least fighters for sure. 
    should transports move only 1 space per turn because fully laiden they would not be able to cruise at destroyer intersepter type speeds? again making them more vulnerable to U-boats.

  • @lnmajor:

    morethan 1, 3 is too long. 2 turns i think, thats with ships moving 2 spaces per turn. that leaves at least one turn with ships vunerable to u-boat attacks. Also take in to consideration fighters and bombers should not be able to fly from eastern USA to England in one turn without stopping off at Iceland or the Azores, with out refueling, at least fighters for sure. 
    should transports move only 1 space per turn because fully laiden they would not be able to cruise at destroyer intersepter type speeds? again making them more vulnerable to U-boats.

    That sounds like 5 spaces, 1 space to much for a fighter to fly, and if a ship is leaving a port, it will only take 2 turns.

  • o.k.,
    that works, now we have gotten to england and east africa.how much of the map in inches does that take up? you still have to go all the way to india and attempt to keep it in scale with aap40! it just doesnt seem to work. look at imperious leaders maps ( the best ive ever seen) at advancedaxisandallies.com. those are in scale the rising sun game and worldat war europe 1939. i think he originaly tried to design these to work together, and again , by far blows away anything else out there, but these maps which combined are about 10ft.x 4ft. still dont competely work together.

  • I have seen IL’s maps and you are right he does make incredible maps. Have you seen the Struggle for Europe and Asia maps. Maps don’t have to be correclty scaled as most of the action will take place in Europe and Asia, the rest of the board can be scaled down, with smaller spaces to represent the larger distances.

  • @Dylan:

    Canada’s not a power

    Yes Dylan there not a power!!!

  • @Dylan:



    Canada’s not a power

    Yes Dylan there not a power!!!

    Yes thats what will be wrong with it

    Oh, you went back to the original question. I guess for some the  exclusion of Canada as a power would qualify as being something wrong with the game, but for me I think adding Canada as a power would slow the game down(another player) and hanicap UK.

  • You know what would be nice, if WOTC decided to print the FAQ section to AAP40 and include that into the AAE40 game. That and maybe neutral pieces too. Also plastic pieces for AA guns, factories I don’t care about but AA guns, since they move are a must IMO.

  • No Vichy France is another thing that will be wrong with this game.

  • What is Vichy France?

  • “What is Vichy France?”

    When the Germans reached the edge of Paris in 1940, and it became obvious the French army wouldn’t be able to stop them, the French decided to surrender before Paris was reduced to rubble.  A new French government was formed, led by Marshall Petain, with its capitol in the town of Vichy.  The Vichy government initially controlled southern France, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, and French Indo-China.  They collaborated with the Germans.  They had control of a fairly sizable navy, and the British actually bombed the Vichy French fleet in North Africa because they were afraid the Vichy government would hand it over the Germans and/or Italians.  When the Allies landed at Casablanca in 1942, the Vichy garrison initially put up a bit of a fight.  But they soon decided to switch sides and join the Free French forces.

    If you want to simulate Vichy in your games, you can use something like the following:

    Upon capturing Paris, the German player must immediately decide whether or not he will accept a Vichy government.  If he refuses, all French forces and territories not already under Axis control become Free French.  The income from Free French territories can be spent in British factories to produce new Free French units.  Free France performs all phases of its turn at the same time as Britain.  British and Free French units may attack together and ride on each others’ transports.

    If the German player decides to accept a Vichy government, all forces located in the following territories or in adjacent sea zones become Vichy:  French Indo-China, Syria, and all French colonies in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia).  German control markers are placed on Vichy territories, and income from those territories goes to Germany until they are liberated by the Allies.  All other French territories outside of France become Free French.

    For any surviving French Units in France itself or in adjacent sea zones, roll a die.  If the roll is 1-2, the unit disbands/scuttles, and is removed from the map.  On a roll of 3-4, the unit becomes Vichy and is immediately moved to Southern France.  On a roll of 5-6, the unit becomes Free French, and is immediately moved to either Gibraltar or London, whichever is closer.

    If any Vichy territory is attacked by the Axis, all Vichy forces and territories immediately become Free French (exception:  Japan can occupy French Indo-China with no effect on any other territory).  If a Vichy territory is attacked by the Allies, roll a die.  On a roll of 1-4, the territory and all Vichy forces within it or in adjacent sea zones become Free French.  On a roll of 5, the territory surrenders, and all units are removed from the map.  On a roll of 6, the territory joins the Axis, and all Vichy units are immediately replaced with German units.

  • I pieced it together from other games and from what I know of history, and adapted it to A&A.  I tried to create rules which would force players to make decisions based on the same uncertainties that leaders had to deal with during the war.

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