Will there be units in Canadian territories

  • @Dylan:


    Canada being its own power world just hurt the allies by making the UK poorer.

    But the fact was that in real life this is what it would be starting in 1940

    Poland (German control marker)
    Hungary (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Romania (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Bulgaria (Pro Axis neutral)
    Yugoslavia (Pro Allies neutral)
    Greece (Pro Allies neutral)
    USSR (If attack were pissed)
    Finland (Pro Axis neutral)
    Sweden (Being the b**** of winning side)
    Norway (German control maker)
    Denmark (German control marker)
    France (We suck)
    Spain (Pro Axis neutral)

    That’s just North America and Europe.

    Hungary and Romania are German
    Spain is neutral

    What are you talking about

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    Canada being its own power world just hurt the allies by making the UK poorer.

    But the fact was that in real life this is what it would be starting in 1940

    Poland (German control marker)
    Hungary (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Romania (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Bulgaria (Pro Axis neutral)
    Yugoslavia (Pro Allies neutral)
    Greece (Pro Allies neutral)
    USSR (If attack were pissed)
    Finland (Pro Axis neutral)
    Sweden (Being the b**** of winning side)
    Norway (German control maker)
    Denmark (German control marker)
    France (We suck)
    Spain (Pro Axis neutral)

    That’s just North America and Europe.

    Hungary and Romania are German
    Spain is neutral

    What are you talking about

    Is said in real life

  • @Dylan:




    Canada being its own power world just hurt the allies by making the UK poorer.

    But the fact was that in real life this is what it would be starting in 1940

    Poland (German control marker)
    Hungary (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Romania (Pro-Axis neutral)
    Bulgaria (Pro Axis neutral)
    Yugoslavia (Pro Allies neutral)
    Greece (Pro Allies neutral)
    USSR (If attack were pissed)
    Finland (Pro Axis neutral)
    Sweden (Being the b**** of winning side)
    Norway (German control maker)
    Denmark (German control marker)
    France (We suck)
    Spain (Pro Axis neutral)

    That’s just North America and Europe.

    Hungary and Romania are German
    Spain is neutral

    What are you talking about

    Is said in real life

    Oh I get it. You’re saying that since in real life Canada was separate, it should be in the game.

    In real life:
    Japan did not have as strong an airforce as in P40
    Siam did not ally with Japan until '41
    FIC wasn’t a freebie
    Monolia was a pro-Soviet neutral
    India had more than 4 inf defending itself
    New Zealand didn’t have 3 times as many fighters as Australia

  • will Alberta be in the game?
    because there was a swack load of British pilots that were trained there

  • @Talkzic:

    will Alberta be in the game?
    because there was a swack load of British pilots that were trained there

    Looking at the 2 maps now posted it appears the north america tectonic plates have collapsed and the prairie provinces have vanished. If the board was set with north america touching both sides Hudson bay is bordering BC. It laughable, but its not like the majority of customers (Americans) will notice or care.

  • Yeah.

    Back on topic, Canada will have a minor factory, airbase, naval base, maybe an AA, and 2 inf or 1 inf 1 tank and 1 trans, accompanied by either a DD or CA

  • Stay on topic. This thread should only contain whether units will be in Canada and what type.

    So figure it should not be 4 pages of off topic posts.

  • Here’s a thought concerning the global game.  Will there/should there be any units in western Canada (Yukon or BC) in G40?  I’m thinking that at MOST, they might get an infantry in BC, if there’s anything at all in Canada on the Pacific side.  Something to serve as a bit of a buffer against a Japanese invasion of North America, or just another unit that can be transferred to the eastern provinces and shipped off to war in Europe (or defend against the dreaded German invasion of North America  :-P).

  • I don’t think there will be any Cdn Army units on the Pacific side.
    Canada was totally KGF.


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