Hey DFWSupertrooper,
I could agree with you on all but one – the Italian combat dice. I don’t want them to use the “correct” roundel. I like the green outer edge with the red dot in the center. Yeah, I know people have pointed out that it is actually the roundel for Iran, but really, Iran wasn’t one of the big powers of WW2. In fact, it wasn’t even Iran back then, it was still Persia. Except for them being forced to accept Soviet troops occupying their soil to prevent any Axis incursion and the Lend Lease supplies passing through to Russia, Iran/Persia really wasn’t a part of the war.
Also, I personally just like that roundel better. I think it looks better. The “correct” Italian roundel looks weird to me. A&A Miniatures used it in one of their naval sets on the stat cards and it was odd looking. With the next set and every one since, they went back to the OOB Italian roundel. I’m guessing more people wanted that one.
One other thing to consider, if you use the roundel with the red outer edge and green dot in the center, it will look awfully close to the French roundel, red outer edge with blue dot in the middle. Granted, I don’t think anyone would confuse a French territory for an Italian territory or visa versa, but I also don’t think anyone will confuse Italian territories for Iranian territories.
Of course, maybe you aren’t worried as much about historical accuracy as it is more a personal preference thing for you. In that case, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Hopefully, for both our sakes, if FMG ever decides to go with the “correct” Italian roundel on future Italian combat dice orders, perhaps they will simply keep both versions for whomever wants them. I know that HBG offers his Invasion Italy maps with all three roundel choices; OOB, correct, facist.