You are my hero, thank you very much
Different sizes of minis?
I’ve never played minis but am interested. I’ve heard that the newer sets (1939-1945, North Africa, and Easter Front) are a different scale than the previous set releases. Is this true? If so how significant is the change? Can i use both the old sets and new sets together or is the scaling off too much? Which rule set is better? Should i opt for the older sets due to more diversity of units and nationalities or should i just buy into the new sets despite the fact that some units are no longer made?
Any advice and/or opinions are welcome.
Most cards that come with the units for both versions (1 & 2) have been revised. Print the revised cards and everthing is playable together.
A good amount of units from version 1 have been re-released in version 2. There was no scale for vehicles in V1, some units are almost the same as V2, some are wayyyyyy smaller.
V2 has bigger hexes to hold the larger size vehicles but both version’s maps work.
There are several different rules, I suggest to print the new ones, they are alot different.