Here’s a good idea, buy a starter set so you can get maps and counters. Download and print the revised cards (most of the cards that come with the minis have been revised). Print the current rules and give it a shot without using any actual units. Gameplay is 1 hour time limit… at least you’ll get a couple of games played in one night.
Cool Mini Modifcation
This guy at the Avalon Hill forums posted his modification to a miniature. Its the Hero of the Soviet Union modified to hold a Russian flag. It looks pretty damn awesome.
His ideas for the units stats was this:
Cost: 10
Speed: 1
Defense: 4/4
Attacks: -/-/-Uuh - Rahh Charge!
In your movement phase, friendly soldiers that start their movement adjacent to this unit get +1 speed.Massed Frontal Assault
At the end of your movement phase, all enemy soldiers located at short range from adjacent friendly soldiers receive automatic face-up disruption.Patriotic Fervor
This unit ignores disruptionIm going to have to try and make this modification. It looks so damn cool. 8-)
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Where would you get a little flag like that?
Where would you get a little flag like that?
The guy said he made it with a paper and a paper clip. :wink:
The mini is very nice, I might try to make one.
The stats I’ll pass on, otherwise we’ll see him riding a KV-1 around disrupting enemy units :roll:
The mini is very nice, I might try to make one.
The stats I’ll pass on, otherwise we’ll see him riding a KV-1 around disrupting enemy units :roll:
Lol that would be fun though! lol
I am going to have to try and make on of these…