HT1… You sonnofabitch! :-D :-D Been dreaming about this game for a while my friend. Despite the piles of HBG plastic at my house, I have reorganized my AA50 game into the finest that WOTC has to offer! I have taken all the best plastic and paper and put into one box. Thankfully I have piles of HBG plastic at my house so I can play G40 and GW39. See you on the battlefield! No doubt pics and AARs to follow.
Anybody play scorched earth
I got this long ago from one of the options you could turn on for the CD-ROM game of the classic A&A. As long as you have held an IC for a turn you can scorch the factory if you lose it. It seems somewhat realistic and it really benefits Russia by allowing them to slowly fall back and fight a war of attrition string out the supply lines of Germany. Anyone ever try this?
Yes, it’s alright, but I find it drags the game out a bit needlessly.
Not many people build IND’s or can afford to. And then to watch them burn… sucks :S
i was going to make a similar russian national advantage for A&A 50 for russia
Scorched Earth:
The Russian player may decide to, in combonation with normal defense, assign units to scorch earth. The defending units roll to hit normaly, at their attack value instead of defense, allocating hits against the territory itself. For each successful hit reduce the IPC value of the territory by 1 during the next collect income phase.Example, germany attacks Ukrane with 6 tanks, there are only three defending russian infantry, they stand little chance, so two are assigned to scorch earth……the other defends normaly. They roll a 2 for defense and a 1 and a 5 for scorched earth. The germans lose a tank, and during their collect income phase the Germans only get one for Ukrane instead of two
Crazy idea…but interesting