• Use one fighter or bomber per glider. I would say about combat that the glider could not be used to absorb losses. The gliders were one shot guns!! Although maybe reducing the cost to 2 would balance the fact about not allowing it to be a loss. Any thoughts about this?

  • The problem is that you’re still using one of your valuable ftr or bmb slots for a glider. And countries like Russia and US, which don’t have a large airforce early in the game can’t really utilize gliders effectly

    I would say that Air Transports should be revised to the following stats

    Attack: 0
    Defense: 0
    Movement: 4
    Cost: 4

    I think that a cost of 4 since this puts them at half cost with transports (given their strengths and weaknesses). I agree, gliders should not take losses in combat, but what if the enemy strafes them on the ground? They’re virtually defenseless.

  • No what I meant was in the attack the glider couldn’t be taken as a loss. And after that the glider would either be removed or reused.

    For example: 3 paratroopers are attacking a area that has only 1 infantry.
    2 paratroopers roll a 3 thus a miss then the last one rolls a 2 a hit. The defending infantry rolls a 1 thus a hit. The attacking player couldn’t use a glider to absorb a hit.

    If the gliders are in a area that’s under attack the defending player could not use them to take up losses!!

    If the area is taken over the gliders are removed from play.

    Common sense says you destory stuff that are about to be taken by the enemy.

    I think you right though about using up fighters and bombers for that movement. I guess just move the glider with out them.

  • I see. Or you could make it a rule that gliders immediatey have to find a place to land (in a allied held terriority) after dropping of their payload.

  • But then how many men are in a one man AaA unit???
    if 10,000 then you need on average 500 planes to carry them…
    Maybe the Paratroops shouldn’t be a unit but they have a special abilities
    (First Round at 2 target no return fire…)

    Just an Idea :wink:

  • They’re not a special unit, just regular infantry with a free ride. :)

  • I say this: The glider could either land or if it could go back to it’s starting point then it can.

  • still how many Bombers are in a BOMBER unit…

  • Don’t know … but, why not become a registered user?

  • Have thought about it but don’t know how much info you need to give…not that I don’t mind giving info away but I do like privacy

  • a bomber I see is a squadron of bombers, but for big stuff like BBs and ACs, I tend to give them individual ship names :)

  • Who cares what size is piece is suppose to be? To me it’s already been equaled out by the makers of the game … so, in my mind each piece is only one (1) unit.

    Also, to become registered requires very little information … and you can keep everything private. So hop on in – the water’s fine!

  • Moderator

    True MB… It is for fun mainly

  • Eh, before you know it, you’ll becomea A&A Mega Addict.

  • AIR TRANSPORT (use original A&A bombers)
    Movement: 8 land and/or sea zones per turn
    Attack factor: 0
    Defence factor: 0
    Cost: 8 IPCs
    During the combat or non-combat movement sequence, an Air transport can carry up to 2 infantry. It must take off in the same territory as the infantry it transports. Infantry may be dropped into any land territory. Attacking paratroops must do so during the combat movement sequence. If the territory is enemy controlled but not occupied by actual units it is captured. Picking up or dropping off infantry does not count against its movement. Note: they are still vulnerable to AA guns and defending fighters. If an Air transport is hit it is lost, although each infantry unit onboard has a chance to survive (parachute) by rolling a 2 or less. They must “drop” into this territory and attack enemy units with their usual strength.

    –This is pretty balanced when we play. Your thoughts?

  • Well, if you ever play W@W you’ll see that they have paratroopers that one buys during production. They cost 1ip more than regular infantry. Note that in this game unit prices for each nation are different.
    They attack on a 2 and they defend the same. They also work pretty much like you described. Both have to start on the same territory, However you just use a bomber’s movement. The bomber can’t attack and is limited to one para per bomber. And on top of that once the para is dropped he can continue fighting as a 2 for the rest of the game. Paras were generally armed better than reg troops so it makes some sense… Much like the PanzerGrenadiers that Germany can buy in this game for 2 more ip that attack at 2 defend at 3 and can move 2.

  • Moderator


    They’re not a special unit, just regular infantry with a free ride. :)

    True but then on june 5, 1944 the Allied paratroopers were there to destroy infrastructure… not ncessarily special they just were not en masse (you still have to train them)

  • Go to my Paratrooper guide in Axis and Allies guide!!!

  • I would like there to be a seperate piece for air transports. They could cost 10 IPCs, move six spaces, have no attack, 1 on defense, and carry land units. Not sure how much though, maybe just go with the naval transport way, any combination of two land units except for tanks, and tanks, AA guns and artillery could only be used for non-combat. The infantry would be paratroopers and attack on a 2 for the first round, then 1.

  • All that has allready been thought out (basically as you stated) and will be in advanced axis and allies by larry Harris… You will have to wait a few years to actually see that however.

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