But, what about a revised Pacific??? Do you think such a game will never exist? :? That would benefit far more from the new sea rules than Europe would. I’m not sure I follow why revised Europe is in so much more demand than Pacific. I mean, Europe is completely broken as the strategy every n00b would want to try first as Germany (LOL TANKS) is practically unbeatable, but the Japan India Crush in Pacific is equally ridiculous IMO. Of course, the difference would be that Japan has alternative paths to victory in Pacific, while Germany either tank rushes or dies.
If they could make a Europe where tank rush wasn’t broken, I would be very impressed though. Would be quite a game… I just can’t imagine how it’s possible.
While a revised AAE would be great, I thought that there was a thread that showed how AAE was not broken and couple that with the fact that the 2nd ed. rules crippled the allies, not the axis. There are counters for the Indian Crush and now for the tank rush, maybe more the problem with these versions is that they aren’t played much.
“NEW!” revised versions could help both, and Revised-Revised version would help sales too–it’s all a profit thing here, cheapest parts, least amount of labor and most profit.
I say we all just print out IL’s Eastern Front map and play that with cobbled together pieces or FMG’s new set. Then after profits tank, (no pun intended) we may get a solid build, after seeing how many people have bought and complained about AA50, we’ll likely all buy this new one and then complain about it and that only enables wotc to come out with something new. they make poor offerings though and we bail them out with purchases.
if they ever ‘fix’ the game completely, we won’t buy anything else.
if AAR is out of print, and you do see less of them around and they are off of big box store shelves like target and toysrus now, then it is just natural that they come out with a new edition. if it’s an updated AAR with new pieces, new map, rules changes and such for $25 that isn’t a bad deal. if you have an old version you like and have fixed the rules, then the new one wouldn’t be needed… on the other hand, might be a good time to ebay those old copies of AAR as slightly used…