Japan Naval Defense (WARNING: LONG)

  • There are two kinds of KJF’s in the world: those that start that way, and those that switch to it.  I was referring to the first.  If you decide at the beginning of the game “hey, I want to go KJF this game,” then it’s very, very difficult to make it work unless you go all in.  This means things like stacking Buryatia with 6 inf on R1, moving 2 inf into Sinkiang, and basing fighters in Kazakh to up the threat to Manchuria; building an India complex UK1; consolidating UK fleet in SZ 30, or taking Borneo, on UK 1; and either building a Sinkiang IC and spending the rest of America’s paycheck in the Pacific, or skipping Sin and going full bore on the boats.  If you only do one or two of these, Japan can easily squash them, but with all together it can be too much for them to handle.

    I should add the disclaimer that I’ve never successfully won a game this way, nor has anyone beaten me with this tactic.  I know some players have been able to make it work, but it’s awfully difficult.  You can contain Japan’s Asia expansion, but sinking their navy tends to take a while (unless they defend poorly), and Russia just can’t hold out long enough against a good German player without American assistance (and with only half-hearted UK assistance if they build the India factory).

    The second kind of KJF is the only one I use myself.  Sometimes Japan gets hosed by the dice on J1; this often happens, for example, if they try to take on too many naval battles at once (e.g. retaking Borneo while still going after Pearl).  Sometimes they go Pearl heavy and don’t come out with a strong enough fleet to survive counterattack.  Etc.  When the dice or opponents’ mistakes give you an opening, you can go KJF to exploit it.

    In this aspect I think it’s similar (though in a less extreme way) to KAF.  I used to think KAF was completely impossible, but two of my league losses last year were to KAF strategies!  (Funcioneta and U-505 both beat me this way.)  The thing about KAF is that you can’t do it right away, but if you build up enough transports, have some ground troops in or near Bry, and the USA doesn’t have a lot of ground forces in North America, then you can suddenly switch to KAF and take them by surprise.

    In short, my opinion is that you pretty much do have to start every game KGF, and keep your eyes open for the possibility of switching.  This might seem like a bummer, but I think it’s actually kind of fun; learning to recognize what combinations of circumstances provide openings for things like KJF, KAF, or other “non-standard” tactics is an important part of advanced play.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Well I certainly follow and agree with your reasoning, but as a gentle criticism, I wouldn’t recommend (or seem to recommend) a strategy that you would never use yourself :).

    But what I’m finding is that when I go KJF in response to a mistake or bad dice on J1, I often find I regret it as it sometimes makes the game harder for the Allies in general.  It always depends on circumstance…but I find that some players actually want you to come for Japan (eg they skip Pearl and hit Bury instead, hoping the USA will go 100% to Pacific and this will give Germany an opening).

  • Yeah, that may not have come out very clearly in the article; I wasn’t trying to recommend type 1 KJF; I was trying not to comment on it one way or the other (because I feel I have insufficient data).  A more complete breakdown of the different types of KJF I’ve seen would be as follows:
    (1) Go whole hog against Japan, from the start, with everybody.
    (2) Go against Japan from the start, but only with the US Navy.
    (3) Go against Japan (either US Navy only, or with other assistance) in response to dice and/or opponent mistakes.

    The purpose of the article was to make the case that (2) is a bad idea.  In my mind the jury is still out on (1); at best it’s very difficult, but it’s possible I just haven’t honed it enough.  I think (3) can be usable.  Although, as you say, I’ve been suckered into (3) when I shouldn’t have.  I wouldn’t do (3) just because Japan skipped Pearl; in that case they still have all 4 capital ships and all or most of their air, i.e. they’re still an absolute beast.  I might go for it if they went to Pearl and left the BB and CV open to counterattack, although even then I’d be reluctant if there weren’t other things going my way too.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Ok I can pretty much agree with that.

    I’m playing a game on Facebook right now…where Japan lost

    1. 1 fig to India aa
    2. destroyer, sub, and 1 fig in Pearl light attk (all US units destroyed)

    Since it’s a non-tourney game, I decided to go after Japan with USA, against my better judgment perhaps.  On USA1, I had the opportunity to destroy a Japanese carrier plus a transport in SZ 60 with a fighter and bomber (which I lost in the fight and after landing in Japan’s next turn).  So now the Japs are down a destroyer, transport, sub, 2 figs, and a carrier, while I lost the Pearl fleet plus my bomber and fighter.

    The Japs had bought a factory and two transports, so they still have 2 trannies in sz 61.

    What do you think?  Would you go after Japan in this context?

  • @uffishbongo:

    The thing about KAF is that you can’t do it right away, but if you build up enough transports, have some ground troops in or near Bry, and the USA doesn’t have a lot of ground forces in North America, then you can suddenly switch to KAF and take them by surprise.

    Yea, true. It’s even better: the default building for Japan, based in buys like 3 tra, 2 inf J1 works well both for JTDTM and KAF, so you can start wanting to do KAF but switching to JTDTM if you think you must (usually round 2 or 3, while KJF must be decided USA1 as latter)

    The point here is that USA has no clues about if Japan goes against them or against soviets: bur stack, massing trannies and taking Australia, Hawaii and NZel -> all fit well both in KAF and JTDTM. You really have a option of shifting until you build ala IC or you ferry the 1st big stack of 8 guys to FIC

    I really like your in-dept analisys, Uffish  :-)

  • '16 '15 '10

    Func I would love to see your Polar Express in action–though I understand it is a situational move.

    Lately I’ve been playing Revised on the GTO Facebook version.  No time commitments, and the interface is a piece of cake.  If you’re interested in playing sometime message me and we can set it up.  Same offer goes out to you Uffish.

  • Well, I cannot play until mid june, but you can check those links:

    My game against Jen, Polar Express fails to dice but still I manage win (that was a crazy game with crazy rolls, but you can get a idea of what can happen if Polar Express fails)


    This one is against JWW. This game I had way better dice than against Jen. It’s interesting because I finally managed take Whashington


    This one is against Uffish. He surrendered when he noticed I had economic advantage and it was no way of taking Berlin. I like this one because it was the first time I tried Polar Express, and Uffish is a great player to play against


    So, you have 3 possible results: win after shifting KAF to KRF, win taking USA’s capital and win by economic superiority

    And now one when I lost. It’s a multi-player one. Jen had too many bombers and too few infs, and I made a really bad roll in Wcan


  • Moderator

    I like to try and deter the potential of a KAF as early as possible.  I like to set up an immediate heavy shuck in Wus on US 1 if possible.  This obviously depends on the Atlantic and Europe situation but if I can have roughly 6 units in Wus at the end of US 1 I start to feel a little better.  Then build from there.  It may mean only 4 unts to Afr on US 2 (units that started the game in Eus) and maybe on 4 more on US 3 (required heavy inf buy on US 1) but helps me feel at ease b/c I’m covering my back.  I think by US 3 you can pretty much have 8 units from Wus to Wcan so now it is just a matter of dropping another trn in the Atlantic and filling out the 8-10 unit shuck.

    I’m just always worried about the direct drop into Wcan, it can be such a deadly move if the US is light on North American troops.

  • @uffishbongo:

    There are two kinds of KJF’s in the world: those that start that way, and those that switch to it.  I was referring to the first.  If you decide at the beginning of the game “hey, I want to go KJF this game,” then it’s very, very difficult to make it work unless you go all in.  This means things like stacking Buryatia with 6 inf on R1, moving 2 inf into Sinkiang, and basing fighters in Kazakh to up the threat to Manchuria; building an India complex UK1; consolidating UK fleet in SZ 30, or taking Borneo, on UK 1; and either building a Sinkiang IC and spending the rest of America’s paycheck in the Pacific, or skipping Sin and going full bore on the boats.  If you only do one or two of these, Japan can easily squash them, but with all together it can be too much for them to handle.

    I should add the disclaimer that I’ve never successfully won a game this way, nor has anyone beaten me with this tactic.  I know some players have been able to make it work, but it’s awfully difficult.  You can contain Japan’s Asia expansion, but sinking their navy tends to take a while (unless they defend poorly), and Russia just can’t hold out long enough against a good German player without American assistance (and with only half-hearted UK assistance if they build the India factory).

    Being that I won with KJF alot, I’ll comment.

    My version does indeed start with USSR invading manchuria. adding troops in India, and massing the UK/USA fleet at Solomons.

    It is difficult for the USA, by itself, to handle the Japanese fleet quickly enough. Which is why you move the UK fleet south, then towards NZ. The USA fleet moves to solomons USA2, followed by the UK fleet on UK3.

    The additional sub, transports DD, and carrier (which can be filled with 1 or 2 USA fighters) allows for the defensive power to defend against a J3 attack. (even if it didnt, a screen works).

    The dual fleets allow for faster taking of islands (and India protection).

    The UK must still send troops towards Norway (along with USA) so what you are giving up (for the forseeable future) is Africa. After Borneo/DEI is taken, and India preserved, the UK can go to africa while the USA continues to punish Japan.

    Is it exactly easy? No.

    But it does work.

  • '16 '15 '10


    Do you take Norway immediately with UK, or would you try for a USA factory there?

    Agree with your contention UK’s priority (besides India) should be propping up Moscow as long as possible rather than taking Africa.  USA/UK can always go after Africa in force starting Turn 3.

  • @Zhukov44:


    Do you take Norway immediately with UK, or would you try for a USA factory there?

    Agree with your contention UK’s priority (besides India) should be propping up Moscow as long as possible rather than taking Africa.  USA/UK can always go after Africa in force starting Turn 3.

    That depends on how much pressure Germany is getting. Immediate pressure means that you land with UK. Preferrably I’d like Russia to take Norway.

    Since they are 1v1 vs Germany (mostly) I want them to have every dollar they can get. UK takes Karelia, and USSR drives a tank through and gets the 3 IPC.

    However, when you cant afford to wait, take it with whatever country can.

  • '16 '15 '10

    We are drifting way off topic here, but I have another KJF related problem.  So lets say I built India and decided to combine the UK fleet at SZ 30….  I tried this the other day…and was surprised when my opponent brought 4 fighters there by moving the 2nd carrier to SZ 38.  In all liklihood the Japs will then destroy the UK fleet (unless u land the India fighter there, but that would mean omitting the Jap tranny at 59 and thus forsaking India or Bury!)

    So what do you do to prevent this?  Is this an acceptable sacrifice since it brings the Jap fleet so far off course?

    I’m a little fuzzy on the rules on a related question…if you attacked New Guinea with the Aussie tranny…would this block the carrier (and hence the 2 extra figs) or can the Japs snipe the fighter and then friendly move the carrier to 38?

  • @Zhukov44:

    We are drifting way off topic here, but I have another KJF related problem.  So lets say I built India and decided to combine the UK fleet at SZ 30….  I tried this the other day…and was surprised when my opponent brought 4 fighters there by moving the 2nd carrier to SZ 38.  In all liklihood the Japs will then destroy the UK fleet (unless u land the India fighter there, but that would mean omitting the Jap tranny at 59 and thus forsaking India or Bury!)

    So what do you do to prevent this?  Is this an acceptable sacrifice since it brings the Jap fleet so far off course?

    I’m a little fuzzy on the rules on a related question…if you attacked New Guinea with the Aussie tranny…would this block the carrier (and hence the 2 extra figs) or can the Japs snipe the fighter and then friendly move the carrier to 38?

    Attacking the fleet in SZ 30 will bring the Japanese way off course.
    Did they still attack China? Pearl?

    They should be pretty weak then. If they allow the USA fleet to live, you get a better head start.

  • '16 '15 '10

    My particular oppo didn’t do China or Pearl, so yeah he was in a world of hurt in no time flat.

    But if Japan attacks the Brit fleet with the 4 figs + bb+ carrier, hits China with 2 figs 1 bomb 4 inf, and buy 3 transports, then Japan is in relatively good shape.  On average Japan will lose 2 figs at 30…if they do then thats ok–the UK fleet is destroyed and the carrier doesn’t have to go to 30, instead it can go to the Fico sz and protect a landing there.  The drawbacks are the loss of the 2 figs and letting the Pearl fleet live, but USA is still behind in the naval race which means Japan will have enough time to reunite the fleet.

    I think going to SZ 30 is a good deployment to go with the India fact + KJF but I wonder if there anything better.

    All that said I imagine most opponents just ignore SZ 30 allowing the Allies to unite the fleets.

  • @Zhukov44:

    I think going to SZ 30 is a good deployment to go with the India fact + KJF but I wonder if there anything better.

    Transport nzel inf to aus, keep the aussie sub also in z40

    Send AC plus dd, tra (if not used) to z33

    Bomber to Russia

    You can join fleets round 2 (z30) and send bomb to ind to make a try against eind with aussie infs + bomb UK3 and still send remaining fleet to z40 safety, then join USA’s fleet round 4 or 5

  • @Funcioneta:


    I think going to SZ 30 is a good deployment to go with the India fact + KJF but I wonder if there anything better.

    Transport nzel inf to aus, keep the aussie sub also in z40

    Send AC plus dd, tra (if not used) to z33

    Bomber to Russia

    You can join fleets round 2 (z30) and send bomb to ind to make a try against eind with aussie infs + bomb UK3 and still send remaining fleet to z40 safety, then join USA’s fleet round 4 or 5

    Except the fighters can kill the sub/trans in SZ 40 (probably w/o a loss too).

    If Japan is determined to kill the UK fleet at the cost of fighters and Pearl, let him.

  • @squirecam:

    Except the fighters can kill the sub/trans in SZ 40 (probably w/o a loss too).

    If Japan is determined to kill the UK fleet at the cost of fighters and Pearl, let him.

    I never saw Japan attacking aussie fleet at z40. They always make Pearl 2 and China because they have not enough to kill all. Anyway, you can submerge the sub if they dare to attack (another reason for Japs to not attack)

    But I agree with your 2nd sentence

  • '16 '15 '10


    Yeah, that may not have come out very clearly in the article; I wasn’t trying to recommend type 1 KJF; I was trying not to comment on it one way or the other (because I feel I have insufficient data).  A more complete breakdown of the different types of KJF I’ve seen would be as follows:
    (1) Go whole hog against Japan, from the start, with everybody.
    (2) Go against Japan from the start, but only with the US Navy.
    (3) Go against Japan (either US Navy only, or with other assistance) in response to dice and/or opponent mistakes.

    The purpose of the article was to make the case that (2) is a bad idea.  In my mind the jury is still out on (1); at best it’s very difficult, but it’s possible I just haven’t honed it enough.  I think (3) can be usable.  Although, as you say, I’ve been suckered into (3) when I shouldn’t have.  I wouldn’t do (3) just because Japan skipped Pearl; in that case they still have all 4 capital ships and all or most of their air, i.e. they’re still an absolute beast.  I might go for it if they went to Pearl and left the BB and CV open to counterattack, although even then I’d be reluctant if there weren’t other things going my way too.

    Returning again to the topic and this earlier post…. basically you suggest only go with a USA Pacific offensive in response to either mistakes or ill dice on J1.

    What I’m trying to determine (and I imagine every expert Revised player has their own ideas on this) is when it is favorable to go Pacific in a competitive expert game where you want to win?  In such a game, there is no UK1 India factory and at best there are only the 6 Russians in Bury and 4 in Sink.  How much does Japan have to have lost…or not destroyed (ie. what Allied ships are still alive?) in order for him to be weak enough for USA to attack?

    I have a Facebook game going now where my oppo lost his Jap sub on UK1.  On J1, he skipped Pearl, and hit Bury (the UK destroyer had been destroyed by the 59 tranny, enabling the Bury assault) and hit the UK fleet off Egypt…losing 2 fighters.  So all in all he was down 2 fighters and a sub…and he didn’t hit the Pearl fleet…  In addition, he went with a 2 factory approach (clearly whether Japan goes with factories or trannys should also play a role) and his attack on China was weak, enabling the USA to retake China on USA1…  So even though Japan had lost no capital ships, I felt that the USA ought to invest in the Pacific theater (giving all the factors working against Japan) even though my opponent is very skilled.  Was I right?

    It is a hard question to determine.  What I am relatively certain of is that if Japan leaves either the USA or UK carrier alive that should be significant in deciding what to do.  Similarly, every spare unit left alive (such as the UK sub and transport originally from Aussie) should count to some extent.

  • I would probably go for it in those circumstances…I don’t really have a lot of good guidelines though, just gut feelings.

  • I think you right to have United States go to Pacific in game.  United States with full Pacific fleet, Japan buy no more ship, Japan lock in spend at least 18 IPC on land unit for Industrial Complex, and Japan lose 2 of 6 Fighter means good time to go Pacific.

    United States start to take Islands quickly in that game even with 2 Battleship and 2 Aircraft Carrier for Japan.  He only have 1 big fight with fleet before he no longer have ship force in Pacific.

    United Kingdom will have much work to do.  Will have to send land unit to Norway and to Algeria going back and forth each turn to hold Africa and keep Germany from focus on Russia.

    I think game you describe would be fun game to play.

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