I’d just like a standard map for this version of the game thats not modded or has any personalization and thats not too big a file -I’ve seen some pdfs that scroll very slowly and thats not very useful.
Hello I m from Argentina and I would like to share my map, with a slight art deco´s touch. The size of the board is 1,85 meters x 1,10 meters. Feel free to leave comments
It looks cool. I especially like the little flags, as it reminds me of old war movies where you see all the generals around a big war map mobing stuff around while smoking cigars and drinking brandy while settling the buisness of war :)
is there any chance that you have a pdf or high resolution vector based picture of it you wanna share? i could be nice to have a map like your in the format as the one you can se here: http://www.aaclubdk.dk/Gameboard.htm
Stunning and simply beautiful!
Please let me know if you ever make it available, I would definitely like to play on it.
Very nicely done!
El mapa es muy agradable!
¡Muy buen trabajo! El detalle de las banderas es magnífico :-)
Muy bueno!
It looks fantastic.
It reminds me of the old Propaganda films.
Tranquila, Amigo. El mapa es muy maricon magnifico. :-)
Gorgeous map, its very easy on the eyes with no “loud” colors. How long did it take you to make the map?
Agree, agree, agree with what everyone else has been saying. This thread is definitely hall of fame worthy.
Personally I prefer more “detailed” WWII era maps compared to Art deco, but you should’ve been hired as the art designer for Axis and Allies revised.
How did you make the control makers (the ones with the tiny flags)? If you can produce them in bulk, I would line up to buy a set. :-D
WOW! :-o
How do I get one? :-D
Those flags are ace ! 8-)
Very nice map. Great work.
First I want to be grateful for all the commentaries and it makes me happy that they have liked my work.
This board was made using the illustrator program and take about two month (i not work on it everyday) of work. The names in the map are in Castilian (Spanish) but I can translate them into any language because they are in an individual layer.
I did it for personal use and fun, without a commercial intention, but if there are some unexpected clients… :-o
In relation to the flags I did it manually, they are very simple to make, but make it one by one it is a process very booooored and for the moment i would not make another set.
They are very simple to do, the printing (as for design and size) is very easy the problem is the assembly in the mast and the base, though it is something very easy and very boring, but helps to the general sensation and esthetics of board.
I have two extra copies that the print house made like a test, but this work it was done with a slight blemishes
Thanks to all again. Gracias a todos nuevamente les envío un saludo desde Buenos Aires, Argentina
Si, por favor, Amigo :-)
I had to register just to look at the pictures. That map is frickin awesome
I leave some photos in order that everebody could see other angles of the map.
Also two pictures where you can see the flags closely.
Wow!very nice work!
After seeing these pictures for a second time, I have to say it is the coolest looking game board I’ve ever seen.