Yes sir ^^ and thanks for the answer
Newbie questions (national production>63, air units' range)
I just played Axis & Allies (2004 version) for the first time (Christmas gift from my husband) and we came up with a couple of questions that I can’t find answers to in the rules.
What happens when a power’s National Production increases beyond the end of the chart(63)? Should I keep track on paper, or is 63 an actual limit? If the latter, what happens if a territory is taken from that power?
How is the range for air units counted? For example:
Can a fighter fly out 4 spaces during the combat move, be involved in combat, then fly 4 spaces back, then fly an addition 4 spaces as the noncombat move?Thanks.
Aircraft movement is total spaces per turn.
For example if a fighter flys 3 spaces to comabt it will have to land in an adjacent friendly controlled territory since the begining of the turn during non-combat since it only has 1 move left.
No-limit on a country’s production. Keep track as is best for you.
What I used to do, as a high school girl, was to use a white chip under the control marker to signify it made it past the end of the chart once.
Now a days, I use a mapping utility even for face to face games. No limit on pieces, on chips or on money! (Also it’s set up instantly and you don’t have to put it away when you’re too drunk to see straight!)