I’ve changed my strategy!I hit egypt first round with germany.take out sz12 with 2 fighters and sub.sz2with fighter ,bomber suband now leave canadian trans alone.don’t want to spread out too much.lower all the risk a little and save a fighter hopefully.
I had a game yesterday where italy landed in london unopposed.how did this happen?when you bring in the jap navy into the mediterainan ?(2 carriers battlship 4 fighters)and combine this with the itallian fleet you can now almost destroy the allied convoy system and or make there purchases of navel units skyrocket.I’m planning next game to nip that in the bud.have the usa hold the jap fleet back in the pacific and destroy the itallian fleet round one or 2 befroe the japs get therewith british or american bombers and or navel units.I now play germany very defenceively,buying time for the the japs to come in.Seems like the allies should always win ,they should be able to counter anything with there vast resourses.It just a matter of catching the off guard.Do not do a german tank blits.Russians can just build infantry to soak them up and then you losse france to americans coming over from canada.
SIDEPOINT ATTENTION hardcore players.Something is bugging me……should not french madagascar be in german control because it was in december 1941 the british had to invade so it wasn’t in german control anylonger…what about french west africa too and also Italian east africa I think they all should be under axis control…what are your thoughts?
Germany 1st Round
I’m just curious to know what everyone’s typical G1 buy has been thus far? What have been your typical combat moves? etc.
Thanks. -
i bought a german navy in rd 1 of my last game as axis. it was eventually sacrificed to the allied navy in a combined navy/aerial assault.
the downside of this strat is fewer units against the russians.
the huge upside is the delayed allied landings in the west, and the extra turns that it buys japan to get into the action.
so far, i have little to no idea what the allies should be doing in 41.
All infantry, except for one token of course. :wink:
All infantry, except for one token of course. :wink:
Okay, but what are your G1 combat moves?
I ignore the Baltic states and instead but a lot of troops into Ukraine and East Poland. I also sink the UK BB and trannie with my subs, fighter, bomber.
Does anyone go for Karelia in round 1 (with 4 inf, 4 figs, bomb, and a cruiser bombardment)?
Purchases: 2 tanks, 7 Infantry
I honestly haven’t found an effective G1 set of attacks for the 41 scenario, even if I do take Ukraine and the Baltic States, it still feels like a paper thin front, idk maybe someone will come up with a new set of plans for ze Germans.