• I am still working my way through a first game of Pacific and I am shocked that some of the rules of Pacific didn’t make it into Revised.  The sub rules are much better than the original A&A, but I was surprised the great rules about escorting bombers with fighters, and likewise being able to use fighters as interceptors against SBRs is much better than the current “fly the bomber and hope it isn’t hit by AA” in Revised.  Even better, I prefer the feel for the interaction of air-sea-land battle as in Guadalcanal.  Why didn’t this fighter rule in SBR make it into Revised?

    Now, can we come up with a really great rule for subs?  Another thing I really like is the ability of subs to take income by occupying a square.  I think a detection roll by all DDs before the subs first strike would improve the game, and if the DDs don’t detect, maybe the sub gets to take one free roll against the target of his choice.  If that roll fails he gets to break off the attack.  Or maybe the DDs get to make a second roll before he gets that choice.

    I am becoming a big fan of Pacific with the harbors and airfields.  It seems to capture the real essence of the Japanese dillema, once the US dragon is awake, you better win in a hurry.  It just doesn’t get the resources totally in the picture.  But with the convoy squares it gets much closer.

    Are any of these features in AA50 or is the scale considered too grand for such trivia?

  • Convoy routes are also used in Europe, but that are not going to be used in A&A50.  I cannot remember what has been said about the fighter rules.  I would agree that the rules for Pacific are my favorite as well, although I have tweaked them a bit.

  • Official Q&A

    Neither convoys nor fighter escorts are in AA50.

  • Is there a chart or graph od differences between the various AA games and how they treat different or same aspects of the game or how they differ in Rules from each other?

    Especially how they are different from each other regarding the same aspect of the game/

    Like do they all treat subs the same way or are there differences?
    Likewise with regard to shore bombardment/strategic bombing/transports etc etc

  • @Constantinople:

    Is there a chart or graph od differences between the various AA games and how they treat different or same aspects of the game or how they differ in Rules from each other?

    Especially how they are different from each other regarding the same aspect of the game/

    Like do they all treat subs the same way or are there differences?
    Likewise with regard to shore bombardment/strategic bombing/transports etc etc

    I briefly started such a list but quickly became daunted with the sheer magnitude, and minutae of the task. Also BOTB, D-Day and Guadalcanal are IMO soooo signifagantly different from Europe, Pacific and the Globals that how the sub rules differ or if there even ARE subs just makes for an organizational nightmare.

    While earnest, I’m really just a casual player and that was an act of devotion I wasn’t ready to perform.  :oops:

    You do get at a good start though asking about differences regarding the same aspect thing.


    Now that I think about it though. Some sort of spreadsheet format? It includes units section, list the units and check for each game, list the cost in each game. Maybe work out some sort of game scale type (tactical, theater, global) but that is the easy part.

    But how do you differentiate D-Day combat from Europe combat. They are pretty close but how to explain that difference in a way that makes the chart useful? Random casulaties in both Bulge and Guadalcanal but determined quite differently how do you explain that in a useful way?

    Lots of information there. How to keep it from being overwhelming?

  • Official Q&A

    My chart of the differences between Revised/LHTR and Anniversary is the only such comparative chart that I know of.  It would be fairly pointless to try to compare games like D-Day, Bulge and Guadalcanal to games like Anniversary and Revised, as their base mechanics are so different.  However, such a chart for Classic, Europe, Pacific, Revised and Anniversary would be feasible, since they have the same base mechanics.  However, it would be a considerable task to put it together in a useful format, as Frimmel noted.

    Subs and transports are a major source of differences between the games, as they seem to be constantly evolving.  They’ve traditionally been a source of confusion for people moving from one game to another.

  • Hey K that’s a great Chart!


  • Nice chart Krieghund.  :-)

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