• My first A&AP game was a great game; a chess match of move and counter-move, feint and thrust.

    The Japanese hit Pearl and Midway, taking out the fleet and airforces, but leaving the USA West Coast fleet. The intent was to preserve the carriers as long as possible. The Phillipeans went under along with the usual suspect of South Pacific islands.

    Next turn, the Japanese moved their fleet and convoys as if to attack Austrailia. And their fleet begins to consolate; the 3 battleships come together with some support craft, but still haven’t linked up the carriers. This fleet is supported by a huge airforce of 8 planes on New Britain Island.

    The USA builds a sub fleet to try and counter the growing Japanese fleet.

    Over the next two turns, the Japanese consolate their fleet and airforce for a monstrous navy taskforce. 3 Battleships, 4 carriers, 8 planes, 3 transports and a destroyer. Other destroyers split off from the group to hunt the American subs. They also begin invading Austrailia. This fleet was poised at New Britian Island. While, two task forces have landed on Western and Northern Austraila.

    It is difficult to take Austraila. Their build plus the 12 British IPC convoy makes it difficult at best, impossible at first. The USA fleet had started to split up, they reinforced Syndey with a carrier and assorted support craft, while another fleet assembled at Pearl. To invade Austraila, you have to starve British shiping, and somehow block the American naval reinforcement from Pearl.

    While Japan was threating Austraila, Indian began to retake some of their lost ground. All of the Japanese resources were moving toward Australia.

    At this point, the Japanese realize they can’t take Autrailia, and then move on Indian instead. The Australians are building armies, and Americans are reinforcing them. By moving to Indian, they can keep the Austrailans out of the game, and slow down the Americans. They reinforce the Phillipeans with their fleet and an infantry stack. The turn after that, they retake the 4 territories they had lost. And the Indians begin to feel threatened.

    The Japanese easily get their 22 VP and win the game. First, by threatening the Austrailians, then the Indians, and then defending for the 22 VP. The Japanese navy (4 carriers, 3 battleships and support craft) defeats a splintered US navy and sinks every last one of them. This navy as a huge task force kept the Americans at bay and off balance allowing a Japanese victory. The Americans had established a bomber Airbase off Japan at that point, but it was 2 turns too late.

    All Japanse battleships survived. All carriers (but one) survived. The flaming sun rose over the world that day.

    As two veteren gamers (20+ years of gaming), this was one of our most memorable gaming sessions ever.

    Lessons learned:
    1. Taking Austraila is impossible if the 12 IPC British convoy is intact. It’s difficult even in the perfect circumstances.
    2. A massive Japanese fleet can keep the Americans off balance, and force them to play slowly, giving you VP time.
    3. Transports are pure gold to the Japanese. Build a few of them every turn.
    4. Don’t mess with China. It’s a waste of time.

  • Thanks for the game right up! I enjoyed reading it very much! :D

    However (and I’m also a newbie at A&A: Pacific), here’s some key steps to help you win with Japan.
    1. If you want a capital victory, India is your best bet like you mentioned.
    2. Try not to seperate your main Imperial Task Force. Your destroyer does have the benefit over subs, but when you start going against 2 or more subs, the chances of winning decrease dramatically. It’s better to keep that Destroyer with your main force to absorb hits should those subs attack and enjoy the extra abilities the Destroyer gives when going up against first-striking subs.

  • Just out of curiousity, how long did this game take you to finish? I’ve played three games and haven’t finished one yet. I just want to make sure it’s not my strategy that’s taking so long.

  • I agree with T_ 6. Good write up! I have not played the game. Just seen it played at CONS. Gotta get it soon or it may be more valuable than gold.
    I’m a gamer so to me it’s priceless. I just gotta pay my bills, fund my retirement and families future. I’m settin’ a lil aside every paycheck and should be able to outbid anyone before Christmas!
    “We have met the enemy and he is us.” - Pogo(character and comic strip of the same name), Walt Kelly

  • Ha, as it is, I don’t own A&A: P either!

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