• 2007 AAR League


    … something tells me D-Days will be quite frequent!

    …something tells me that Germany/Italy will stack WEU heavily  :-P :-D

  • 2007 AAR League


    Russia: Karelia is again an important space since it’s worth 5 IPCs and also building capacity. It’s also the gate to Archangelsk. All this probably means that the Soviet player must be more offensive, even more so than in AAR. I think the Russian campaign will be more volatile and unpredictable. I will also expect a lot of involvement from other powers, such as Italian invasions of Caucasus and UK invasions of Scandinavia. Maybe a UK wearing down of Karelia in a first attack without gaining control to prepare for a decisive Soviet attack will be a common move.

    Africa: Gibraltar and Egypt are worth a lot of IPCs for Italy and UK. Great that Gibraltar now can be reached directly from the Atlantic, we will see a lot of combat taking place there. Also valuable as an air base vs. the Italians. Just landing forces in Marocco or French West Africa might be inadequate now, so a South African IC will be common, especially if UK finds it too dangerous to build an IC in India. Retaking Egypt will take a two-pronged assault from west and south. And of course getting naval forces into the Med. will be a major first step for the UK and US players to coordinate, so much more naval builds in the Atlantic will be needed, inevitably postponing D-day and giving the Germans more time.

    Pacific: Midway, Wake and Solomons are now valuable and the US must very quickly get a presence in the Pacific. Perhaps two whole turns of production on the West coast to get a sizable fleet? Australia will be a US responsibility to divert Japanese attention from or to retake if lost, demanding even more forces. UK efforts will be tied up in Africa and India, and probably keeping India needs Russian help. Perhaps UK attacks in Scandinavia and Karelia will be a trade-off for Russian help in India? Needless to say, keeping Hawaii is a MUST for the US player, and actually takes precedence to all other war aims. This is as it should be and makes perfect historical sense.

    Reading about those conclusions make me dizzy  :-)
    It seems we will get quite a different games with the NOs, from what we’re used to!! Can’t say I’ve come to grasp the full effects of them so far.

    However, the first thing to spring my mind is this:

    The NOs are constructed in such a way, that if Germany starts to loose ground , the Allied bonuses will be skyrocketing!
    Seeing this, wouldn’t an Allied KGF strat STILL be the way to go???

    Sure, Japan will pick up some bonuses, but how are you really gonna stop the IND, AUS OR HAW bonus anyway??
    The “double” Allied WEU bonus would make up for that by plenty!
    Or am I missing something (I probably am  :-D :-D )

  • @Perry:


    … something tells me D-Days will be quite frequent!

    …something tells me that Germany/Italy will stack WEU heavily  :-P :-D

    If Western Europe is worth 6 IPC, it’s essentially a 16 IPC territory for the Allies.  That’s more than any individual territory on the entire board is worth, as far as I can tell.


  • Official Q&A

    Not to mention the fact that you cost Germany 11 IPCs if you hold it.

  • After reading all 103 threads on this topic so far my head is SPINNING!  And even though I can’t keep up with all the ins and outs with out seeing a redrawn map (I work with blue prints all day…drawings really help me grasp something) all I know is the NOs’ sound like a great “historic” and “playable” addition to the game!

    It sounds like they will really help to keep the more “important” and “historic” aspects of the war as prominent objectives in the game.  And because I enjoy history so much, I’m only slightly concerned with the chance of them “limiting” players options for “creative strategies” compared to “scripted play” based off of “historical actions”.   I just hope they are not so painfully obvious and historically accurate that the only Side that has a chance to win the GAME is the Allies…after all…if its TOO scripted…well…everyone does know that the “bad guys” lost the real war right?   :-o

    I just hope A&A is not becoming a game that that is just the “history channel with dice”.   :|
    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love A&A because I like to try and rewrite history not replay history.

    But what ever the case is…I CANT WAIT TO PLAY IT!  I have not been this excited for a game to come out since the days of thumbing through the Sears or Montgomery Wards Christmas catalogs! :mrgreen:

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome to the site, Chris!

    Something tells me you’re really going to like this game.  8-)

  • Greetings, Chris.  Welcome to the site.  It is a bit different from Larry’s site.  Not quite as freewheeling.  As for National Objectives and the bonuses, I still have a wait and see attitude until I have the complete game to go over.  However, if the Cubs make the World Series, it might be a while before I look at it.

  • thanks for the advice about a&a50

  • @Builder_Chris:

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love A&A because I like to try and rewrite history not replay history.

    That is the appeal to me.  If I was [hitler/stalin/churchill/FDR/etc.] how would I have handled it, against my friends/family playing the other roles?  It’s about stepping into past battles and calling the shots.  I do think that AA50 is catered to people like us as well, the NO’s don’t seem too scripting (most seem to reinforce the need to attack victory city locations, or implement a way for non-VCs to see some major action).

  • * (Control of all at least four out of: Finland, Baltic States, East Poland, Poland, Czechoslovakia/Hungary, Roumania/Bulgaria and/ or Balkans) = 10 IPCs (we know the Soviets have a 10 IPC bonus, but the details are not known)

    Is this the last remaining unknown NO? Care to elaborate a bit about it Krieghund? It looks like very important since it is 10 IPC.

  • Official Q&A

    Nah, we did an Allies one last time.  Let’s do the last Axis one first:



    • Axis control of Italy+Balkans+Morocco/Algeria+Libya+No enemy ships in Med sea zones, sz 13,14,15 [transports and submarines do not count]= 5 IPCs.

    This one is correct.

    The Italian National Objectives are now complete.

  • LOL I was under the impression that this was the last one that remained. I get that information by looking at the brackets on the fact sheet. Looks like the fact sheet should be renamed into guess sheet :lol:

    Anyway thanks Krieghund.

  • ahh they change stuff and we find info from a long time ago we jsut need to go trough aliot to find it or them

  • One to go!

  • wuts the last 1

  • 2007 AAR League

    As for Game Balance, I think the German NOs will be very powerful. Initial push into Rus1 will secure a 45-47 income (depending on wheter EGY goes dwn), w/NOs.

    R1 can’t counter too much of the german inital gains.
    UK1 neither… At least can’t stop the Germs from securing their NOs again on G2.

    So we look at a Germany on 45 income for at least two turns. And prolly in high 40’s for yet some time.


  • germany needs that income unless they have bad roolls :-o

  • @Perry:

    As for Game Balance, I think the German NOs will be very powerful. Initial push into Rus1 will secure a 45-47 income (depending on wheter EGY goes dwn), w/NOs.

    R1 can’t counter too much of the german inital gains.
    UK1 neither… At least can’t stop the Germs from securing their NOs again on G2.

    So we look at a Germany on 45 income for at least two turns. And prolly in high 40’s for yet some time.


    Seems like they’ll have the cash to produce more interesting units than 10 inf ($30) unless they’re investing in tech.

  • @Perry:

    As for Game Balance, I think the German NOs will be very powerful. Initial push into Rus1 will secure a 45-47 income (depending on wheter EGY goes dwn), w/NOs.

    R1 can’t counter too much of the german inital gains.
    UK1 neither… At least can’t stop the Germs from securing their NOs again on G2.

    So we look at a Germany on 45 income for at least two turns. And prolly in high 40’s for yet some time.


    I like some of the techs, but the National Objectives do look very definitely biased in favor of the Axis when it comes to easy achievement of them.  And the US industrial production is ludicrous.  Game balance is one thing, giving the Axis a blank check is another.  May have to simply assign the Allies some techs to start the game to balance it out.

  • yo som1 replied lol when i was coming in lets chat about this though

    no techs for allies until we c the game once or twice elts hope for many house rules also germany needs a lot of income so they can get like 5 tanks=  25$ and
    2 planes = 24$ 24+25=49$ might be a bit high so lets take a tank down =44$

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