Comparing "Old Glory" and "Skytrex" Infantry Pieces

  • Now that I have a large custom map, I want to upgrade the pieces.  Based on discussions I’ve read, the best for infantry units is either “old glory” or “Skytrex”.  Is there a preference by anyone due to quality, pricing or service?

    The current USD against the British Pound or Euro makes them somewhat more pricey for me than for my comrads across the pond, so I’m trying to find a US distributor for either.

    I’ve pretty much decided on Skytrex Minis for armor, ships and planes.  Although, can’t imagine the total $$$ for a set large enough to staff the large AAHRE map.  And then on top of that have them custom painted like some of you do.

    Maybe, I’ll start charging our play group monthly dues or rent seeing that they only want to play on “MY” board now :-P

  • They are the same. IN United States they are sold under “old glory” or “command decision” 15 mm

    Skytrex has them as well.

    It really comes down to size of order. Skytrex will sell you them with free shipping as long as your order is about $300+
    (you may have to ask for the free shipping by email before placing order–-say you want to place an order for $300 bucks and can you get free shipping)  The free shipping is not found on the site.

    The price per bag of 50 Infantry is about $14-15 range, plus you need the washers to support the base, and a bottle of glue.

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