• Do you try for developments?  If so, which ones?  Please give your reason for “yes” or “no”.

    I usually try for developments at times.  I usually try for LRA for USA because it’s much easier to take Japan’s sea vessels from a far away distance.  I usually don’t try for any other development.  But developments are the last thing I think about when I’m contemplating what to spend my money on.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Depends on the Rule Set you are using.  Under the OOB rules, Heavy Bombers are very powerful, not so much under LHTR.  I like Jet Power and Rockets.  Jet Power because of the defense and the fact it neutralizes enemy AA.  Rockets because they can’t be shot down.

  • OOB - Out of the Box Rules
    FAQ - FAQ rules (on the Wizards/Hasbro/Avalon Hill website)
    LHTR - Larry Harris Tournament Rules
    NA - National Advantages
    PI - yum

    Depends on the ruleset.  If you’re playing OOB/FAQ, you can use Long Range Aircraft to extend the range on your air (obviously), which can give you the hitting power you need to grab a capital, or the ability to hit unescorted naval units that were previously out of range.

    If you’re playing strictly OOB, Rockets are totally broken.  You get Rockets with Germany and shell everyone’s economy into oblivion.  FAQ and LHTR “fix” this by limiting income damage.

    If you’re playing OOB with NA, you can combo US Superfortresses with Heavy Bombers for a no-brainer economic victory win.

    Late game, you can use Combined Bombardment while loading/unloading one infantry to blow up coastal regions with mimimal added investment.  It’s not a strategy, it’s a tactic for winning a game that you’ve already won.  (If you build that many destroyers while the game’s still in question, you lose).

    You can use Super Subs in naval-heavy games like KJF.  Probably not a lotta use in most games, but you CAN do it; it’s something that does prove useful in some games.

    LHTR gives you different bonuses for different advancements.  I don’t play LHTR a lot, but stuff that’s useful is like Jet Power (LHTR version) . . .

  • @mrsoccerchessman:

    Do you try for developments?  If so, which ones?  Please give your reason for “yes” or “no”.

    I usually try for developments at times.  I usually try for LRA for USA because it’s much easier to take Japan’s sea vessels from a far away distance.  I usually don’t try for any other development.  But developments are the last thing I think about when I’m contemplating what to spend my money on.

    There is a big difference in the rules set you use, as LHTR removes ‘instant’ tech.  They are deferred to the end of your turn, so no rolling for Long Range for Germany on round1 and try for the UK capital.

    Even in LHTR, rockets are still very powerful for both Germany and the allies (UK and US).  It’s hard (over time) to beat bombers that can not be shot down.

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