Hi All
New member here, but I have played A&A for years, and love the revised game…anyway on to my issue.
One of my friends and regular opponents has come up with a Germany Strategy that no one has yet to sucessfuly counter. It goes as follows
R1 buy: INF and maybe one armor
R1: take WRUSSIA
G1 buy: Carrier, plane (optional) and the rest INF and/or armor
G1 attack: UK BB sunk off Gibralter with BB and sub and TRANS, BUT GIB taken with INF, closing the MED. UK destoryer sunk of Egypt. Europe: Karalia taken
G1 placement: Carrier in N Europe fleet (note house rule allows players to lay unused plane (that round) and new plane on carrier, now at full strgenth)
G2 move: consolidate fleet of coast of W Europe : Germany now has: BB, Carrier, 2 planes, 3 subs, DEST, and TRANS in striking distance of UK, Norway, Brazil and Africa
With this defense in place Germany then begins in push on Russia in earnest in G3, with the navy guarding the back door and/or taking Africa and/or Brazil. By the time UK and USA get enough forces in place to deal with the G Fleet, Russia is usually in serious trouble.
By G3 germany is moving on USSR fast with tanks and minimum inf
If UK buys India factory and does not match Atlantic buy they fall behind and can not even threaten Norway. If USA matches then Japan can run wild
I have experminted with NOT buying India factory and using USSR to reinforce India. With the UK building Atlantic fleet, and stacking USSR but without help we all know they can not hold.
Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated, normaly we all are VERY even players but he has come up with a strategy that we can not crack yet
Long live A&A, and thanks for your time