@all-encompassing-goose It’s Too Germany favored, Pacific is even More Japan favored- that’s why I stopped playing it and I’m sure others as well unless they like winning the majority of the time playing the Axis!!!
My last game: maybe a balance solution?
Mot, have you played with your additional rules yet? They look sound, and I am really keen to try them out. Especially the rule with one arty from suez, the tank from the east, the infantry from the draft, and the sub for the wolf packs. These are rules that don’t adjust the attack and defense capabilities of the units, whilst at the same time adding a nice historical touch to the game. Anyways I’ll be sure to tell you how I go when I try these rules out next.
I haven’t played in ages, unfortunately. We experimented with different rules to fix “the Stack” problem back 5 or 6 years ago when the online club “A&A Europe Members Club” was very active. I don’t think anyone in those test games ever tried the one I posted…not all of them anyway.
Please let us all know how you make out!
General Steiner, if you want to try these out via play-by-forum, please let me know. I haven’t played A&A Europe in ages…it might be fun!
Me and my friends try to balance it out (we think Germany needs a lot of help) by making German Subs cost 6 and having German tanks at 3/3. We also are going to make new lend/lease rules so there’s none of this ‘10 russian fighters’ business too early.
Am I missing something? Why do some people still say that its not balanced out for Germany? If anything its not balanced out for the allies, unless that sending fighters to USSR strategy really works? Frimmel, Krieghund or someone of reputable character, please come to the rescue! This query has been dogging me on these forums.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Aug 17, 2008, 11:02 PM
Invade Leningrad turn 1
Buy all infantry, then all tanks for a few turns
Germany cant lose the game with 3/2 tanks and subs at 8You can also try two turns of infantry followed by tanks on all the rest.
Let the commies build these fighters.
Yup, that’s the strategy. It’s really quite simple, and very effective.
Mot, have you played with your additional rules yet? They look sound, and I am really keen to try them out. Especially the rule with one arty from suez, the tank from the east, the infantry from the draft, and the sub for the wolf packs. These are rules that don’t adjust the attack and defense capabilities of the units, whilst at the same time adding a nice historical touch to the game. Anyways I’ll be sure to tell you how I go when I try these rules out next.
You might also want to use the idea of requiring a territory to have a land unit on it in order to collect the IPC. I have been using something similar in A&A Pacific, whereby if the Japanese remove all military units from an area, not only do they loose the IPC from that area, but because of the existence of resistance movements, the Allies regain control of the area, a free Allied infantry piece is placed in the area, and the Allies immediately begin to collect the IPC. This would be very effective in the Netherlands/Belgium, Eastern France, France, and Vichy France.
Yup, that’s the strategy. It’s really quite simple, and very effective.
If it is that simple and that effective, then the game has a serious problem with game balance.
Hmm don’t know if I’ll get around to playing Europe any time soon. I went to kinkos the other day and printed off Axis and Allies Europe Advanced, so ima give that a whirl and see how it goes. I can’t wait to play with Italy :) You can really unhinge the Russian front in Advanced. Germans attack the first line of the defense, and then Italian tanks can blitz into the next line of territory. So the Russian player has to think about defense in depth! Also I’d love the idea of, Germany goes all out against Russia and Italy spends all its money tieing down allied convoys, and the allied fleet in general. I was thinking along the lines of a bombers off the west coast off france attacking with subs. Anyways I will tell you all how the game goes when I play it next :)
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