1. Night bombing: no aa rolls, no DAS, SBR at 1/2 values or 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3 IPC lost

    2. Starting tanks for nations at 3/2, latter new built tanks goto 3/3

    Germans get them to start

    Soviets get them on 2nd turn of invasion

    Americans get them after 4th turn of entry

    Japan and Italy never get them

    UK ?

    1. damaged BB you must pay to repair, one D6, if you roll a 6 you have to pay the result of both rolls.

    2. Leadership (commander rule) to replace the cards

  • the night bombing idea is diffcult to get right

    I am not sure about total immunity
    we had radar, we had search lights

    more like if they were not “detected” then aerial combat hits can’t be allocated on them

    then again what about the esorts, if esorts were trying to hide too then it becomes very hard to screen the bombers, which then gives the enemy choice of allocation of hits

    if maybe aerial combat is too hard against fighters at night, only bombers can be spotted properly?
    then its just defending air units against attacking bombers detected by ID/AA gun

    WWII bombing accuracy is laughable
    if day time carpet bombing resulted in significant civilian damage but marginal success at hitting military resources…I then wonder what does night bombing achieve
    maybe 33% efficiency

    night bombing does fine when targetting population though
    let them bomb Dresden and reduce VC (victory city)'s infantry raising capacity nex turn or something
    controversial yes

  • then again what about the esorts, if esorts were trying to hide too then it becomes very hard to screen the bombers, which then gives the enemy choice of allocation of hits

    if maybe aerial combat is too hard against fighters at night, only bombers can be spotted properly?
    then its just defending air units against attacking bombers detected by ID/AA gun

    At night the enemy cannot launch interceptors, so the bombers don’t require escort. The effectiveness of the AA guns was not good anyway, but i suppose it could be reduced so that the second result of a d6 never results in losing the bomber, but incomplete mission result on 4-6 after getting a 6 result on the first die.

    Its a way of doing SBR for nations that don’t have any escorts, which applies to some nations that are poor and allows them a chance to SBR, but it also gives the allies this strategy of buying mass bombers for night bombing and a means as an effective strategy to fight the Axis.

    UK SBR at Germany since 1940 even when Germany was strong, because the RAF used night bombing to eliminate heavy loses. Otherwise SBR would not be tried because the other side would bring in escorts… and that is not modeling the war well if you leave that aspect out.

  • just remember it goes both ways, Germany player would also use the night bombing rule to bomb UK

    so something like this…

    no esort planes and no interceptor planes

    ID still fires, still requires detection
    no changes need besides forced retreat on 1 as well as 2-3

    VC’s capacity next turn is reduced
    -1 VCP on a die of 1-3
    -2 VCP on die of 4-6

  • ok thats fine, but have the damage for sbr like this:

    1-2=1 ipc lost
    3-4=2 ipc lost
    5-6=4 ipc lost

    that way its kinda promoting night bombing anyway as the normal method unless you have huge air force and want to exchange planes at a loss per unit.

  • um, I say VCP and you say IPC…

    I am saying WWII “strategic bombing” weren’t all that accurate
    SBR in AARHE reduce IPC or “IC capacity”
    night bombing would be 50% effectiveness or below, and should only get to choose the “reduce capacity” option

    probably even reduce VCP capacity
    night bombing destroys bedrooms

  • um, I say VCP and you say IPC…

    I am saying WWII “strategic bombing” weren’t all that accurate
    SBR in AARHE reduce IPC or “IC capacity”
    night bombing would be 50% effectiveness or below, and should only get to choose the “reduce capacity” option

    probably even reduce VCP capacity
    night bombing destroys bedrooms

    ok so how would it look?

    So your saying roll a d6= amount of IPC worth of product you cannot build that turn? so if you have a territory that is worth 3 IPC x4=12 and it has a factory normally you can build 12 IPC worth of products… so if you SBR you roll a 4, now only up to 8 IPC worth of stuff can be placed ?

    its ok but i dont think 50% rate would really make it worth while.

  • oh ok for the fun factor we’ll keep it at 100% strength

    so I am saying night bombing raid should only be able to reduce IC capacity rather than IPC damage

    now the IC is…

    under Industrial Complex Mobilization we currently have
    The number of units deployable is equal to the territory’s income value. Strategic Bomber Raid [ on the previous page] can reduce this.

  • Ok but provide an example in the rules, unless its AARHE lite.

  • actually I wasn’t thinking of adding it to LITE…

    this is the wording

    Night Bombing
    Only Bomber may perform this. Identical to SBR except Infrastructure Defense do not fire against them and no aerial combat occurs. Each Bomber roll to reduce unit production at its Industrial Complex.

  • Thats fine but make an example so people know how it reduces production>?

    total units ?
    total IPC cost of units?

    just make an example.

  • Strategic Bomber Raid (SBR)
    Each Bomber surviving Infrastructure Defense fire and aerial combat may choose to roll a die to reduce the territory’s income, or reduce unit production capacity at its Industrial Complex. The die value is the number of IPC reduced, or number of units of production capacity reduced respectively. All damages are applied to the enemy’s next turn.

  • thats just fine.

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