@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Missing the boat
I thought that I read somewhere that 1 soldier represented a unit and something about the tanks, too. I’ll look around for where I read that (probably in the rules somewhere) :|
I’m liking this game as it is, for its simplicity of play. I can quickly teach new people and have them playing.
I’ve been playing a HO / 1:72 scale home made game (both WWII and Modern) that the scale is to scale. We build terrain that is 1 centimeter to 1 meter. Essentially 1 cm is three feet. There is no hex terrain for ease of movement and we have multi story buildings with rooms that the models can enter etc. It is very good and very versatile but it is also slower as we keep adding capabilities.
The A&A minis is a nice mix of mini gaming and a board game. Its not perfect but I’ll stick with it. Live with the cards cause there is very little on a real battlefield that you can control.
How do you build the buildings, I am looking to make a scenario that calls for a multi story building and I am looking for Ideas.
As someone said above, check out these maps if you want more detailed fighting in cities, bldgs etc.
I have their stalingrad map, it’s quite a bit beter than what comes in the box. I like what they did with the 10m scale, but the map is too small. I guess I can’t be pleased.
I am going to pick up some 1/4" balsa wood and build a 4 story building. If it works out I will do more.
My buildings are made of wood. Walls are 1/4 inch thick and each level is 1.5 inches high. I cut windows and doors etc and glue the pieces together with low melt hot glue sticks. I happen to have a table saw etc (actially a full cabinet shop) and I cut “rabbet” edges along the tops of the walls on the interior sides so that individual room covers sit into the notches like and suspended ceiling. The covers are just cardboard with a fold of tape on them as a handle.
My three story office building has 3 separate floors and a roof. If an enemy breaches into the bottom floor I lift off the top floors and the specific room lid. That way the enemy can see what is in the room they entered and while they can visualize the rest of the rooms on that floor they can’t see what soldiers or defences are in each. If the enemy goes up the stairs or mouseholes into another room instead of using the doors etc I expose the rooms as required and will of course conduct counterattacks into the contested rooms. WEorks pretty well and teaches that stacking assaulters is trouble if the enemy has grenades.
post some pics please
I’d love to see some pics as well. I like the idea of revealing the floors as they are entered.
Wait, Out.
Lol, that’s beter radio speek than 95% of the monkeys in my unit would use.