Myself it really depends on what Germany does, though my standard moves are, Dest from SZ35 to SZ59, Sub from SZ40 to SZ45, The Subs a 50/50, some people like to take the carrier to the tran as well but, I prefer the Dest Alone. If Africa is going good, Namely if I can retake EGY, then the tran in SZ40 takes two inf from AUS and invades New Guinea (Something nice to try) If I cannot retake EGY I like to use the Tran to pick up 2 INF from AUS and then move to SZ30, then on UK2 drop them anywhere along the Africa coast (Even Persia if it needs them). If Germany takes EGY and you “can” retake it, then do it bringing 2 inf from IND, 1 INF from TRJ and the Fighter from SZ35 (You can also bring your Bomber but I usually don’t). Otherwise I like to stack 2 inf in TRJ and the 3 Indian Inf and A-A gun to Persia. The AC stays with the Tran wherever it decides to go. If Germany is stupid and doesn’t take EGY, then smile :lol: happily and move the INF from TRJ into it, stack 4 + A-A gun in Persia, move the FIG to EGY and move the Tran and AC to SZ33 (Out of reach of the IJN).
The SAF INF always moves up, regardless of what you do.
Who played good, who played bad, show me show me!!!
This probably isn’t the right forum to ask this, but I was thinking: a thread should be started that contains some of the most well-played games here on the boards, either recently or from 2007 as well. Now, I know just about anyone could post their thread saying they beat so-and-so so I played well and here’s my thread, but I was thinking more along the lines of some really really REALLY well-played games involving top players or just regular Joe’s like myself that were fairly decent.
The reason I ask for people to post links to their threads is so guys having trouble playing the Axis or not sure how to get the Allies going can see from competent games just what to (maybe) do and how to do. So, if people are willing, can you post a link to your thread showing how well you smashed the Allies into itty bitty pieces or how you bottled up the Axis like a genie. Please and thanks.
There should probably be a “strategies” section with child boards of the specific game (i.e. Classis, Revised, AAE, AAP, etc)
This idea would fit very well within that forum, IMHO
A “good” game shouldn’t see outright dominance by one side or the other; if one side starts to win early, it’s either because of dice or incompetence.
There should probably be a “strategies” section with child boards of the specific game (i.e. Classis, Revised, AAE, AAP, etc)
This idea would fit very well within that forum, IMHO
Well, that’s why I posted it in this section, because this is the revised forum. Unless you’re saying to go post in the actual Revised gaming section, such as the League or Games in Progress section? I thought it might be easier to do it here.
There should probably be a “strategies” section with child boards of the specific game (i.e. Classis, Revised, AAE, AAP, etc)
This idea would fit very well within that forum, IMHO
Well, that’s why I posted it in this section, because this is the revised forum. Unless you’re saying to go post in the actual Revised gaming section, such as the League or Games in Progress section? I thought it might be easier to do it here.
I think you missed the point of my post.
I was advocating a seperate “Strategies” forum for discussions like what you are proposing. Strangely, there is no “Strategies” forum here.
In that abscence, your posting here is fine.
Oh, I gotcha now. I guess you’re message wasn’t too clear the first time I read it.
your idea is very good, General,
there are sure some great games which can be linked here, and we can comment or at least see how they played, enjoy seeing that game and to learn a lot
and i must agree with New Paint, a good game almost requires long-term fights on both sides, since if one player plays a game much better than his opponent, regardless of the dice he will soon achieve victory= the opponent will probably surrender
i have one game of mine, in which i have to say that JWW played extraordinary in some turns, rounds… and all in all he played a great one, great one indeed :mrgreen:
Thanks Amon, I appreciate your help. Kudos to you! Maybe others will follow your lead…
Here’s a game that is currently going on between me and TC and at this time it is still an undecided game.
There are a few reasons why I’m posting this one. First I think it has been a well played game for the most part. I think some of my early German play may have been suspect, but it does show the value of having a 2nd German bomber and some troubles that the German air can pose to the Allies. Another reason I’m posting this game is I do think my Japan play in this game has been some of my best. Everything sort of fell into place for them, but they have been quite the juggernaut. I think it is a good example if people are looking for some things to do as Japan. And the final reason I’m posting this game is because its come down to a good ole capital trade. Moscow fell on J13 and Berlin on US13. So, I think ultimately this game can show how to prepare and deal with that type of situation. As I said as of this moment it is still undecided but a really fun game to play.
Thanks Darth. Definitely looks like a great game. I guess I need to figure out how to prolong my games as well. I usually fall around 8 or 9 and it gets frustrating to say the least.
Thanks Darth. Definitely looks like a great game. I guess I need to figure out how to prolong my games as well. I usually fall around 8 or 9 and it gets frustrating to say the least.
Adding ghost units to your capital typically will extend the game.
Thanks Darth. Definitely looks like a great game. I guess I need to figure out how to prolong my games as well. I usually fall around 8 or 9 and it gets frustrating to say the least.
Adding ghost units to your capital typically will extend the game.
Thanks Darth. Definitely looks like a great game. I guess I need to figure out how to prolong my games as well. I usually fall around 8 or 9 and it gets frustrating to say the least.
Adding ghost units to your capital typically will extend the game.
I believe Nukchebi0 was making a funny…
Maybe I need to recall Rommel from Africa and have him and the 7th Armoured division come back and hide in plain sight in Berlin. Maybe scare off the Allies for a while! :lol: