R.I.P. Bunnies P…
Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
thought i’d throw this one in too. its about how the media has changed its tune to swoon for obama. and McCain went from mr. respectable to mr. grumpy white man hypocrite.
i remember a few people just a year ago saying republicans who thought the media was completely biased were wrong. i wonder what they say now. are they still ignorant? or do they choose to lie on purpose, for the sake of party loyalty. any which way they are truly terrible people, those who cant see the way that the media tries to subliminally sway there minds. they are the sheep with a wolf as a shepherd.
its so amazing that even the clintons have picked up on it. boo hoo, they had the liberal media on their side for 8 years of nonsense and socialism and attacking americans in america……(waco, ruby ridge, elian gonzales)
To sum up my thoughts on the issue, I agree with everyone here about the lack of a conservative. I feel like 2 party politics has hindered america, since both major parties are seemingly becoming more and more centrist, and in then end you arent stuck with much of a choice.
The lack of real right and left wing, liberal and conservatives in politics is the reason I listen to the opinions of people like Michael Savage. Even though I disagree with him on a lot of issues, its refreshing to hear radicalism instead of the standard politico-speak of every candidate in the election.
The nation is not ready for true conservatism. If it was, Ron Paul would be the nominee. instead we want to kid ourselves that we can afford to keep troops all over the world, afford to give every person health care coverage and social security and medicare, afford to run the printing presses night and day and call it “sound fiscal policy”.
How many of you democrat boosters who are male (which I believe is the entire audiance who identifies with the democrat party on this forum) would vote for John McCain if the Governor of Alaska was his running mate?
The Governor is Sarah Palin and she is 42 Years Old. She’s considered the sexiest woman in politics today.
A- I think the media is as a whole not biased toward one extreme or the other so much as it is sensationalist. News is more about presenting current events in an entertainment medium instead of presenting it in a fair and balanced way. I think many Americans think that radio/tv hosts to belittle guests from the other side is not honestly cross examining ideas so much as finding a way to tear the other side down. I do not view this as news.
B- I am curious how much of McCain is posture and how much is substance, this drift. I agree the right does not have much of a choice. I think mostly everyone here would agree that this two party system does not benefit the country. A shame Teddy R. didn’t pull off a victory with his bull moose party. I think that might have broken the mold.
C- thanks for accusing me of not caring for america at all once again…its been a while…or am i just stupid?
D- I would vote for him if Palin was his running mate because maybe then we can try and impeach both the Pres. and the VP at the same time. That or we can have heffner move in and call the White House the playboy mansion. More people would probably care about what goes on in there then. Probably will even get more quality work done there.:) YAY for American politics today!
if you dont see the media bias, well then, you might be, ……
i mean seriously, you cant see the BLATANT obama love, and the blatant tarnishing of McCain. i dont think obama has had a bad story yet. even the bad ones are washed over and “fogotten” by a helpful media.
once again, maybe you just say that for the sake of party loyalty. i’ve met people like that before.
and jen, that lady with her hair down and trying to look sexy, would be ultra sexy, and if she could (sway) me, then i’d be even more inclined to vote for McCain.
All media has a bias in some way or another.
the problem is when they clame not to be but are far left or right. the trend in the media is to lean left more then right though.
way left. they are acting like obama cheerleaders. enough so that even the clintons are complaining about it.
It’s bad when you say your are fair and balanced but swing off center more than anyone else.
And reality has a liberal bias. That’s why the media seems like it.
I never said that media is not biased, I just don’t lump all media as being solely liberal or solely conservative trash talking platforms. I think many do slant one way or the other but what makes it agregious is that they are presenting the information in an entertainment fashion in order to get views not because they give a damn about informing people. I am sorry bung but I thought you were calling me stupid soley for having an opinion which slants me to the left.
How many of you democrat boosters who are male (which I believe is the entire audiance who identifies with the democrat party on this forum) would vote for John McCain if the Governor of Alaska was his running mate?
The Governor is Sarah Palin and she is 42 Years Old. She’s considered the sexiest woman in politics today.
I’d do her. :-D
If I were an enemy of America, McCain is the ONE guy I sure as hell wouldn’t vote for.
Hence, I say “McCain for President”.
Clinton’s too caught up in fripperies, Obama’s too young and idealistic.
McCainThe one our enemies would prefer MOST is McCain.
McCainThe ones our enemies would most prefer is Obama.
But comparing the least liberal of the liberals to other liberals does NOT make him conservative.
As for the media, we’ve known for decades they’re hopelessly biased. Why do you think President Reagan dissolved the legislation stopping political speech on the radio!?!? Because he KNEW the only chance he had for fair reporting on what was happening in government was over the air waves, since the video news was in the art of MAKING the news, not REPORTING the news anymore. (Had stopped in the mid 1960’s actually after nearly a century of being good after starting the Spanish American war.)
Sure, Fox is attempting to balance out CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN, but it’s still 1:4 and thus, not really fair and balanced yet.
If the media is going to be a booster for Obama and slander the Clintons, great! It’s about time the Clintons get treated like the media treats Republicans. Maybe they’ll start to realize the monster they created in the 90’s by turning them loose to slander the good names of strong conservatives to force them to retire and thus not oppose the communist programs being supported by the elected Democrat elite.
Just my opinion however. Anything that keeps dems tearing at each others throats is good for America!
fully agreed
Some of you sound wayyyyyy too partisan.
If there was a candidate for the opposing party that you liked more than your party of choice would you vote for them? Would you even admit that you like them? Would you vote for a third party candidate, even if they realistically had no hopes of winning?
I’m sorry. I think using partisan as a way to slam someone’s position in the political arena is rather ridiculous. Everyone is partisan! Being partisan means you have opinions and you support them until you are proven incorrect or until the end of time (because you are correct.)
I don’t want to elect a non-partisan. I want the most d@mn partisan conservative I can bloody well find and I want to get him (or her) into office and the most like him or her into congress as possible. Why should we get wishy-washy flip-floppers with no opinions of their own and no convictions whatsoever into office? How is that good for the country? You think Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson or the other Presidents in our past were NON partisan!?!?
i would vote for a Dem IF i agreed with there policies and thought they were making the right choices. i would vote 3rd party if they had a chance to win (Ross Poriot for example had a chance), i wouldn’t vote for a 3rd party if they had a chance like Ron Paul if he ran 3rd party based on his support now at least; unless i found there to be no one i could tolirate in one of the two parties. I am not loyal to a party, i am loyal to ideals as people should be.
Honestly, I’ve always voted for the man’s platform. However, I seem to be doing more voting for the lesser of the evils I have a choice of instead of for someone whom I believe in.
I vote Democrat a lot for Congress. I vote Republican a lot for Senate. Mainly because Dick Durbin is the most evil, vile and dispicable person I know who is currently living and breathing. I’m sure at home he’s a great father. But when it comes to leadership his attitude towards our own soldiers (he believe Gitmo is WORSE then Auschwitz was! I have the recordings of him speaking about it!) and his anti-American rhetoric (wants to expand NAFTA to all nations, wants unlimited amnesties for Mexicans, wants legislation shutting down ALL coal and nuclear power plants in America, etc) is so far bad that you could run Hitler against him and get my vote. Actually, you could run Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, King George or Bill Clinton against him, and I’d vote for them this year!
Luckily, the guy running for his seat is a pediatrician. I can’t WAIT to vote for him! He wants to hamstring attorneys so that lawsuits cost the attorney money when they fail. He wants to force the insurance companies to defer to the doctor’s judgement instead of legislating that service providers must perform every test for any given symptom, even if the tests are obviously a waste of time. He also wants the consumer to determine if they want a more expensive proceedure if the consumer wants it, even if their insurance won’t cover it and to stop the insurance companies from saying that if the consumer GETS that treatment, then NONE of the treatments will be covered.
Sounds like he has a MUCH better plan to fix health care then Universality. IMHO. Which makes sense. Hillary was working for a nurse for 8 hours to learn about health care. He’s been working with sick children and frantic parents and the insurance companies for 30 years. I think he knows more about it then her. Maybe. :P
As for President. Honestly, McCain’s only selling point is that he’ll trust the generals to do their job. That does NOT out weigh his stance on security, his stance on amnesty, his stance on taxes (he wants to restore the death tax for instance, and to sun-set the Bush tax cuts which is a de-facto increase in my taxes of 7% at least). Not to mention McCain’s on record of not only voting for the limits on Freedom of Speech, but actually co-Authoring the bill to limit our freedom of speech! (Campaign Finance Reform - you cannot create a new ad within 30 days of an election, so if it turns out Candidate B enjoys burning babies alive, and it’s 29 days before the election, you cannot tell us!)
McCainThe one our enemies would prefer MOST is McCain.
McCainThe ones our enemies would most prefer is Obama.
Have you been talking to the enemy? How would you know any of this?
As for the media, we’ve known for decades they’re hopelessly biased. Why do you think President Reagan dissolved the legislation stopping political speech on the radio!?!? Because he KNEW the only chance he had for fair reporting on what was happening in government was over the air waves, since the video news was in the art of MAKING the news, not REPORTING the news anymore. (Had stopped in the mid 1960’s actually after nearly a century of being good after starting the Spanish American war.)
Sure, Fox is attempting to balance out CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN, but it’s still 1:4 and thus, not really fair and balanced yet.
If the media is going to be a booster for Obama and slander the Clintons, great! It’s about time the Clintons get treated like the media treats Republicans. Maybe they’ll start to realize the monster they created in the 90’s by turning them loose to slander the good names of strong conservatives to force them to retire and thus not oppose the communist programs being supported by the elected Democrat elite.
Just my opinion however. Anything that keeps dems tearing at each others throats is good for America!
It’s time for you to learn that media really only has a self bias. “It’s about time the Clintons get treated like the media treats Republicans.” WTF does that even mean? Do you not remember someone named Monica Lewinsky?
Politicians get treated like crap when they are shown to be hypocritical or bad characters. It’s not because they are Republican, and Democrats get their fair share. Anything that points out how bad a politician is will get attention. That’s all they want. Partisan is right. You’re too worried about making the Democrats and liberals look bad that you have forsaken your own beliefs. Or did you have any to begin with seeing as how someone can turn on Rush and hear the same damn thing.