Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • you are right, he can’t get the base because of those areas, and that makes him not a seriouse runner although the media would like us to beleive other wise… also his stance on gun laws adds to that.

    his ability to lead in a crisous is a big deal though, compair it to Hurican Katrina, the local and state government fell threw and it was instantlly passed to the Federal level, who also took the brunt of the blaim. not just that, he reacted in the proper way for his posision at the time to 9/11, he did not stand by for federal assistance, but he took the bull by the horns and lead right there. i’m not a huge fan of the guy, but i do reconize his strong point. he can lead as he has proven desisivly in a stressfull situation.

  • What I find to be disturbing is not the candidates and their messages but the voters and what they are prioritizing as what is most important. While we have TWO wars still going on, the people seem to be more interested in their personal lives with domestic issues and the nations economy. All polls are suggesting as much…

    To me, it is of most importance that our nation at war should be what we should be voting about. Not how to make our wallets thicker. It sickens me while we still got troops dying out there.

    As for preference on a candidate… I am indecisive. I’ve been leaning toward McCain. Not because I agree with him. Because when I see him, I believe him. Judging a person’s character far outweighs what a person “says” he or she will make happen if elected.
    God knows I hated Bush. But I lived through eight years of him and I am still alive and functioning in society. So whoever is next, I will still be able to do the same. That is why I stick with characteristics over record or intent.

  • Records, as in voting Records are vital when you have them, if a person votes one way, but says another, that is important to know.

    now i do think the economy is important and ties right into the war. the war is my personal priority, but if the economy colapses then we are going to have to pull troops back as we can’t afford to maintain the large millitary let alone over seas. so now national security is an issue as the war is not over seas but the terrorist can bring it back to us.
    the boarder ties in with the war as the news has shown, there was a group of men who entered the US via Mexico that only some were cought and the rest not. these men were found out to be terorist. also we had the truck that was carrying 2 chemicals that when mixed explod, the driver and passanger disapeared, the truck wasn’t documented as carring ether matierial, and the truck was just south of the boarder heading north.

    what i’m getting at on the last two issues is that we have things that are tied together even if not standing out or the media or governemnt down plays them.

  • I understand what you are saying however, I don’t believe that other voters are thinking that. The high volume of complaints due to high gas prices, housing slumps, and tax hikes speak of the personal preference of the average voter.

    What you say about the economy related to the war is correct but it still doesn’t explain people’s priorities. Otherwise they would have said as much.

  • k, just wanted to make sure you were putting them together  :wink:
    accually i know what you mean, the media has droped the war as it’s doing much better now, the government and media arn’t publicly putting 2 and 2 together to show us how there is still a threat (media because they don’t want the war to look good, government because they don’t want us scared, or to close the boarder). so we are convinced because of the lack of covarage (atleast the vast majority of the sheepel) that the war is all but over, we are just waiting to bring our troops home, so onto new media pushed issues like our sinking economy and how bad our current president is doing there as you always have to find how bad he is doing, when he dose well we got to make sure we divert to some new “problem”

  • 2007 AAR League

    little do they talk about how terrible congress is.

    it hasnt done 1 dang thing in a year.  fantastic if thats what you want.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Neither of the two wars (Terrorism/Afghanistan nor Iraq) will be a central issue this election.  Health Care, Sub-Prime Mortgages and Gay Marriage will be central issues this election.

    I would, honestly, recommend picking a candidate that agrees with your stance on those issues because, unless Iran fires off a nuclear weapon, or the terrorists strike us on our home soil again, I just don’t see any further discussion on Iraq and, by extension, Afghanistan. The Surge is working too well, so much so we don’t even here body counts anymore.

  • I’m not sure if you read my post properly, Jen. I stated the war SHOULD be the central issue when thinking of a candidate.

    By that logic of thinking, the body counts “they do not mention” are acceptable.
    My thinking is that it isn’t. Our nation is still at war, whether you like it or not. And if Americans have bigger concerns with whether two people of the same sex are able to marry or “when can I expect to collect on my house” then it shows the now unpopular veterans that they are just a sideshow. And that is what I find disturbing.

    But this is getting off topic. The caucuses are ripe for a good candidate (on both sides) to be nominated. I won’t keep my hopes up on it. Been let down before.

  • @balungaloaf:

    little do they talk about how terrible congress is.

    it hasnt done 1 dang thing in a year.  fantastic if thats what you want.

    funney thing is we have a ton of congress members running and doing well in the primaries (even some new members), and yet this isn’t an issue. i think it’s because the media dosn’t want it to be an issue, although we also have a few canidents not in congress that should be using this as a big deal issue.

  • 2007 AAR League

    correct, the media protects its own.  we all know what that means.

    and also correct, now is the time where we may just get the best candidates for the nation from both parties.  ie  obama and mccain.  whom mccain would slaughter.

    just today, obama said democrats deserve credit for the war going well.  the media wont call him on this….they’ll just stay mute and hope nobody noticed.

  • it’s just chance that Democrats won the bulk of congress at the same time a surge that Democrats fought against came into play and worked.

  • 2007 AAR League

    we’re both getting off topic arent we.

    but its an exciting primary race!

    i cant believe someone talked fred thompson into actually running.  i wish the media would give a lot of attention to younger republicans in office so we can have our up and coming rockstars also.  but alas only one side gets rockstar attention year round every year so they can create their candidates.

    everyone running on the republican side is an old foggey.  but they say true wisdom comes with age.  :wink:

  • Some rockstars are old foggies too!  :-D

  • @stuka:

    To me, it is of most importance that our nation at war should be what we should be voting about.

    I was trying my best not jump into this rather sensitive thread… but I have to say I absolutely agree.

    I think it’s really sad to see the (voting) pubic become complacant with this war just continuing apparently “off in the background”. The whole situation just lends itself to no one coming up with a plan or conditions for withdrawal, ever.

    And now just days ago McCain is quoted as saying we’ll be in Iraq “maybe 100 years”. Those words should be the death knoll for any perspective candidate. And yet amazingly… apparently they aren’t.

    Perhaps to many the '08 elections are nothing more than a glorified version of American Idol. They no longer even begin to realize what’s at stake: the uncertain future of a nation at war. ~ZP

  • @Zero:


    To me, it is of most importance that our nation at war should be what we should be voting about.

    I was trying my best not jump into this rather sensitive thread… but I have to say I absolutely agree.

    I think it’s really sad to see the (voting) pubic become complacant with this war just continuing apparently “off in the background”. The whole situation just lends itself to no one coming up with a plan or conditions for withdrawal, ever.

    And now just days ago McCain is quoted as saying we’ll be in Iraq “maybe 100 years”. Those words should be the death knoll for any perspective candidate. And yet amazingly… apparently they aren’t.

    Perhaps to many the '08 elections are nothing more than a glorified version of American Idol. They no longer even begin to realize what’s at stake: the uncertain future of a nation at war. ~ZP

    After Bush leaves the war will be ended by 2010. that is just the sad reality. hopefully we will be able to stablize it enough so iraq can prosper under freedom and be an american ally.  I thinlk the economy should be the most important issue right now. it just seems that all the democrats want to socialize us while the republicans want to form a state run by a few corporations and monopilies. thats why I just don’t like any of the canidates.

  • 2007 AAR League

    you’re both wrong.

    doesnt matter who ends up being elected.  even obama himself will renege on his promise to withdraw.  he or anybody else does not want to be responsible for the outright carnage that will ensue and the drastic rise in oil that will shatter the economy.  when people cant work, or fill up their tank or pay bills and the economy sucks b/c of that decision, everyone with a brain wont do it b/c its political suicide.  thats the reality.  democrats always SAY one thing, but do another.  anyone remember the dems first 100 days promises.  or there promises for the entire year, all BS.  its just the dupe trick over and over.

    obama, the leader of the primaries, if elected, will not bring all troops home by 2010, we have created lasting bases there and i shit you not, every president for the next 20 years will use them.  its all about iran people, thats why the troops wont leave, the damn isreali influenece wouldnt let us if we want too.  they’d be staring at the beast all alone.

    and for statements for being at war……well we are at war, a war declared on us some time ago by bad guys one president didnt do a damn thing about until our citizens one day had to chose to either burn to death or hold hands and jump together to their own deaths.  yeah that right, i went there.  we can say we arent at war if we dont have troops somewhere, but they will still be at war with us, and ever since we have been in their backyard, how many attacks have we had…  thats right this policy has a good track record.

    and back to the primaries…is the new hampshire vote today?

  • Moderator

    The only guy you can be sure will get you out of the war is Ron Paul. All others, like Bungaloaf said, are set on staying the course.

    No Bung, they are tomorrow… Start at Midnight…


  • Huckabee has an Achilles heel…

    He is just about out of cash.

    Once South Carolina rolls around, he is spent.  He will be 90% reliant on “free” media (from news coverage) to carry him through the drop-dead nomination date of 5 FEB.

    He DID get lucky with the accelerated primaries this year.  Had he had to do the more drawn out 2 months with “locking up” the nomination sometime in March, he would have never had the cash to make it.

    But, this is a SHORT season…  34 days from Iowa to Super Duper Tuesday (what is it, 30 primaries on 5 FEB?).

    Huckabee is starting to get some cash infusion from Fair Tax supporters (now that Tancredo is out of it, since Thompson retreated from his pre-candidacy support of it, and since Ron Paul is just not getting any traction).  He also has Fundamentalist cash pouring in…  He is the Evangelical/Fundamentalist candidate now… someone that does not have Guilianni’s moderate/liberal social values, and also is not a Mormon (sorry, but in places like SC… the next primary after NH… Mormon is only SLIGHTLY ahead of Islam in terms of how people feel about it… I think the Southern Baptist Convention still sends Missionaries to Utah :-P )

    Guiliani’s only chance is on Super Duper Tuesday… if he can last that long.  If he does not, then Romney is the only one that can break Huckabee’s thunder.

    Truth be told though…  Huckabee is a very weak candidate, and would be hard pressed to beat any of the 3 leading Democrats…

    Oh, and the first vote is in just under 3 hours…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, I’m rather miffed they moved Illinois’ primary date to Feb 5.  We are usually like the second to last state to have a primary, thus, no candidate even bothers to campaign here leaving us in relative peace and quite. :P

    Anyway, remember that the definition of a good politician is a politician that STAYS bought.  Can Obama stay bought?  Well, he can’t stay a congressman for even one term of office from start to end obviously.

  • NC has the same problem with Edwards.  He has among the worst attendance and voting records of any Senator in the modern era…


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