One of the MAJOR reasons I like tech open in games. Germany needs to have the options of Rockets or Long Range to keep the allies honest. They don’t NEED the tech, they NEED the option. If the allies get insane with transports, but not enough surface ships, it may be worth it for the Germans to lock in four rolls for LRA (I find 4 rolls is normally good enough. After all, that’s close to 67% odds of success. 5 Rolls if you are paranoid would give you 83% chance of success, allegedly.)
If you go heavy fighters with Germany, and get LRA, you can force the allies into buying more surface warships to defend their shucking transports. Just a few destroyer purchases by England/America can give Germany a reprieve and exceed the 20 IPC you spent on getting LRA. (Assuming you get lucky and get it.)
Same with Rockets. If you are having difficulties in Africa, it may well worth it for Germany to throw 20 IPC at Rockets. A gun from E. Europe at Russia, A gun from Germany to Caucasus and a Gun from S. Europe/W. Europe to England can help ease the work on a Germany no longer in Africa.
Same in reverse. Setting up rockets with America with AA guns in Africa/England can help tear down the Germans. Destroyer Bombard/Super Submarines can make KJF ever so much more simple (As can LRA.) Jet Power can stop an axis attack on Russia or an allied attack on the Baltic Fleet/Germany.
I really wish this community would get over it’s hysteria in regards to technologies. It’s not as ridiculous as it was in classic. There’s no winning or losing tech. It’s not perfectly balanced, since no tech is going to counter another tech, but each side has equal access to equal technology and can chose to research the technology that fits their strategy best.
I’m still calling on Switch to open Tech in the tournaments, and Darth to open them in the league. Not saying I’m going to use them every game, or any game, but they should be available.