Agreed, morn the lose of the victoms and not become filled with hate for the killer of the victoms. Although theres been alot talk about the victoms, the talk about Robert heavly over weighs it. Don’t do what he wanted you to do, which is talk nothing about him and how he killed everyone. In our Newspaper, there was 1 big artical about the victoms, there families, and how they put flowers on the mall steps, but there was 1 huge one about Roberts life, another one on the shooting itself, and another big one about the gun he used and how he got it from his step dad, covering a whole 3 pages! If he were to look down…or up rather :wink: :evil: , then he would be very satisfied at what the aftermath is, everyone morns the lose of the killings, everyone is paying atention to it, and everyone is talking mostly about him, so he realy did become famous I guess you could say.
Also, even if we didn’t talk about it or if no one cared if a bunch of people died, dosn’t mean that it would stop happening, when someone is depressed and filled with hate at the world, their not just going to want to kill themselves, their going to want to take someone out with them.