It is a really dark blue, almost black.
Missing Pieces Questions
I just moved and seemed to lost my Game Cards for AA Europe, does anyone know where I can get new cards? Printouts work just fine for me, thanks in advance.
Download AA battlemap, load AA Europe scenario and click view -> list units. Copy, paste and print
i’ll ask for him.
links would be nice, that was his first post and if that was me all you did was send me looking in the dark. heck if i needed them i wouldn’t know where to start with what you said. -
Abatttlemap is a computer app that is essentially a computer version of the board. You can play Europe, Revised, Pacific and some other games. It has a utility that “lists units.” Here is a place to start downloading abattlemap or other map utility programs
Actually I could probably post the list.
I can not link you to a scan of the setup cards.
If you go to the Avalon Hill website I believe there is a place to order replacement parts. :| Also if you try looking at the boards here and looking for threads on “missing pieces” or “replacement parts” you might find a link to the order form. There are sometimes threads about this at Avalon Hills boards. Questions about parts come up but I never save the link.
Here is the list of units from Abattlemap for Europe at the start up. You should be able to paste into a text program and print it up. Hope that helps. :-)
***** Country: 1 *****
*** Vyborg (Vyb)
1 Inf*** Karelien (Kar)
2 Inf*** Archangel (Arc)
3 Inf
1 Arm
1 IC
1 AA*** Siberia (Sib)
3 Inf
1 Art
1 Arm*** Leningrad (Len)
2 Inf
1 IC
1 AA*** Russia (Rus)
4 Inf
1 Art*** Moscow (Mos)
4 Inf
1 Arm
1 Ftr
1 Bmb
1 IC
1 AA*** Turkestan (Tur)
3 Inf
1 Arm*** Belorussia (Bel)
4 Inf
1 Art*** Stalingrad (Sta)
2 Inf
1 Art
1 IC
1 AA*** Ukraine (Ukr)
4 Inf
1 Art*** Caucasus (Cau)
3 Inf
1 Arm*** Iran (Ira)
1 Inf*** Bessarabia (Bes)
1 Inf
1 Arm*** East Poland (Epl)
4 Inf*** Baltic States (Bst)
3 Inf*** White Sea (WHI)
1 Sub
1 Trn***** Country: 2 *****
*** Norway (Nor)
4 Inf
1 Ftr*** Finland (Fin)
3 Inf*** Tunisia (Tun)
1 Art
1 Arm
1 Inf*** Morocco (Mor)
1 Inf*** France (Fra)
4 Inf
1 Art
2 Arm
1 Ftr*** Eastern France (EFr)
4 Inf*** Netherlands Belgium (Net)
3 Inf
2 Arm*** Northern Italy (NIt)
2 Inf
1 Art
2 Arm
1 AA
1 IC
1 Ftr*** Southern Italy (SIt)
2 Inf*** Germany (Ger)
4 Inf
2 Art
2 Arm
1 AA
1 IC
2 Ftr
1 Bmb*** Denmark (Den)
1 Inf*** Poland (Pol)
6 Inf
1 Art
2 Arm
1 Ftr*** Czechoslovakia (Cze)
1 Inf
1 Art*** Austria (Aus)
1 Inf
1 Art*** Yugoslavia (Yug)
2 Inf*** Hungary (Hun)
3 Inf
1 Art
1 Arm*** Greece (Gre)
2 Inf
1 Art*** Bulgaria (Bul)
2 Inf*** Rumania (Rum)
3 Inf
1 Arm*** Crete (Cre)
1 Inf*** Denmark Strait (DST)
1 Sub*** Barents Sea (BAR)
1 Sub*** Danish Sea (DAS)
1 Trn
2 Sub*** Halifax Sea (HAL)
1 Sub*** Mid-Atlantic (MAT)
1 Sub*** Azores Sea (AZO)
1 Sub*** Bay of Biscay (BIS)
2 Sub*** South Atlantic (SAT)
1 Sub*** Tyrrhenian Sea (TYR)
1 Trn
1 Des
1 BB***** Country: 3 *****
*** Canada (Can)
1 Arm
1 IC
1 AA*** United Kingdom (Gbr)
4 Inf
1 Art
1 Arm
1 IC
1 AA
2 Ftr
1 Bmb*** Iraq (Irq)
1 Inf*** Syria (Syr)
1 Inf*** Palestine (Pal)
1 Inf*** Egypt (Egy)
1 Inf
1 Art
1 Arm*** Malta (Mal)
1 Ftr*** Davis Strait (DAV)
1 Des
1 Trn*** English Channel (ECH)
1 Des*** North Sea (NOR)
1 BB
1 Des
1 Trn*** Celtic Sea (CEL)
1 Des
2 Trn*** Strait of Gibraltar (SOG)
1 Des*** Eastern Mediterranean (EMD)
1 Des
1 Trn***** Country: 4 *****
*** United States (Us)
2 Inf
1 AA
1 IC
1 Ftr
1 Bmb*** U.S. Eastern Coast (ECO)
1 Des
1 Trn -
Country 1 is Russia.
Country 2 is Germany.
Country 3 is UK.
Country 4 is US.:-)
I forgot all about this sticky thread in player help which applies to this question. :oops: