Anyone who watched both Battle of Britain and Dunkirk understands which of the two is a better war movie
10 Perfectly Timed Sports Pictures
Title says it all…check it out.
2 and #1 are great! other peoples pain, why is it sooo funny! humanity has its quircks. everyone laughs at the guy getting his balls smashed.
Yeah, I about died when I saw #2. That had me laughing for a while.
Nothing like someone getting nailed, but it’s even funnier when you catch them making a sissy face just before… LMAO
The jawbreaker one looked like it hurt. LOL
this guy is probably feeling like an ass for a while.
#5 is just creepy, #10 is the best, the dude got royaly screwed, if you notice, the chearleader is creaming in the background, that and #8. :lol: