• And the long awaited General cards:




    I can make more but basically each nation chooses one card per turn and you cant use the same card again until all the other cards of that nation have been cycled ( played) once.

    I could make one for China, but they suck

    france at least wont be in the game for more than 2 turns. The card they have is a joke anyway. Gamelin was a loser and Degualle was no better.

  • Tech dice
    Yeah should be fine now. Just needed UK restriction relaxed.

    Airborne Drop
    Ok. To make it subject to ID and dogfighting hits…
    The wording is simple. The transport plane attacks the territory and does so at transport plane combat values if its a bomber.
    On attack its 0 combat and 0 for dogfight. So you would retreat transport planes after one cycle. Realistic.

    And the airborne infantry is offloaded before combat.

    Siberian Army
    I think you showed me similar like before.
    My comment remains that “8 INF + 4 ARM + …” is just a bit too much.
    This is not a small bonus like other NAs.

    Wording is too long. Our other NAs are typically 4 sentences (2 for background + 2 for rule.)
    This one would need to be longer. But a bit too long as the moment.

    You also made this other Siberian rule.
    Soviet ‘Siberian’ Army
    All Soviet forces located in Buryatia S. S. R. are frozen in place until her 5th turn. All other forces can be moved as desired. The Soviet player also receives 12 IPC to be spent freely for additional units at this time.

    I guess you want the new rule to replace that?

    You’ve been playtesting? Oh. Post all the 1939 setups and artworks.

    Generals Cards
    Yeah China don’t need any.
    Chang held Shanghai for 3 months against Japan’s prediction of 3 days. But made him lose most of China’s real divisions before the war.

    By the way I hope thats just for preview. Cos its not print quality. Text was blurry.

    Air unit hits
    Besides ID, only air superiority (in land combat) gets selective rolls now.
    Wonder if we can get simplify that too.

    A. Would planes bomb tanks and artillery easily but have difficult killing infantry division?
    B. Would tanks and artillery be almost always the higher priority targets over infantry divisions?

    If yes, maybe air unit hits in land combat air superiority can be back to OOB unselective. Hits allocated on tanks, artillery and mech before infantry and airborne.

    Air only attack

    ==== I don’t understand this… we already have this and its called Counter Air mission. Thats the military term for air to air combat. WE don’t need any changes because what your talking about is already in the rules.

    No I am talking about air units attacking alone in normal combat.
    Why air units can’t attack alone?

    Air units can defend alone against land units (until forced to retreat or destroyed all attackers, which makes it one cycle only). I think attacking should be given the same too.

  • Tech dice
    Yeah should be fine now. Just needed UK restriction relaxed.

    ========== Restriction? what do you mean?

    Airborne Drop
    Ok. To make it subject to ID and dogfighting hits…
    The wording is simple. The transport plane attacks the territory and does so at transport plane combat values if its a bomber.
    On attack its 0 combat and 0 for dogfight. So you would retreat transport planes after one cycle. Realistic.

    And the airborne infantry is offloaded before combat.

    ====ok fine.

    Siberian Army
    I think you showed me similar like before.
    My comment remains that “8 INF + 4 ARM + …” is just a bit too much.
    This is not a small bonus like other NAs.

    Wording is too long. Our other NAs are typically 4 sentences (2 for background + 2 for rule.)
    This one would need to be longer. But a bit too long as the moment.

    You also made this other Siberian rule.
    Soviet ‘Siberian’ Army
    All Soviet forces located in Buryatia S. S. R. are frozen in place until her 5th turn. All other forces can be moved as desired. The Soviet player also receives 12 IPC to be spent freely for additional units at this time.
    I guess you want the new rule to replace that?

    ====== but isn’t that 12 IPC thing a NA? If NA’a are random and if Japan gets to attack Soviet Union, then the Soviets are bust.

    I just copied the entire rule as it basically appears in my rules for another game. The idea is just a framework for the optional rule in case the Soviets are too weak. Of course the numbers can be changed or we just adjust that 12 IPC to increase it depending on balance.


    You’ve been playtesting? Oh. Post all the 1939 setups and artworks.

    ==== huh? you have these. I posted them a long time ago.

    Generals Cards
    Yeah China don’t need any.
    Chang held Shanghai for 3 months against Japan’s prediction of 3 days. But made him lose most of China’s real divisions before the war.

    By the way I hope thats just for preview. Cos its not print quality. Text was blurry.

    ============ no its just a jpeg. The file is vector. Actually if you print it will look much better. try it.

    Air unit hits
    Besides ID, only air superiority (in land combat) gets selective rolls now.
    Wonder if we can get simplify that too.

    A. Would planes bomb tanks and artillery easily but have difficult killing infantry division?
    B. Would tanks and artillery be almost always the higher priority targets over infantry divisions?

    A: They always go after armor or any large moving target. Infantry are much harder
    B: Yes, so i guess air power will be very important in this game.

    If yes, maybe air unit hits in land combat air superiority can be back to OOB unselective. Hits allocated on tanks, artillery and mech before infantry and airborne.

    ++++ yes right. its too powerful. the defender must basically select a hard target, before soft target. make that the rule, or air power is too strong

    Air only attack
    ==== I don’t understand this… we already have this and its called Counter Air mission. Thats the military term for air to air combat. WE don’t need any changes because what your talking about is already in the rules.
    No I am talking about air units attacking alone in normal combat.
    Why air units can’t attack alone?

    Air units can defend alone against land units (until forced to retreat or destroyed all attackers, which makes it one cycle only). I think attacking should be given the same too.

    ===== air units need supporting ground based units to help out. When planes fly over they cause the defender to stay in place and wait until the planes are finished. Then they come out of their holes.  Planes of course do kill lots of exposed units but they work better with land units to cause disruption against the enemy and pin him down, while tanks and men take his positions and over run them. Air units attacking alone and w/o chance of being killed is way too strong. thats the 1/1 rule and its rationale.

  • Die Roll:  Siberian Reinforcements:

    1  6 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  5 x inf, 2 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  4 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    4  3 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf

    ok how bout this?

  • Tech Dice
    Restriction as in number of purchasable dice.
    UK gets 2 purchasable so its fair now.

    Siberian Army
    Oh yeah thats right. Its for 1939 rule not national advantage.
    But trim the paragraph anyway.

    6 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter = 49 IPC (w/ INF@2 IPC)
    Thats not a guard against Japanese agression. Thats enough to take China fom Japan’s hands all together. Its also Germany’s income for a whole turn. On the other hand 2 x INF is a joke.
    I am thinking max 35 IPC on top. Like  5 x inf, 3 x tank, 1 x fighter. At least 2 x inf, 2 x arty on the buttom.

    Lastly, the condition. Seems a bit funny at the moment. Why on Japan’s first attack on Russia the Siberian Army travels back to capital?


    ==== huh? you have these. I posted them a long time ago.

    I’ve only seen the setups via certain versions of the 1939 map.
    I still haven’t seen the artwork(s) with “1.3” written on it, besides the watermark on the rule file.

    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units
    Just dont’ know if its necessary to restrict it to 1-to-1. You must retreat when you have no land units left anyway.

    Using a 1-to-1 rule…
    Iif you have 1 land unit and 3 air units left, are we gonna force the other 2 air units to retreat?
    If you have 3 land units and 2 air unit left, are we not allowed to retreat more than 1 land units?

  • Siberian Army
    Oh yeah thats right. Its for 1939 rule not national advantage.
    But trim the paragraph anyway.

    6 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter = 49 IPC (w/ INF@2 IPC)
    Thats not a guard against Japanese aggression. Thats enough to take China fom Japan’s hands all together. Its also Germany’s income for a whole turn. On the other hand 2 x INF is a joke.
    I am thinking max 35 IPC on top. Like  5 x inf, 3 x tank, 1 x fighter. At least 2 x inf, 2 x arty on the bottom.

    Lastly, the condition. Seems a bit funny at the moment. Why on Japan’s first attack on Russia the Siberian Army travels back to capital?

    well its just allocated as the soviet player wishes. I will redo it.

    ==== huh? you have these. I posted them a long time ago.
    I’ve only seen the setups via certain versions of the 1939 map.
    I still haven’t seen the artwork(s) with “1.3” written on it, besides the watermark on the rule file.

    ====thats what i got 1939 set ups with 1.3 on them.

    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units
    Just dont’ know if its necessary to restrict it to 1-to-1. You must retreat when you have no land units left anyway.

    ====yes but in combat you may lose land units bringing it under the 1 to 1 threshold. thats why its needed so you don’t have 3 fighters and 2 infantry

    Using a 1-to-1 rule…
    If you have 1 land unit and 3 air units left, are we gonna force the other 2 air units to retreat?
    If you have 3 land units and 2 air unit left, are we not allowed to retreat more than 1 land units?

    1. yes
    2. yes is the short answer , except no more air units can roll then you have matching land units. They can be around for combat loses, but they don’t roll if they exceed land units.

  • Die Roll:  Siberian Reinforcements:

    1  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    4  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty

    ok how bout this?

    its activated and immediately placed following any Japanese invasion
    its activated on the second turn following a European Axis attack on the Soviet Union. Forces are placed in Moscow in that case.

  • Siberian Army
    Thats still 45 IPC. But if you think its realistic then thats fine.


    ====thats what i got 1939 set ups with 1.3 on them

    If you are talking about watermark, I faintly recall there was a version with a setup table.
    Can you post it again? (or tell me which link)

    If you are talking about the 1939 map that has setup icons. I can’t see any “1.3” there.

    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units
    Dogfighting wouldn’t be restricted, so it would be worded under “Air Superiority”.

    I feel air units are not completely useless on their own. Yes enemy can stay under camo or something and make it harder I guess.

    Air Superiority
    When only one side has air units at the beginning of combat cycle, air units fight with normal combat values when matched 1-to-1 with a friendly land unit. Excess air units fight with normal combat values decreased by 2. Hits are allocated on tank, artillery, or mechanized infantry before infantry or airborne infantry. Fighter increases tank’s attack by 1 on a 1-to-1 basis.

  • Siberian Army
    Thats still 45 IPC. But if you think its realistic then thats fine.

    Die Roll:  Siberian Reinforcements:

    1  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty, 1 x fighter
    4  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty

    ok how bout this?

    its activated and immediately placed following any Japanese invasion
    its activated on the second turn following a European Axis attack on the Soviet Union. Forces are placed in Moscow in that case.

    on average this is not 45 ipc considering Soviet infantry at 2 ipc anyway. Its an optional rule and would repair any foreseeable axis advantage. i made one last adjustment  so use this rather than the other one

    ====thats what i got 1939 set ups with 1.3 on them

    If you are talking about watermark, I faintly recall there was a version with a setup table.
    Can you post it again? (or tell me which link)

    England: http://www.mediafire.com/?69molfbbm49
    France: http://www.mediafire.com/?a2gn9zjnv9o
    Soviet Union: http://www.mediafire.com/?1cxln4wmww2
    USA: http://www.mediafire.com/?5zvmmb1mhkz
    China: http://www.mediafire.com/?811z2rmzsnj
    Germany: http://www.mediafire.com/?9mgmgqig2w1
    Italy: http://www.mediafire.com/?dyjwjstbgdz
    Japan: http://www.mediafire.com/?aztmnmdextv

    front cover page: http://www.mediafire.com/?fe0nxygwjmv

    Illustrator file for General cards: note you need to drag them from the symbol tray

    Map file (current)– i made some IPC changes. I will need to fix some of the totals with the set up sheets.
    let me know what you think of changes…


    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units
    Dogfighting wouldn’t be restricted, so it would be worded under “Air Superiority”.

    === no of course not thats separate. So you can bring in extra planes, except if they wont get to roll out for land combat even if they win air superiority as long as their numbers exceed the land units.

    Air Superiority
    When only one side has air units at the beginning of combat cycle, air units fight with normal combat values when matched 1-to-1 with a friendly land unit. Excess air units fight with normal combat values decreased by 2. Hits are allocated on tank, artillery, or mechanized infantry before infantry or airborne infantry. Fighter increases tank’s attack by 1 on a 1-to-1 basis.

    === two things. create a category of hard and soft targets rather than listing all the units individually explain somewhere that in terms of combat causalities wherever that rule applies that players are selecting hard targets ( armor, etc)  before soft ( infantry, airborne) or vice versa.

    secondly,  Air units fight aerial combat using defensive values. They do not use attack values. This must be clear in the rules.

    Remember the attack is only relative in terms of damage to land targets… the conduct of air attacks always utilizes the defense value for both attacker and defender.

  • Siberian Army

    second turn following a European Axis attack

    Precisely, if Germany attacks USSR on turn 3, which turn do you place it in Moscow?
    turn 4 or 5?


    Map file (current)– i made some IPC changes. I will need to fix some of the totals with the set up sheets.

    Yeah we’ll have to edit the setup anyway. Like the Tibet IC.
    So nothing holding up back. We can call it “4.0” now. :wink:


    Should we release map info with the map itself? (separate from rules file)
    In the appendix we’ll just have an intro paragraph for each map. (OOB, Italy, and 1939)

    We could then release the “4.0” rules file very soon.
    And release 1939 map later. (I mean we still have to consider the setups.)

    I will look at your latest 1939 map. No illustrator at this computer.

    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units

    create a category of hard and soft targets rather than listing all the units individually

    Yeah we could have a table. Do you really a table?

    Its mentioned here in “air superiority” but is also mentioned under “land combat hit allocation” where it really belongs.
    The hit allocation player aid has the info too. (see latest map files thread)

    explain somewhere that in terms of combat causalities wherever that rule applies that players are selecting hard targets ( armor, etc)  before soft ( infantry, airborne) or vice versa.

    To confirm you know what I meant…

    Air units’ hits are now unselective with victim player allocating the hits, hard targets before soft targets.

    secondly,  Air units fight aerial combat using defensive values. They do not use attack values. This must be clear in the rules.
    Remember the attack is only relative in terms of damage to land targets… the conduct of air attacks always utilizes the defense value for both attacker and defender.

    No you are confused.

    Aerial combat don’t use attack NOR defence value.
    It uses the “dogfight” values you made.

    Normal    Attack 3 Defence 4
    Dogfight    Attack 2 Defence 3

    Normal    Attack 4 Defence 1
    Dogfight    Attack 0 Defence 1

    Normal    Attack 3 Defence 2
    Dogfight    Attack 1 Defence 2

  • Siberian Army
    second turn following a European Axis attack
    Precisely, if Germany attacks USSR on turn 3, which turn do you place it in Moscow?
    turn 4 or 5?

    +++++ it is available at the start of the second Soviet turn following any German Italian invasion, or Immediately following any attacks by Japanese forces. So don’t list it as a specific turn, but the idea is the Soviet need to wait one turn

    Map file (current)– i made some IPC changes. I will need to fix some of the totals with the set up sheets.
    Yeah we’ll have to edit the setup anyway. Like the Tibet IC.
    So nothing holding up back. We can call it “4.0” now. wink

    ===== yes but just look at the changes (france is at 15 IPC they don’t get 17 or whatever it was.)


    Should we release map info with the map itself? (separate from rules file)
    In the appendix we’ll just have an intro paragraph for each map. (OOB, Italy, and 1939)

    ===== all the files together is one large folder of 1) maps 2) rules w/ set ups for 1942/1939, 3) all player aids

    We could then release the “4.0” rules file very soon.
    And release 1939 map later. (I mean we still have to consider the setups.)

    I will look at your latest 1939 map. No illustrator at this computer.

    === we need to update the LHTR to 2.0 rather than 1.3

    Air unit 1-to-1 to land units

    create a category of hard and soft targets rather than listing all the units individually
    Yeah we could have a table. Do you really a table?

    ==== no it does not need this.

    something like:

    Hard: Armor, Artillery, SS Panzers, Shock Armies, SPA, Mechanized Infantry

    Soft: Infantry, Airborne Infantry, etc

    explain somewhere that in terms of combat causalities wherever that rule applies that players are selecting hard targets ( armor, etc)  before soft ( infantry, airborne) or vice versa.
    To confirm you know what I meant…

    Air units’ hits are now unselective with victim player allocating the hits, hard targets before soft targets.

    1. Hits from Hard targets go against other Hard targets then soft
    2. Hits from Soft targets go against other soft targets then soft
    3. Air units hits are allocated against Hard targets then soft

    secondly,  Air units fight aerial combat using defensive values. They do not use attack values. This must be clear in the rules.
    Remember the attack is only relative in terms of damage to land targets… the conduct of air attacks always utilizes the defense value for both attacker and defender.
    No you are confused.

    Aerial combat don’t use attack NOR defence value.
    It uses the “dogfight” values you made.

    ==== i am sorry thats what i meant. they attack at dogfight values correct. no changes.

    Normal    Attack 3 Defence 4
    Dogfight    Attack 2 Defence 3

    Normal    Attack 4 Defence 1
    Dogfight    Attack 0 Defence 1

    Normal    Attack 3 Defence 2
    Dogfight    Attack 1 Defence 2

    all this is perfect.

    also as per your PM please provide link thats bad. Ill fix it.

  • Siberian army
    Ok now write the new wording for me to paste into the file.
    By the way, all your 1939 rules had no historic text.
    So this one doesn’t need any.


    Map file (current)– i made some IPC changes. I will need to fix some of the totals with the set up sheets.
    let me know what you think of changes…

    um…you posted the wrong map I think
    this one has the old Africa with all the small states

    and France is not the 15 IPC you said
    its added to 11 IPC, while the table says 17 IPC

    Do what I do: prefix filename with date
    I think you confused yourself with all these “copy copy copy” style filenames

    LHTR 2.0
    LHTR 2.0 seems to be just clarification as usual. (besides NA, which are replaced by AARHE ones)
    Have you taken a good look at LHTR 2.0 yet?
    Maybe we’ll ask Jen or whoever that has played a bit of LHTR 2.0.
    Anyway I write “LHTR 2.0” in page 1 now.

    Hard and soft targets
    Instead of listing it all along with all the optional units…I think simpler to just say infantry and airborne infantry are allocated last for tank and air hits.
    Like for aerial combat we don’t list out all the air units…just say transport planes are allocated last.

    1. Hits from Soft targets go against other soft targets then soft

    No. 1 and No. 3 is true. No. 2 is not true.
    Infantry hits are allocated as victim wishes. It doesn’t have to go against infantry first.

    also as per your PM please provide link thats bad. Ill fix it.

    I’ve edited my post in that thread.
    The two non-working links are missing “_”.
    Manually edit or just copy the new links in my edited post.

    http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071123 AARHE_standard_with_setup.png
    http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071126 AARHE_technology.png


  • Siberian army
    Ok now write the new wording for me to paste into the file.
    By the way, all your 1939 rules had no historic text.
    So this one doesn’t need any.

    ============== I just cut copied from the source. The historical notes are backround. They were not meant to be in the rules. All that historical explanation is ‘fluff’… just post the rules. the history was to give you some backround.


    Map file (current)– i made some IPC changes. I will need to fix some of the totals with the set up sheets.
    let me know what you think of changes…

    um…you posted the wrong map I think
    this one has the old Africa with all the small states

    and France is not the 15 IPC you said
    its added to 11 IPC, while the table says 17 IPC

    ===== ok ill fix it.

    Do what I do: prefix filename with date
    I think you confused yourself with all these “copy copy copy” style filenames

    LHTR 2.0
    LHTR 2.0 seems to be just clarification as usual. (besides NA, which are replaced by AARHE ones)
    Have you taken a good look at LHTR 2.0 yet?
    Maybe we’ll ask Jen or whoever that has played a bit of LHTR 2.0.
    Anyway I write “LHTR 2.0” in page 1 now.

    ===== yes just to clarify an interpretation of the rules that may not be covered by AARHE. We then have the most current reference in that case.

    Hard and soft targets
    Instead of listing it all along with all the optional units…I think simpler to just say infantry and airborne infantry are allocated last for tank and air hits.
    Like for aerial combat we don’t list out all the air units…just say transport planes are allocated last.

    =========== whatever system works… AS LONG as you don’t repeat every unit many times when describing hit allocations and use few words to describe the ‘idea’ .

    2) Hits from Soft targets go against other soft targets then soft
    No. 1 and No. 3 is true. No. 2 is not true.
    Infantry hits are allocated as victim wishes. It doesn’t have to go against infantry first.

    ==== yes thats true, but who is going to allocate a tank when they can allocate an infantry. I get what your saying though.

    also as per your PM please provide link thats bad. Ill fix it.
    I’ve edited my post in that thread.
    The two non-working links are missing “_”.
    Manually edit or just copy the new links in my edited post.

    http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071123 AARHE_standard_with_setup.png
    http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071126 AARHE_technology.png


    ====ok ill get it done.

  • http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071123_AARHE_standard_with_setup.png


    i FIXED THE OTHER LINK, but this still does not work.

  • Siberian army
    Just further details.
    When activated by Japanese attack, are the units are placed in the territory under attack?
    What do you want to call this rule? (You know how we already have “Soivet Siberian army”.)

    Ah yeah France is 15 IPC. I trust FIC is reasonable at 2 IPC.
    I see UK player has +4 IPC. Is this for balance?

    Sorry, fixed now.

  • Siberian army
    Just further details.
    When activated by Japanese attack, are the units are placed in the territory under attack?
    What do you want to call this rule? (You know how we already have “Soviet Siberian army”.)

    === Yes placed immediately as the Soviet player chooses in any Territory in the event of a Japanese attack.
    Call it “Stalins Far Eastern Reserves” or Stalins Siberian Reinforcements is what it was called.

    **  Siberian Army** balance sheet as of October 1941:

    Infantry ……  31 Divs. (540,000 men).

    Cavalry …  10 Divs. ( 75,000 men).

    Tanks …  10 Brigs. ( 1,600 tanks).

    Air Corps … 10 Divs. ( 1,677 planes).

    Army Troops and overhead … 25,000 men.

    Total Man Power… 682,000 men.


    this site has some interesting things.

    Ah yeah France is 15 IPC. I trust FIC is reasonable at 2 IPC.
    I see UK player has +4 IPC. Is this for balance?

    ==== yes exactly, they lose about this much by 1941 so its not a big deal

    Sorry, fixed now.


  • noted

  • ===== all the files together is one large folder of 1) maps 2) rules w/ set ups for 1942/1939, 3) all player aids

    Um…is that one large folder or three large folder?
    What do you think of separating map info from the rules file?

    Map info would then be released with the map.

    Stalin’s Siberian Reinforcements (optional)
    USSR receives Siberian reinforcement once a game triggered by one of two conditions. On the first time Japan attacks an original USSR territory, a roll is made and the units are placed immediately in Buryatia S.S.R., Soviet Far East, or Yakut S.S.R. The first time Germany or Italy attacks an original USSR territory, a roll is made and the units are placed in Moscow on the second USSR turn following the attack.
    1  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty, 1 x fighter
    4  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty

9 / 15

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