thats fine except when you say “when attacker has only air units” you do know that these are not allowed meaning air units cannot attack land units alone w/o matching 1 to 1 land units…
The reason why defender can retreat to a combat zone where attack only has air units is that because there won’t be territory control change. Hence no issues.
Now, regarding air-only attack I thought you agreed already just this same page.
Lets go again…
Air-only attack and air-only defence should be allowed as per OOB.
AARHE has the rule that you must retreat air units when the enemy has land units and you don’t.
Land units can’t kill air units but it won’t be too powerful. Because the air units only get to fire at the land units for one cycle.
Otherwise you have to create yet another air mission to model an air attack. This is one cycle only and I think its simply enough.
Why main round? they are preemptive attacks ( for the most part) and must be resolved before because loses done fire back. thats why its done before the main attacks.
1st cycle
Undetected submarines fire in opening-fire and selectively.
Detected submarines fire in main-round.
2nd+ cycle
All submarines detected, fire in main-round
If submarines still fire in opening-fire in 2nd cycle onwards then the destroyers are dead meat.
Its ok for realism, submarines are slow and are sent in advance if time allows. After the first shots it tries hard to catch up with the fleet.
====yes and thats where i got it. That guy is right. 12 ipc bombers (or anything less than 15 will
promote massive SBR raids) which is good.
SBR is no where as bad as OOB.
AARHE promote SBR.
*rewards sending multiple air units to combat
*lets you SBR all territories
==== well not really… they don’t perform ‘air evacuation’ and transport planes take over the first duty. So they just SBR, GI, and attack land units (surviving ID rolls and possible air combat)
Its not called ‘air evacuation’ but AARHE allows
attacker to retreat from amphibious assault via transports, converting to INF
defender to retreat via transport planes, converting to INF
Transport plane
Come to think of it. When we made setups for all the optional units, we left out Transport Plane.
I say add one next to each BMR.
Germany, UK, E.US, and Japan.
OK what value do you think they should be? 12 sounds right… but perhaps 13
With a better understanding of SBR (as above) you should find 14 IPC reasonable.
Sending single BMRs to SBR big territories with VC+IC…yes you can still gambling like OOB.
But sending multiple BMRs on SBR…is now a viable strategy.
==== its a typo… location on 1, hit on 1, damaged and does not perform mission on 2-3…thats what it should say
Ok ID search rolls are 1. Thats fine.
==== huh? whats this SBR is only one round… you mean ID rolls are automatic? no they must search first by getting a 1.
Yep no auto search. Thats fine.
every nation must get one free roll minimum. Use the free dice roll info. from our rules. The math is just a function of adjusting hit point…
Yeah at least one free die is more realistic.
I wonder about Italy though. Maybe they shouldn’t get a free die?
the second group is better…but please use our OOB numbers for calculations.
AARHE values. I am sure you didn’t mean “OOB” lol.
Nation Free Dice Purchasable
Germany 2 3
Italy 1 1
Japan 1 2
Soviet Union 1 1
United Kingdom 1 1
United States 2 4
the maths…for die hitting on 2
free die
Germany/US 2@2, 0.66 box/turn, 4.5 turns for minor tech
Others 1@2, 0.33 box/turn, 9 turns for minor tech
Now, I think the purchasable could be relaxed…
Nation Free Dice Purchasable
Germany 2 4
Italy 1 2
Japan 1 2
Soviet Union 1 2
United Kingdom 1 2
United States 2 4