@Faramir Even though I feel there should be some small units in Sub-saharan Africa and Madagascar, I guess I understand not including them to keep it similar to the original. I’ll have to try your rules out when I get the chance to see how it plays.
The best Axis and Allies game for WW1 is the one from IMP games and my revision of it with over 60 play tests. That game is my favorite by far. I have the rules, made cards,player aids,the whole works. I spent about 1K on 15 mm ww1 miniatures including little metal dreadnoughts and zeppelins. email me for info.
I designed one at one time. The hardest thing is you either need zones that are worthless in between areas that are worth something or you need to redo the combat system.
i was actually thinking about starting one yesterday. just looking at the dynamics such as what caused each country to leave or enter the war.
For yours, It has the ottoman and US as green, and the Italian and france troops, are they controled by britan?
Also, I think there should be some form of way of bombing someones IC, like bombers that only go 2-3 movements(technology development)
In WWI there were primitive bombers and blimps that bombed areas. Paris and even London were bombed intensly by german zeplins. Paris was bombarded by railguns that shot a 3 ton warhead so high it actualy hit the outer atmostshpere :-o
Do the Central powers, after taking down the SU, keep the teritorie, sence that was when the Russon Revolution happened?
The hardest thing is you either need zones that are worthless in between areas that are worth something or you need to redo the combat system.
I solved that problem by introducing co-existing rules, which allow for multiple turn battles over the same territory, but deny some income due to the fact that the territory is mostly destroyed by combat.
In WWI there were primitive bombers and blimps that bombed areas. Paris and even London were bombed intensly by german zeplins. Paris was bombarded by railguns that shot a 3 ton warhead so high it actualy hit the outer atmostshpere shocked
The Paris gun was only introduced in 1918, while many of the combatants had railway artillery
Do the Central powers, after taking down the SU, keep the teritorie, sence that was when the Russon Revolution happened?
The central should keep only what they hold until the treaty and allow for Imperial army defections. when the reds get enough conversions, they are forced to surrender. Allow the german player to accept this treaty or if not then that allows the triple entente to invade/attack russian territorys…
Russian Revolution:
Starting on the Russian players 9th turn they roll two D6 trying to avoid a 12+ result. For each territory under Axis control they use the modifier of the value of these territories to affect their roll. Example: if the German player occupies Poland, Belorussia, and Keiv on the Russians 9th turn that’s going to be a +5 modifier. The die is rolled at the start of each Russian turn and if the result ever becomes a 12+ the Russian player has gone into Bolshevik revolution.Effects: Each Russian unit can now defect as the moral of the Tsars regime is broken. All Russian units rolling a 6 in any combat situation automatically have defected and no longer take part in any combat. They remain in the territory and at the end of the turn they are now placed in any territory under Russian control that has a factory. Each subsequent turn this roll is reduced by one ( example to 5,4,3 etc.) when eventually most of her land forces ( 50%+1) are interned this way the new Soviet player will sue for peace terms under the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The Russian player’s fleet is completely scuttled, and all Soviet forces remain as they are. The Central Power player must accept this surrender or must then keep fighting until no further Russian units remain. If the central power player decides to ignore the armistice the new Soviet player may continue to build and perform all turn functions.
i was actually thinking about starting one yesterday. just looking at the dynamics such as what caused each country to leave or enter the war.
For yours, It has the ottoman and US as green, and the Italian and france troops, are they controled by britan?
Nevermind, I figured it out :-D (V1.0)
A few things, erie, portugal, and turkey,
So does erie have no IC then?
How does portugal work, do you just split it away from spain with a marker?
As for turkey, it plays with it being a whole teritorie, to me it should be split into 2 teritories, constantinoble/istanbul as the capital/ Western most teritorie. Also the IC be split, 3IC in the West, 2IC in the East -
Darn, I lost that map I made for a WW1 game. It was pretty good. I think it was on my old computer and got lost with a computer hard drive crash at the time. Oh well.
Traced it back to 2005. 3 years ago when I first started to make maps. I am pretty sure I have lost the map. I will have to do some digging around on my old computer this weekend. But here is what I had a long time ago in terms of rules:
http://boards.avalonhill.com/showthread.php?t=4026I doubt any of it is of use. But it may help.
I like the tchnologys! :-D