Frohe Weihnachten und gesegnete Feiertage!
Merry Christmas.
Thanks! I just hit triple digits!
I am so popular!
What I don’t like is that there is no candidate that i particularly like , primaries are soon and I can’t even start a thread to rant about it.
I think we should bring back PD but try to keep it on the Presidential Race rather than all of politics.
This way we can keep those damn canadians out of the conversations :wink:
I think we should bring back PD but try to keep it on the Presidential Race rather than all of politics.
This way we can keep those damn canadians out of the conversations :wink:
that reminds me and the fact the dollar is wrecked. its ruined. look at the euro and canada and the pound then look at us. Then tell me we are still the best. How do we manage to be number 1? and have a wrecked dollar, a wreck school syestem, a the inabilty to wage war, our obesity problem, and we have NO allies.
America is a bunch of stupid fat ignorant pigs. Everything is so f*cked up and yet were number 1? not for long is alll i have to tell you people. hope that not a shocker. The people who run our oligarchy are retards.
Rant done
I think we should bring back PD but try to keep it on the Presidential Race rather than all of politics.
This way we can keep those damn canadians out of the conversations :wink:that reminds me and the fact the dollar is wrecked. its ruined. look at the euro and canada and the pound then look at us. Then tell me we are still the best. How do we manage to be number 1? and have a wrecked dollar, a wreck school syestem, a the inabilty to wage war, our obesity problem, and we have NO allies.
America is a bunch of stupid fat ignorant pigs. Everything is so f*cked up and yet were number 1? not for long is alll i have to tell you people. hope that not a shocker. The people who run our oligarchy are retards.
Rant done
Hooooo-eeeeee! Bring it on!
I think you’re #1 in terms of nuclear weapons, money spent on military, and GDP, that’s still something. China, India and Europe are catching up tho…
And, you’re definitely #1 in terms of national debt!
My new rant…
People who give you Karma (especially smites), but don’t post the fact or why.
I have to agree with that one (see my own thread about “Why am I being smited?”). My smites are way up, for reasons that are not at all clear.
My new rant…
People who give you Karma (especially smites), but don’t post the fact or why.
I have to agree with that one (see my own thread about “Why am I being smited?”). My smites are way up, for reasons that are not at all clear.
Ditto. I used to have about 12 more good Karma than bad, but lately the bad has caught up and is staying even. And I have no idea who I’m pissing off or why. Actually the only people I’ve wondered about are people involved in that whole tournament game schlamozzle, since I did throw some strong opinions around there. Or people who just hate me cuz I’m so damn liberal, even though PD is now gone and I’m not posting on those topics. Other than that I think I generally get along with most people here, so I’m a little puzzled.
But don’t think I won’t take offline if my bad karma gets too high… :lol: :lol: :lol:
THAT threat should be worth Bad Karma right there… but this is GD, and so you are safe from Bad Karma ratings in this topic…
The other thing I find surprising is that I have so much karma, good and bad. People either love me or hate me, I guess…
I have more than twice as much as you! :mrgreen:
Actually the only people I’ve wondered about are people involved in that whole tournament game schlamozzle, since I did throw some strong opinions around there. Or people who just hate me cuz I’m so damn liberal, even though PD is now gone and I’m not posting on those topics. Other than that I think I generally get along with most people here, so I’m a little puzzled.
Just so you know, I’m not responsible for any of your smites, I still have yet to give anyone Karma, good or bad, and will continue to refrain from the Karma game until we can see who’s giving us Karma.
Dunno, I seem to have some secret admirers and a few people who hate me because I’m a conservationist. At least, that’s what I assume. Probably most Karma is drawing from the old PD forum.
Judging by the VERY large numbers (especially of negative) I think we have folks who click for the hell of it…
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
Judging by the VERY large numbers (especially of negative) I think we have folks who click for the hell of it…
yea, but you’re just jealous because I have more Good Karma then you and less Bad Karma. (Watches to see your GK spin like mad and my BK spin like mad now….)
Here’s a rant -
People whose signature line fills have of my screen, wearing out my scrolling finger just to read to the bottom of a thread… :wink:
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
Thanks, I notice now! I had just learned to block it out I guess…
I fixed that just for you. Not that you have noticed….ya know, that’s almost as bad as when my husband fails to notice I got a new haircut.
The babymomma would never notice when I shaved my face. Even when she saw me with facial hair before I went into the shower, and none when immediately when I came out. Always had to ask if I shaved.
Should be obvious.