Thanks for answering Worsham.
Maine? Interesting. Would have been Massachusetts then. They did go far away (almost Canada, like Marc suggested).
Emperor Mollari's Rant Line
Does something really tick you off? Want to blow off some steam? Post it here.
Here’s my Rant…
Anyone who has to commute more than a few miles or use our nation’s freeways can probably relate to this.
People who insist on constantly changing lanes to get that one car ahead advantage REALLY PISS ME OFF! They don’t arrive at their destination any faster, and it’s these jerks who are responisble for the majority of accidents that clog up the freeways. A pox on their house!
Drivers who don’t signal really piss me off …… theres so many of them
I can contribute to this. There’s a certain driver who I think would merit bringing back the death penalty.
Here’s the situation: the street is really backed up. You’re at an intersection controlled by a red light. The block ahead of the light is completely full - it’s a parking lot. However, the light is green. Now, the driver that really pisses me off drives into the intersection and has to stop right in the middle, because the street ahead is full, as I said. Now instead of waiting at their light, they are waiting in the middle of the intersection.
Then, 10 seconds later, the light changes, but this car is still in the middle. However, cars coming from the side now can’t move. They have a green light, but this idiot driver is parked in front of them. Meanwhile the side street also gets blocked up, because those cars now can’t move.
And then of course someone tacks themselves onto the end of THAT line, also blocking an intersection.
Yes, those people should just be flushed down the toilet. Because you really won’t get anywhere any faster - it will take a few light cycles to get through the next block anyway, so you end up getting through on the same light.
(People who insist on constantly changing lanes) don’t arrive at their destination any faster
Yes I do.
Er, they.
But I do use turn signals, and I don’t cut off accelerating cars.
Drunk Chicago Bears players who leave their totaled Lamborghini on the median after crashing it at 3:40 AM on one of the major expressways into the city causing traffic jams for the entire day as rubber neckers (drivers looking at it) look at a Lamborghini for the first time in their lives.
Yes, I dislike the way people drive, most of the time.
So I drive very defensively, or, as I like to say, old people fark. I travel in OPF units, not mph.
Actually, I drive the speed limit and rarely go much more than 5mph over, unless it’s the highway.
But if some jackass gets on my tail or something like that, I slow down just to piss them off.
I also dislike Emperor’s who havn’t played me in a very long time!
Silly Molari
I also dislike Emperor’s who havn’t played me in a very long time!
Silly Molari
That’s Mollari with 2 L’s, how 'bout a game of NA’s, i’m curious to try out the LHTR 2.0 rules.
I also dislike Emperor’s who havn’t played me in a very long time!
Silly Molari
That’s Mollari with 2 L’s, how 'bout a game of NA’s, i’m curious to try out the LHTR 2.0 rules.
Sure, we can do NAs.
Full Placement Bid,
Random 2 NAs per country, Axis picks 1 NA each and Allies pick 1 NA after bid?
Yes, I dislike the way people drive, most of the time.
So I drive very defensively, or, as I like to say, old people fark. I travel in OPF units, not mph.
Actually, I drive the speed limit and rarely go much more than 5mph over, unless it’s the highway.
But if some jackass gets on my tail or something like that, I slow down just to piss them off.
i live in ny so the speed “limit” is 20 above the official speed limit :mrgreen:
I also dislike Emperor’s who havn’t played me in a very long time!
Silly Molari
That’s Mollari with 2 L’s, how 'bout a game of NA’s, i’m curious to try out the LHTR 2.0 rules.
Sure, we can do NAs.
Full Placement Bid,
Random 2 NAs per country, Axis picks 1 NA each and Allies pick 1 NA after bid?
Sounds good to me, place the bid whenever you’re ready…my email is
You think I forgot your email address? hehe.
Bid’s in, new thread is open so you can just follow it from there. It’s in the Games in Progress forum.
i hate people who go completely off topic in a thread they created
i hate people who go completely off topic in a thread they created
I hate people who wont let people dictate where their thread goes or does not go. :P
i live in ny so the speed “limit” is 20 above the official speed limit :mrgreen:
In the city? I would have thought it would be 20 below with perpetual jams…
i live in ny so the speed “limit” is 20 above the official speed limit :mrgreen:
In the city? I would have thought it would be 20 below with perpetual jams…
nope on long island 8-)
I live in the woods, I go fast as fuck and nobody cares. :mrgreen: And If I do managed to get snagged, I know all the local cops.
Of course, MPs up here at base aren’t so understanding. :-P
nope on long island 8-)
Damn. Must be nice.
Of course, MPs up here at base aren’t so understanding. :-P
My cousin is a MP. He has some crazy stories about drunk spring breakers. :lol: :lol:
Well, I don’t pull crap like that cause I’m a high speed, but I know the Army guys are ALWAYS getting in deep shit like that.