Saddam is not worth attacking. There are far worse places to be afraid of. North Korea, some Canadians, China.
Yes, actually I do think Saddam is worth attacking. Granted, there may be worse situations out there. Saddam, however, is the easiest of these targets to begin with.
And there WILL be a very large number of casualties this time. We’re not going to see open tank clashes in the desert. Saddam has dug in outside and inside of Bagdad. Its going to be a war of Street fighting. Imagine the battle of Stalingrad. He’s going to use civilians as shields, and make a damn good show of doing it. And when the time is ripe, he’ll unleash those weapons. He’s gonna do every damn thing he can do to survive.
This is true.
However, if he provokes us, he has less time to prepare. Less ammunition to stockpile, less time to build trenches. Less time to train his troops in streetfighting. However, that time may never come, if we’re smart.
He won’t provoke us…that’s the worse thing he can do.
How about letting those weapons inspectors in, completely free to explore where they want. Saddam could embarress the US by not letting US inspectors in, but letting the UN ones in. Hell, he could not even consult the US in the deal, and gain national support in doing it.
Weapons inspectors can’t do SHIT against Iraq now. It’s too late. Saddam has completely mobilized his weapons platforms and weapons labs. I small container of chemical weapons can wipe out millions…good luck trying to find something like that in a country the size of Iraq.
71% of the British population is against their involvement in our attack of Iraq. Only 12% are for it, the rest undecided. There goes our biggest Ally.
Saudi Arabia will only let us use their Air Bases for enforcing the current No Fly Zones, and nothing else. Russia will lend us no help here, mainly their help would be in information gathering and diplomacy. No help is coming from Germany or France obviously. Kuwait won’t let us use their air bases, and only use their territory for defensive action. Turkey is gone until being admitted to the EU, they want their German and French support.
The only country with us today, all out like in 1991, is Bahrain. I don’t think we’re gonna get much done out of there.
Not that they’re much of a strategic advantage, but Israel has pledged it’s full support in a campaign against Iraq. Furthermore, this is the same situation that Bush Sr. faced during his Desert Storm campaign. When the time came, however, and he laid out the facts and started mobilizing troops, our usual allies stood behind us. I’m confident they’ll do so again.