I wonder how many people who were frothing at the mouth about how wrong the US was will now actually do something other than protest? Will they travel to Iraq and try their rhetoric out on the people who suffered under Saddam. Will they say that more inspections then leaving Saddam in power was the way to go?
I wonder how many people who are such keen of getting that war will take up the guns and volunteer. Will they go to the mothers of the soldiers killed by friendly fire? Will they go and explain why this smart bomb still kills civilians?
Will they visit Iraq and help the reconstruction? Will they admit that their worst fears didn’t occur and that the result is better than what would have occured had nothing been done?
Will the ones who burned the house down pay for the firefighters? Or will they expect payment for the lighters they needed to burn it down?
When the media is shown the WPD devices and the world knows who umongst the ANTI-DOANYTHING camp will say they were wrong?
When the media comes up with “there are no SCUDs, these former messages have been false”, when no WMDs are found… will anyone of the empty warheads say they were wrong and deliver themselves to an international court?
Help those who wish to see to see. For those who wish to remain blind let them stumble about as the fools that they are. I will listen to you when you speak, but when you shout and lie I close my mind to you.
Didn’t you say something like “not every evidence is correct” somewhere else? WTF is the one shouting? Who is the one lieing, the protestors or warmogers? And you expect me to keep my mind open while saying you won’t listen to anything i say.
CC: Naaah, i prefer to pull back to my non-native status.
When I say “I will listen when you speak, but when you shout and lie I close my mind to you” you get “Protestors are shouting lying people who do not deserve to be listened to”. I find this most interesting. Not sure how you got this, I guess you must just believe something and adust the facts to suit your belief.
Hey BB, do you remember how often you though i called you a USie? I did that once explicitly, but you kept on raving on it when i did it implicitly. And that’s what you doing here. You either address us implicitly, or you are talking to your bedpost. And as i think you are sane enough to know that wod will not listen nor react, i assume that you address us implicitly.
It’s odd that you twisted everything I said yet never answered nor addressed the point that I was trying to make. You never listened to what I was saying. I’m patient, I want to try to understand the otherside, do you? I say I don’t want to listen to protesters who lie, you hear I don’t want to listen to protesters because they all lie. It’s easy enough to misunderstand the otherside when not trying, you seem to be trying to misunderstand me to further your opinions….
That is the point in tranlsating: You dont answer or address…. you translate.
And you said something like you will not listen to those that shour and lie. You never mentioned the protestors in that sentence. How should we know you meant them? If we assumed that, and were wrong in that assumption you surely would have tried to blame us for that. Remember that kind of thing already happened. For the isunderstandings: Wasn’t it you as well who said “perception makes reality”? If you don’t want to be misunderstood, then make yourself more clear.
I dislike that you continually blame us for misunderstanding you either by interpreting too much or not enough into your words. If it was one of them continuusly, i could understand, but for me it seems both all teh time.
Logic is a great tool and exposes the superficial. Explain to me why not going to war is ‘more good’ then going to war.
‘Going to war’ always includes killings, suffer, pain. ‘Not going to war’ sometimes includes those. Unless you call killing, suffer and pain good, then i think the conclusion is evident.
A few regional conflicts would go nuclear, we’d let the French and Germans sort out the problems while N. America colonize mars…… Israel would nuke the arabs and since the US doesn’t pay off Israel anymore it wouldn’t be the fault of the US. India/Pakistan/China heck the entire area would have a few nuke exchanges then things would settle out. A much better world without a bully to enforce world order against UN wishes…
Wait, when will Canada have their first orbital rocket?
You have N.America in one line, then the US in all the next… do you wonder if someone takes you as USie then? You provoke that misunderstanding here.
For the rest… in your words:
prove it…
I really wonder what some protesters are thinking when they call Bush a murderer and yet don’t mention Saddam or worse, blame Saddam’s actions on others.
However when I see people yelling out that “bush is evil” I have the overwhelming urge to ask the person. “So you’re in support of rape gangs, political murders and savage repression of others”.
But you know the term “lesser of two evils”? That includes that there are two evils, and even if GWBs invasion is the lesser evil, it doesn’t make it “no evil”.
You say you hate people not thinking. I say i hate people seeing the world in black and white only. Wether we include each other in our “hates” is unspoken.
For the rest of the thread:
I was kind of nearly laughing when i first heard the gossip of the turks going into Iraq. They would have lead the arguments of GWB ad absurdum.
For the humanitarian aspec tof the invasion: i have read somewhere that the US troops don’t have enough food and water to feed the Iraqi people more than two days max…. and that they need the help of UN and Red Cross etc utterly. Some polemic: Freedom doesn’t feed mouths.