• I’ll keep the fight up for theism, CC. I’ve been reading these posts with grat interests and in some cases, great laughs. I think I have a few more curveballs to throw at our fellow atheists here.

  • unfortunately these forums are the closest things i have to recreational reading. I really need to hone up on my “harrison’s internal medicine” “Cecil’s essentials of medicine”, and a dozen other texts, as well as about 30-40 hours of anatomy before i do any more reading (besides, i think i’ve spewed much of the relevent current thinking on creationism in previous posts)

    Well Crypt, from one theist to another, why do you believe in a God(s)? I’m sure you’re a scientific man, and you wouldn’t accept something without reasonable cause or evidence. It’s just not that God doesn’t exist (ahhh… the classic Tooth Fairy Argument), but so far scientific evidence discussed at this forums points more to the fact he can’t exist. So why? What’s your reason? What secrets haven’t you revealed?

  • So… there is 3 options guys (i am only speaking to those interested, CC, TG, Falk, Emu…)…

    1; We stop talking about religion.
    2; We continue our countless and endless different discussion on religion.
    3; We try to make one LAST topic with a logical order; Argument/Counter-Argument. And we don’t speak religion in other topic.


  • I am fine with ether 1 or 3.

  • @TG:

    unfortunately these forums are the closest things i have to recreational reading. I really need to hone up on my “harrison’s internal medicine” “Cecil’s essentials of medicine”, and a dozen other texts, as well as about 30-40 hours of anatomy before i do any more reading (besides, i think i’ve spewed much of the relevent current thinking on creationism in previous posts)

    Well Crypt, from one theist to another, why do you believe in a God(s)? I’m sure you’re a scientific man, and you wouldn’t accept something without reasonable cause or evidence. It’s just not that God doesn’t exist (ahhh… the classic Tooth Fairy Argument), but so far scientific evidence discussed at this forums points more to the fact he can’t exist. So why? What’s your reason? What secrets haven’t you revealed?

    I am a scientific man (i believe, and apparently so does the University of Manitoba). So far no argument has been made her that points to the “fact that God can’t exist”. The very best that’s been done is some thought provoking suggestions as to why arguments for the existance of God may be flawed. As for my own reasons why i believe in a God, there are many. The most important is the feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. The “fact” that i have “heard” God/Jesus telling me that he cares about me. And at the oddest times. Less when i’m praying, and more when i’m just being “quiet”. I have been amazed at the work that the Holy Spirit has done in my life - stuff that i could never have done on my own, insights that are beyond my tiny mind.
    I believe the bible. I believe it’s history, and i believe the message it communicates. I believe in Jesus and i believe i’ve talked to him. The message he brought to earth is beautiful, as are the things he did during his life (including his death). As mentioned, i think one can’t take the whole of the bible literally as too much of it makes more sense metaphorically.
    Other people - i have heard the most amazing stories from the most credible people i know. The way God has worked in the lives of other people, both overtly and subtly has been amazing if you believe what these people tell you to be true.
    A terrible argument is the Descartes square - where you line up:“God exists” and “God doesn’t exist” on the x-axis and “i believe and die” and “i don’t believe and die” and list all of the consequences of these phenomenon (including during life and the afterlife).
    Finally i have read and studied quite a bit about other religions and parallel myths and there is a lot of cohesiveness (although much is written by others in other perspectives, etc.). I may be branded a heretic, but i believe it possible that a pantheon of “gods” exists. The bible talks about other “deities” in a sense, and given thier “activities” i think that some of these might be fodder for Greek, German, etc. “myths”.
    I could be wrong about all of this. Certainly much of it could be argued against, however these arguments rest on the phrase “is it not possible that . . . ?” which i consider to be a poor way to deal with life changing experiences. I could be crazy. That has not been ruled out. According to textbooks i am not crazy yet, nor do i have a clinically diagnosable personality disorder etc. At the same time, myself and many friends, acquaintances and family members might have an undiagnosible brain disease.

    I hope this somewhat answers your question. I could prolly discuss this for hours, including my “faith journey” over coffee, and i know i’m not doing any justice to the subject here (but i know God will forgive me :))
    I have a rational for all of this, but it’s hard to explain. I used to be continually questing for hard, logical knowledge, but i’ve come to know enough about myself and the world to know that this is a much of the time this is a stupid quest for useless knowledge given the many sides to the human psyche etc.

  • You are clearly not a man of science if you believe someone could demonstrate god doest not exist… Even if i could explain everything on this universe i would not be able to prove a god doest not exist; that is simply impossible. If you really want Atheist to prove the nonexistance of a mythology, why don’t you try proving me the tooth fairy does not exist, with facts.

    About you being Crazy you probably know i don’t think that. When all your friend, family and people around believe very have in something, it is hard to get against them, even more when the belief is as golden as christianism.


  • @Anonymous:

    You are clearly not a man of science if you believe someone could demonstrate god doest not exist… Even if i could explain everything on this universe i would not be able to prove a god doest not exist; that is simply impossible. If you really want Atheist to prove the nonexistance of a mythology, why don’t you try proving me the tooth fairy does not exist, with facts.

    my mommy told me that there is no tooth fairy and that she was just pretending to be the tooth fairy for some bizaare reason.

  • I have been amazed at the work that the Holy Spirit has done in my life - stuff that i could never have done on my own, insights that are beyond my tiny mind

    I wouldn’t believe that. When you lower yourself, I also lose face. :) Remember that.

    As for my own reasons why i believe in a God, there are many. The most important is the feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. The “fact” that i have “heard” God/Jesus telling me that he cares about me. And at the oddest times. Less when i’m praying, and more when i’m just being “quiet”. I have been amazed at the work that the Holy Spirit has done in my life - stuff that i could never have done on my own, insights that are beyond my tiny mind.

    Anything else aside personal experience. I haven’t had the plessure of God/Jesus actually “telling me” something - at least not in an actual “voice.” Of course I could just be crazy…

    I believe the bible. I believe it’s history, and i believe the message it communicates. I believe in Jesus and i believe i’ve talked to him. The message he brought to earth is beautiful, as are the things he did during his life (including his death). As mentioned, i think one can’t take the whole of the bible literally as too much of it makes more sense metaphorically.

    Well let me ask you this. How much do you believe in evolution (both micro and macro)? Do you believe in the Bibical “Flood?” Do you believe in Adam and Eve? Are are these just metaphorical stories?

    I used to be continually questing for hard, logical knowledge, but i’ve come to know enough about myself and the world to know that this is a much of the time this is a stupid quest for useless knowledge given the many sides to the human psyche etc.

    Stop that! Some of us are still on that quest! :)

    “Who would you feel if one day you woke up and turned on your computer, and it started talking to you? It started to perform tasks that you are thinking about, even before you tell it what to do. How would God have felt?”

  • “Of course I could just be crazy”

    Welcome to the club.

  • @Yanny:

    I’m getting fed up watching President W. Bush infringe upon my civil rights. He is acting like a Hypocrit, a Dictator, and is not abiding by our Country’s laws. If I could make the choice, I’d impeach him, but I can’t.

    President Bush somehow got it into his head that he needs to attack Iraq. At this point, if we do attack it looks like it will take place around Late October early November, election time. Any analyst will tell you attacking Iraq is a political issue, and is not important to our national security.

    Congress, except for a minority of Republican busch supporters, completely opposes attacking Iraq. Our Allies, even such names as Turkey and Britain, are against attacking Iraq. In fact, if we do attack Iraq we’re unlikely to have a decent bombing base.

    Ousting Saddam would destabilize the entire Mid East. The Countries of Iran and Israel would become the regional powers. Without Iraq’s military in the picture, there is no one to threaten Israel. Israel could attack Lebanon, Syria, and Jorden without any trouble. Iran would likely seize up a large portion of the former Iraq. This will set in place a powerful country, more ruthless than Iraq itself.

    In Iraq itself, its likely 3 groups, maybe even independant states, will arise. The Southern Islaamic Fundalmentalists are willing to rise up and attack Saddam, but doing so would require the US to arm these people. This will create another Taliban. In the North, the Kurds will likely become part of Turkey, no big deal there. As I have already mentioned, Iran is likely to seize a large portion of Middle Iraq, including important Oil wells.

    This is not 1991. Saddam has not made any aggressive action toward the United States. We do not have the Military Force, nor the Allies we did back then. Our Economy is much worse. Busch needs to forget about stupid Politics like this.

    Bush is dropping “the ball” like his father. You don’t give advanced warning of an attack.

    And Yanny, thanks to Israel, Saddam didn’t have a nuclear deturrent which could of made Saddam king of Arabia in 1991.

  • Nice to see you two back.

  • Welcome back

    A President cannot just go start a war without permission. Especially an unprovoked war.

    Saddam will not, as i have said many times, be stupid. He wants to stay alive. He will only use his weapons if he is forced to. This means on our troops, and on Israel. Let the bastard die, he has cancer. Go and help where it matters.

    If you want a country that is a direct threat to the US, attack North Korea. They actually have a way of delivering their weapons of mass destruction.

  • After i read what horntet said, good to see ya back by the way, I can help but wonder if you ever described how your civil rights were being violated Yanny.

  • Saddam will not, as i have said many times, be stupid. He wants to stay alive. He will only use his weapons if he is forced to. 

    For Saddam, I’m not too sure of hissanity. After all, this was the same person who invaded Kuwait and gased/starved his own people. As for the possibility of nuclear weapons, this seems only that Saddam won’t use NBC’s. Chances are, Saddam will instead use his weapons as leverage to carry out his own acts. And by then, it will be too late. Imagine if the Israel’s hadn’t taken out Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981. Would the Allies be so lucky in the Persian Gulf?

    A President cannot just go start a war without permission.

    That’s why the President will not invade Iraq without asking for permission from Congress and make his case to the Allied Powers.

  • So TG, are you saying you are for it or against it? Because when I read your posts I get mixed feelings.

  • That’s because the President hasn’t even made his case to Congress. Time will tell.

    Broke 2600 8)

  • So when he makes His case to congress, what do you want to happen? I think that the U.S needs to give a reason for an attack. If Bush came on the tv on Sept. 10th and said, “we are starting a war on terrorism!” everyone would wonder what the hell he was talking about. Most of the other countries have went against the idea of attacking Saddam. Plus, he is a main leader where he is. It would be like Iraq comming over here and overthrowing our President.

    Congrats TG :wink:

  • So when he makes His case to congress, what do you want to happen?

    Too early to tell. I would like our President to will give more peaceful alternatives. Saddam stepping down, enacting country reforms (both against terrorism and the government), humanitarian reforms, ect. - I don’t think we can much keep the Middle East it is. However, seeing as how Saddam has turned down offers to halt any invasion in exchange for the unrestrained movement of UN bomb inspectors in his country - the situation looks grim.

    I think that the U.S needs to give a reason for an attack.

    Of course the US needs to give a reason for an attack. Do you think
    we’ll just walk over there, hold Saddam at gunpoint, and give no particular reason for doing so?

    If Bush came on the tv on Sept. 10th and said, “we are starting a war on terrorism!”

    And if the war on Iraq coincided with the war on terrorism? Anyways, it’s a damn shame we had to have our buildings smashed before we did anything about it.

    Most of the other countries have went against the idea of attacking Saddam.

    Main reason is that much of this has been speculation, not even I know exactly what type of planned assualt this will be. However, I like to keep Saddam on his toes.

    It would be like Iraq comming over here and overthrowing our President.

    And yet we overthrew the Taliban?

    Congrats TG


  • My civil rights have been violated by the Patriot act.

    I no longer have the right to a trial by jury if President Bush doesn’t want me to. I get a military tribunal.

    A search warent is no longer required to inspect my house. Now Bush has 1 million people doing it for him.

    This president has violated the Seperation of Church and State more often than JFK cheated on his wife.

    Who says Iraq can’t have Nuclear Weapons? 20 years from now half the world will have or be building nuclear weapons. Iraq is not that irresponsible. Saddam is not crazy, and he is very smart.

    He invaded Kuwait, not betting that we would retailiate. We did, his military was destroyed, but he still stayed in power didn’t he? Same with gasing the Kurds. He’s still there, he played his cards right.

  • 20 years from now half the world will have or be building nuclear weapons.

    Whoa. Where are you getting these stats from? I’m not sure there wouldn’t be enriched Uranium (under the current embargo) or money to field a nuclear weapons program for this to happen.

    Iraq is not that irresponsible. Saddam is not crazy, and he is very smart.

    If I was smart enough to be Saddam, I would use those nuclear weapons as incredible leverage to get things my way. Suddenly the whole world would have to bow down to me and let me do as I please.

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