• On that side we have Jorden and Egypt. Afganistan is on our side because we put in place a puppet Government. Saudi Arabia knows their ruling family is screwed without us. Kuwait is a good business partner. Bahrain is very moderate and has a large aid package.

    You can say that easily, your a Minority. I’m a White Male, and I see these rights getting in my way all the time. I didn’t get into the High School I wanted because of Afirmative Action. Our classes in school are balanced by race. The problem comes when the law says YOU MUST <insert action=“” here=“”>with all minorities.</insert>

  • @Yanny:

    On that side we have Jorden and Egypt. Afganistan is on our side because we put in place a puppet Government. Saudi Arabia knows their ruling family is screwed without us. Kuwait is a good business partner. Bahrain is very moderate and has a large aid package.

    You can say that easily, your a Minority. I’m a White Male, and I see these rights getting in my way all the time. I didn’t get into the High School I wanted because of Afirmative Action. Our classes in school are balanced by race. The problem comes when the law says YOU MUST <insert action=“” here=“”>with all minorities.</insert>

    Don’t tell me, yo ucan’t wait until “the blood of the white man overtakes all the minorities i nthe world and eliminates them”.

  • I can’t wait till people stop listening to the Politicians and wake up. Some people are getting jobs they aren’t skilled enough to do because of the color of their skin. Schools too.

    I’ll shutup about Minorities the second Afirmative Action is shut down.

  • @Yanny:

    I can’t wait till people stop listening to the Politicians and wake up. Some people are getting jobs they aren’t skilled enough to do because of the color of their skin. Schools too.

    I’ll shutup about Minorities the second Afirmative Action is shut down.

    Stop listening to politicians? Then why the hell are you spweing out Palestinian propoganda?

  • @EmuGod:

    Your idea of not requiring more rights for minorities would be great in an ideal Utopia. Unfortunately, wihtout rights to protect them, the next Hitler would quickly start killing the Jews again.

    You are paranoid!
    and btw, which rights do the palestinians have in the occupied areas?

  • @EmuGod:

    Besides the Chinese land claim to Siberia and the Native Peoples’ claims of land in the Americas, I know of NO OTHER culture that has ties to a place.

    If you don’t know more, than take a history book and a newspaper:
    Aboriginies in Australia, exiled germans for Silesia (sp?), North Ireland and nearly everywhere where you have a civil war / conflict.

    It’s easy for you to say as an Anti-Semite. You’re telling the Jews to assimilate and to lose our culture, but we refuse to do so and that’s why you and the other anti-semites hate us. Becuase we won’t leave our traditions. No other nation has a historical place as part of its culture, those who did have given it up such as the Orthodox Church in Constantinople.

    You call every critic anti-semite, don’t you? Just like every criticism of the US would be treason for some USies here.
    Assimilation can be understood of adding your culture to the others. Are the jews in the US assimilated? Do they accept US (and therefore heretic) laws? Or do they accept the US and try to add their culture into the whole of it?

    There is nothing that can be done about the cycle. Israel has no choice but to retaliate because if she does not, the terrorists will grow more confident and conduct more attacks believing that they cannot and will not be stopped.

    We call this a “milk-maiden’s calculation”. With your thinking, the freedom of India from the UK must be a wonder. With your thinking, south africa would never had a black president. With your thinking, US soldiers were sent into their death in Vietnam.

    You cannot unilaterally withdraw from a place crawling with terrorists. Israel tried that when it pulled out of Lebanon and now the entire south of Lebanon is occupied by Hizballah. By unilaterally withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist groups will take over those areas.

    And why?
    Because you go in, destroy every infrastructure, and leave a heap of rubble with a power vacuum…. no wonder who is quickest to fill it, surely not the more bureucratic government that your pulveriyed in your attack.

  • @F_alk:


    Besides the Chinese land claim to Siberia and the Native Peoples’ claims of land in the Americas, I know of NO OTHER culture that has ties to a place.

    If you don’t know more, than take a history book and a newspaper:
    Aboriginies in Australia, exiled germans for Silesia (sp?), North Ireland and nearly everywhere where you have a civil war / conflict.

    It’s easy for you to say as an Anti-Semite. You’re telling the Jews to assimilate and to lose our culture, but we refuse to do so and that’s why you and the other anti-semites hate us. Becuase we won’t leave our traditions. No other nation has a historical place as part of its culture, those who did have given it up such as the Orthodox Church in Constantinople.

    You call every critic anti-semite, don’t you? Just like every criticism of the US would be treason for some USies here.
    Assimilation can be understood of adding your culture to the others. Are the jews in the US assimilated? Do they accept US (and therefore heretic) laws? Or do they accept the US and try to add their culture into the whole of it?

    There is nothing that can be done about the cycle. Israel has no choice but to retaliate because if she does not, the terrorists will grow more confident and conduct more attacks believing that they cannot and will not be stopped.

    We call this a “milk-maiden’s calculation”. With your thinking, the freedom of India from the UK must be a wonder. With your thinking, south africa would never had a black president. With your thinking, US soldiers were sent into their death in Vietnam.

    You cannot unilaterally withdraw from a place crawling with terrorists. Israel tried that when it pulled out of Lebanon and now the entire south of Lebanon is occupied by Hizballah. By unilaterally withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist groups will take over those areas.

    And why?
    Because you go in, destroy every infrastructure, and leave a heap of rubble with a power vacuum…. no wonder who is quickest to fill it, surely not the more bureucratic government that your pulveriyed in your attack.

    About your idea of criticizing everyone as an Anti-semite, I only criticize those with destructive criticism not ones with constructive criticism. When you start saying things like “Don’t do what you religion tells you to.” that’s pure anti-semitism. If the criticism is constructive, then it shows the person means well and means to show possible flaws. Constructive criticism builds things up and destructive (such as Yanny’s) tears them down.

    Assimilation is alright to a certain extent, but due to the pressure of people such as Yanny who don’t believe in the rights of minorities and pressure them into giving up their religions more, manyt assiimilate to the point that they lose their religion. This is especially true in the “melting pot” of the United States, but even happens in the “salad bowl” of Canada.

    Your idea of do not retaliate does not work. Countries run on pride and on their requirement to survive. When a country’s pride is damamged, it must do something about it. The United States had to fight Japan in World War 2, because it’s pride as a superpower was shattered due to the Pearl Harbor attack. According to your philosophy, America should have not declared war on Japan and let hte Japanese do whatever they wanted in the Pacific.

    I’m not saying to always retaliate. Negotiate if possible but in situations like in Israel, where negotiation is not possible, the only way to save the country is to retaliate.

    About Lebanon, Israel had actually eliminated most of the terrorists in Southern Lebanon. Do not forget the Syria controls the eastern part of Lebanon and that the Lebanese government is quite powerless, especially due to the fact that Syria is occupying Eastern Lebanon and that its government speaks for the Lebanese government. The Hizballah terrorists were from northern and eastern Lebanon, under Syrian control, and that’s from where they came to take over Southern Lebanon. The Lebanese government cannot stop this because the Syrian government supports Hizballah and funds them.

  • We did not go after the Japaneese because of Pride. Only an idiot would think so. Pride is a very bad thing, hundreds of millions of people have died for someone’s pride.

    Politicians do very little good. Read the book Executive Order by Tom Clancy.

  • Oh well if Tommy wrote about it, then it has to be the whole truth.

  • @Yanny:

    We did not go after the Japaneese because of Pride. Only an idiot would think so. Pride is a very bad thing, hundreds of millions of people have died for someone’s pride.

    Politicians do very little good. Read the book Executive Order by Tom Clancy.

    Then why did America go to war with Japan over Pearl Harbor? Tell me, Yanny.

  • I saw this on yahoo and since we were talking about Israel seemed something to share.


    Basicaly for those who havent read it, it talks about IDF troops backing out of Bethlahem as part of an Israeli-Palestinian security agreement.

    I hate to ask and hope to god, or whomever you may beleive in, that I am so very wrong but how long till the suicide bombings against Israeli civilians start again?

  • We all know it’s going to happen again.

    If the Palestinian Leadership would stop the bloodshed, and allow peace talks to rise above violence, then there is a possibility for reaching a mutual agreement. But not until that happens will Israel consider giving up anything.

  • @EmuGod:

    About your idea of criticizing everyone as an Anti-semite, I only criticize those with destructive criticism not ones with constructive criticism. When you start saying things like “Don’t do what you religion tells you to.” that’s pure anti-semitism. If the criticism is constructive, then it shows the person means well and means to show possible flaws. Constructive criticism builds things up and destructive (such as Yanny’s) tears them down.

    You are arrogant. If i hinder a muslim or hindu in his religion, then i am an antisemite?

    Your idea of do not retaliate does not work. Countries run on pride and on their requirement to survive. When a country’s pride is damamged, it must do something about it. The United States had to fight Japan in World War 2, because it’s pride as a superpower was shattered due to the Pearl Harbor attack. According to your philosophy, America should have not declared war on Japan and let hte Japanese do whatever they wanted in the Pacific.

    It worked fine quite a lot in the world, as i have given examples. Your example on the other hand is one superpower (US) provoking another (Japan) to attack, so that a war is “justified”.

    I’m not saying to always retaliate. Negotiate if possible but in situations like in Israel, where negotiation is not possible, the only way to save the country is to retaliate.

    Negotiation in Israel is not possible…… then would say: change the israeli government :)

    I misunderstood you on purpose here, but your claim (of negotiation are impossible) is first of all unproven, because neither side really tried! The hawks of both side rules, sabotaging any peace effort made.

    About Lebanon, Israel had actually eliminated most of the terrorists in Southern Lebanon. Do not forget the Syria controls the eastern part of Lebanon and that the Lebanese government is quite powerless,

    since when does Syria occupy eastern Lebanon, how weak was Lebanon before the early 80’s and Israels invasion?

  • No, anti-semitism is not used to Muslims even though they are also Semitic people. It applies only to Jews because it is a term that began in Europe, where almsot no Muslims lived. It was used specifically against Jews, kind of like the common insult “jap”.

    Negotiation was tried with Rabin, Peres and Barak but they all failed. Barak offered the Palestinians almost everything they wanted twice and they rejected it without a counter offer. What he suggested was also just a framework to work from but it was what would probably have been given up to them. Instead, they started another intifada.

  • There is 10x more hate toward Muslims in this country than toward Jews.

    We went to war after Pearl Harbor because Japan attacked us!. Its not a matter of pride, its a matter of defense. We went to war with Hitler because he declared war on us.

    The Palestinian leadership cannot stop the bloodshed for 2 reasons. First off, they don’t have any significant police or military force since the Israelis have blown it up. Second, its not like Hamas is their organization. In fact, in the small peace deal that was broke over the weekend, Hamas openly said they will make it hard for the Palestinians.

    Let me explain the deal (Arafat and Sharon both had no part in it). The Israelis pull out of Bethlahalem. The Palestinian forces move in, to fill the void. If it, and this is the key part here, gets quieter, not completely quiet like past deals , the Israelis will do the same for another city, until a full (hopefully) they withdraw from the entire West Bank.

  • @EmuGod:

    No, anti-semitism is not used to Muslims even though they are also Semitic people. It applies only to Jews because it is a term that began in Europe, where almsot no Muslims lived. It was used specifically against Jews, kind of like the common insult “jap”.

    to clarify my point:
    you said

    When you start saying things like “Don’t do what you religion tells you to.” that’s pure anti-semitism

    I know what antisemitism means, and how often it is used by jews as a (IMHO) unfair means in a discussion.
    Your claim that hinderingany religion is anti-semitic is arrogant!
    The jewish claim of making their people by faith seems quite arrogant to me. By definition there can never be a native-american jew, right? Black or east-asian jews … is that possible, or is the jewish faith racist?

  • No, the Jewish religion is not racist. There can be ASian Jews and American Jews. You simply chose not read the post carefully, once again. I simply said that people in society frown upon outsiders and do there best to try and help outsiders assimilate as much as possible into society and are even sometimes angered when people od a minority do not confro mto the majority. For example, I can only go to eat at certain restaurants that are allowed according to my religion. Sometimes, a non-Jewish friend ofm ine may want to go eat pork and would ask em to come along. When I tell him I can’t go because it’s against my religion, he is upset with me over it.

    Many people do not like people who are not like them because they are scared of wwhat they do not know. Jews have been the principle target for years, even when they fully assimilated into other country’s cultures such as in Nazi Germany. That is why it is so scary. People duting the Holocaust that had lost their Judaism were taken away to concentration camps because their parents or grandparents were Jewish. People did not know whny they were being taken away. Also, too much assimilation leads to inter-marriage which is horrible for people.

  • In general, I agree with E_G_,
    however, I think you are both a little to harsh in you judgements.

    My folkes were poor. I am not rich. I am a conservative who votes mostly Republican. I have watched the Dems give people welfare(of all kinds) for 30+ years(my notice of politics began in my teens). I’ve worked with families who were into their fourth generation of welfare(Met all 4 gens. -Greatgramma started on welfare as a 14 yr. old(mom) and every gen. daughter since had had a child by the age of 14-16[YES, 30 years to do it].

    Speaking of who’s on whose side -

    The US has one ally in the Middle East. Kuwait. They know the US is the only country willing to cover their ass.
    WE DID IT ALONE BEFORE(Persian Gulf War). Everybody else cheered, said ‘let’s go’, sent supplies, support staf and medics. This wouldn’t be happening again if candya**ed Euros didn’t say ‘stop, and let’s talk’.

    Saudi A is no ally. They fund Al Queda, Hezbollah, etc. Won’t let us use their airfields to go after SAD DAM!

    Afghanistan is using US to get back on its feet.But we didn’t help them after they BEAT USSR’s BUTT!

    Bahrain has said ‘no airfields here will be used against Baghdad.’ Some friend.

    Egypt is the second largest recipient of US $ aid(Israel is #1). Yet they allow anti-US radio broadcasts and homilies :P by the mullahs/imams in the mosques. Egypt has been saying 'no, no, don’t do that ’ when anti US things are written in the Egyptian newspapers. Oh, boy, are they tough!

    Yanny, I assume you know where Jordan is(NOT NEXT TO EGYPT).
    Jordan is not on our side. They’ve been doing business with Iraq under the table(as have all Iraq’s neighbors). The ‘blackmarket’ is very profitable there these days.

    Israel uses every country and counts none as an ally. Read ‘By Way of Deception’ written by an ex-Mossad agent/officer.

    And, YES! Syrian forces do hold part of south Lebanon.For their protection and to aid the terrorists. It’s easier to keep an eye on your friends and enemies when you occupy their territory.

    Lebanon is currently ruled by weak Christian forces. They have a hard time just keeping order in the capital, Beirut(which used to be the ‘Paris if the Middle East’).You REMEMBER Beirut , doncha[the KOBAR TOWERS barracks the terrorists destroyed with a truck bomb. YES, the mortar shells(and ROCKET ATTACKS) are still coming into northern Israel!

    Oh, return Northern Ireland to Ireland!
    JUst what the IRISH DON’T WANT. I’ve talked with a # of folks from all over Ireland and almost every one said to the letter ‘we don’t want those troublemakers!’ How 'bout that?

    Hey, guys!
    We need to respond firmly to the terrorist’s activities.
    Many of you may not remember the first WTC attack(1993).
    Remember the carbomb attacks on 2 US Embassies in Africa(1995)?
    How about the USS Cole?
    I think I missed a few but you get the idea.

    Oh, we can’t forget SOMALIA. We went in (Bush 41), pussyfooted around (Bush 41 and Clinton), and pulled out like a roadrunner(Clinton) when they killed a few good men.

    NO, PALESTINE WAS NOT A COUNTRY and is not occupied territory!
    Israel won the land in a war. The US, GB, and France said give it back.
    Israel did. Then they were attacked , again, won the war, and took the land (j’ever heera da SPOILS OF WAR?). The US, GB, and France said give it back. Israel did. Then they were attacked , again, won the war, and took the land . And it happened again!
    “The most important thing learned from the Persian Gulf War of 1991 is this: if you are ever to go to war against the United States of America, be sure to bring a nuclear weapon.” - Republic of India’s Military Chief of Staff

  • DAt wasme.
    I’m gonna complain fer all the good it’l do - Xi

  • Jordon is in fact a huge ally of ours. We give them a lot of aid, mostly in Water and Food.

    If Israel treats the Palestinian territories as spoils of war, they should give the Palestinian citizens full rights of an Israeli. Instead, they treat the Palestinians as imperialists treated the Africans. It was wrong 100 years ago and it is still wrong today.

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